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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q3 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Community support for Maugean Skate Recovery

Activity this quarter

• Highly successful Summer Discovery Ranger completed in partnershio with Tas PWS and summary report completed.

• Interpretative sign co-designed with IMAS researchers – copies provided to IMAS, NRE Tas with Strahan Primary School and Strahan Cruise boat operators also to receive copies in poster form.

• Selected works from SKATEx on display at IMAS for 3 months at Hobart waterfront and Taroona offices.

• Bronze sculptures of skates and interpretative signs completed awaiting final approvals for installation in Strahan.

• Attended Wynyard Show (March 18), EcoFest Ulverstone (1 April) with Skate Education banner and latex replica skates.

• Evidence collated for final project reporting.

NRM Aboriginal Traineeship Program

• CEM close to completion

• Ongoing participation in Fossil Bluff interpretation project reference group

• Assisted with Aboriginal Participation Plan review.


Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF)

• Delivered a RALF workshop session for landholders at Lorinna (12 January)

• Evening dung beetle identification and trapping workshop session for visiting RALF’s and farmers (14 February)

• Trapped and provided 5,000 Geotrupes spiniger dung beetles for Lorinna Graziers

• Trapped and provided 3,000 Geotrupes spiniger dung beetles for Red Cow Organics/Bruny Island Cheese Co.

On track

On track

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