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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q3 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region
Strategic Intention
Annual Plan Action
Activity this quarter Status
• Trapped and provided 5,000 Geotrupes spiniger dung beetles for farmer Matthew Robinson
• Delivered workshop session for TasTAFE apprentices
‘Identification & function of tunnelling dung beetles’
• Delivered workshop session for TasTAFE apprentices
‘Introduction to plant diseases’
• Delivered workshop session for TasTAFE apprentices ‘Plant diseases of a pasture-based system & case studies of disease management in the pyrethrum industry’
• Assisted with Soil Extension Officer workshop, field day, site visits and follow up soil test result discussions
• Assisted with Protecting our Productive Soils workshop, field day and procuring one agreement
• Assisted with soil health assessments and gathering baseline data at Drought & Innovation Hub project sites
• Coordinated NRM stall at Waratah/Wynyard agricultural society show
• Provided eight agribusiness contacts for PhD student Samuel Hong to interview
Protecting Our Productive Soils
• Workshop session delivered to TasTAFE apprentices
‘Understanding and managing soil erosion through the use of seasonal cover crops’
• Workshop session delivered to Greenham Tasmania farmers
‘Identification & function of tunnelling dung beetles and how they help mitigate soil acidity in an intensive grazing system’, 7,000 Geotrupes spiniger dung beetles released across three farms at Repda
• One agreement signed with Greenham Tasmania farmer to manage soil acidity