Side Hustle Perfect or Poison? By Martha Chapman
I T’S NO S EC RE T THAT TH OUSAN DS OF FI RE FI GH T E RS AROU N D TH E WORL D HAV E SI DE H USTL ES : PART T I ME JOBS TH E Y DO DU R I N G TH E I R T I M E OF F . While many side hustles entail working for someone else – bartending is one popular choice – the concept of a side hustle clearly brings out the entrepreneur in many firefighters. Some options are connected to firefighting (safety consultant or fire-proofing expert), but many are in a completely different world. You can find firefighters working in landscaping, car detailing, fitness training, dogwalking, or setting up bouncy castles for kids’ birthday parties. And like civilians who pivoted during the pandemic, many see a side hustle as a wonderful opportunity to pursue an interest or passion while reaping extra cash. For many, it makes perfect sense but for others, the answer to a fulfilled life is not a side hustle that can be seen as robbing them of their well-deserved time off. We’re looking at both sides of the coin to help you make up your mind: is a side hustle perfect or poison?