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Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

A message from the CEO

Quarterly Progress Reports are intended to let the reader know how we are progressing against the Annual Plan developed for and approved by Member Councils each year.

It has been a frenetic start to 2023 and a busy Quarter three – with much of the team’s time being consumed by the preparation and submission of grant applications, budget submission and the major NRM tender for the next five years. Each of these tasks demands different input and can be all consuming especially if your future depends on a successful outcome. The NRM tender process was a call for Regional Delivery Partners as Stage One of the allocation of funding and the outcome of this process should be known by the end of June. At that point the team will enter into a co-design phase for the regional projects with the relevant Federal Departments. It is also worth noting that the team is simultaneously working of concluding and reporting on existing projects. I would like to publicly acknowledge the contribution made by the entire team at CCA, NRM Committee and the Board of CCA to this process.

The tender for the Regional Residential Supply and Demand Study has been let, with the contract currently being finalised. This critical piece of work will ultimately inform the Cradle Coast Regional Land Use Strategy. In addition, the Regional Plan Group (RPG) is preparing a study of current planning processes along with a review of fees and charges across Member Councils. Much of what we hear about planning is anecdotal; this study should provide real data which in time can influence both policy and practice.

Requests for external stakeholder engagement, as well as formal and informal advocacy, for this region continues to increase aligned to the regional and State upturn in economic activity. It is critical that we provide a regional perspective as different initiatives impact of different communities and areas of the State in different ways. This difference was very evident in the data collected by the Regional Economic Development Coordinator while updating the Housing Report. Not only did it highlight Council by Council differences, but it also provided greater clarity as to the issues. This report is now available on the website and has been circulated more widely and gained considerable traction in the media and section of government and community.

It is our hope that we have finally provided all relevant information necessary to progress the Truckwash and Effluent Dump Project. The Department’s deadline is 28th April 2023. It is our understanding that we will soon be able to start construction subject to final sign off. CCA appreciates the support we recently received from the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of King Island in bringing together the stakeholder groups. Undoubtedly the next stage in the Project will present different challenges – work force, materials and competition but while it was never going to be an easy project, it is seen as highly valuable by so many in the community and is of great interest to other communities across the State.

CCA’s strength comes from its partnerships and capacity to provide a regional overview, and while it is inappropriate to list all of the current partnerships, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of Jim Cavaye, Pro- Vice Chancellor Cradle Coast Campus UTAS who has been an active member of the Regional Economic Development Committee, a partner in the development of a business innovation hub and entrepreneurial ecosystem, as well as an advocate for CCA. Jim has made a great contribution to our region.

This quarter has provided CCA Board and CEO with multiple opportunities to interact and provide insights about our region. Federally we have met with Minister McBain (Regional Development and Local Government), Senator Anne Urquhart, Senator Carol Brown, Minister Shorten (Government Services); and closer to home, we have met with Minister Jaensch, Barnett and Ellis. We welcome these opportunities and appreciate the insights we gain from these conversations. CCA has made a number of budget submissions that will help us to deliver further service to our Member Councils and Community.

The CCA Board is currently working on the development of our next Strategic Plan. As is obvious from this Quarterly Report we have completed or are about to complete a number of projects; and we are gearing up to commence work on the next round of projects.

My report is just a small snapshot of the work of CCA; I encourage the reader to visit the website (cradlecoast.com) or follow Choose Cradle Coast and Cradle Coast Authority on Facebook, and Instagram or sign up to receive our newsletter.

Best wishes,

Sheree Vertigan AM BA MEd Chief Executive Officer

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