LAUNCHPAD Music:Leeds Launchpad offers opportunities and support for emerging artists, musicians, producers, bands, composers, projects and businesses in Leeds and the West Yorkshire region. In 2019, we supported a total of 47 artists! Some of those artists have shared their experiences of being involved in Launchpad‌
"We were extremely lucky to receive live and recording opportunities through Launchpad in 2019, with the opportunity to play one of the biggest stages we've ever played at Millennium Square in the summer - which was great to be able to do on home ground. We received funds towards recording our next single which will be released in Spring 2020, it's been really motivating to have been selected and great to feel like Music:Leeds has faith in the music we're creating. These kinds of opportunities are invaluable to the growth of any artist or band, and I think the Launchpad platform works really well as it is not genre specific and is open to all levels / career stages. With it not being a one size fits all scheme, it means
there's a potential opportunity for anyone."
"Music: Leeds has helped me beyond words building my confidence and artist profile across various platforms. My involvement in the one to one sessions, has proved invaluable and provided me with crucial expertise I otherwise wouldn't have had. This included release planning and marketing techniques for the music industry from a digital and social media perspective to optimise the right time to promote and the length of time. I cannot thank Music:Leeds enough and look forward to continuing my music journey with them in support."
"Being on the Music:Leeds Launchpad programme with my band Freese Trio has been an amazing way to broaden our musical horizons both in terms of business (planning our releases, research, our next steps etc.) 12
and genre, as we have previously been on solely jazz-centred programmes. This programme has helped us plan the release of our music video 'Pleasure Island' and also to plan and partially fund the release of our next album. From this programme, I feel ready, more confident than I ever have done before and equipped with what I need for the next Freese Trio release. I also feel like the knowledge I have gained through this programme will help me with releases in my other projects and for future releases with Freese Trio. The Music:Leeds team have been extremely helpful, responsive, resourceful, knowledgeable and approachable with everything that I needed."
"Through Music: Leeds Launchpad, my band has had the opportunity to headline Belgrave Music Hall for the Yorkshire Music Forum Convention showcase, spend three days recording with Ken Scott (Bowie, The Beatles, Pink Floyd), and perform at Live at Leeds Festival 2020 alongside some of the artists that got us writing in the first place. It's not just the experiences themselves, but the people you get to meet and work with because of them, that prove how valuable they are. Personally, having mentoring