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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q3 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Tasmanian Soil Extension Program

Activity this quarter Status

• Delivered a workshop and field day in Lorinna focusing on soil health monitoring in the field, interpreting soil tests and organic/biological soil amendments

• Delivered a field day at Sunnyside looking at rejuvenating and diversifying pastures and the benefits this can have on soil health and productivity.

• Completed nine one-on-one's with landholders going through soil test results and looking at soil in the paddock

• Discussions ongoing with the King Island Beef Group for a session in mid-late May

Production Systems Approach to Soil Ecological Restoration

• Multi-species pasture established at Westmore with ongoing monitoring occurring including soil moisture probe installation. Community extension event planned for 2 May at Westmore. Guest speakers to include Agronomists and the local farm manager.

• Cover crops have been sown on 5 potato producers farms across the NW Coast. Ongoing monitoring is occurring with soil moisture probe installation occurring when cover crops are sufficiently established. Community extension event will be held at a time and venue that fits in with the growers’ schedules.

State Government Programs:

Community NRM Engagement Program inc. Smallholder Program

• Updated our NRM community through regular direct emails, the Cradle Coast NRM Facebook page and distributed the March 2023 edition of the Cradle to Coastlines newsletter.

• Some Community Capacity Small Grants now completed and others on track.

• Sponsored and hosted stall at North-West Ecofest

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