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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q3 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Defining and mapping habitat requirements to support the survival of King Island Scrubtit and King Island Brown Thornbill

Activity this quarter

• End of project presentation delivered to key departmental staff

• Project completed with final report and survey data submitted and approved by AG


Rice Grass Removal from the Rubicon-Port Sorell Estuary

• Successful Rice Grass treatment season with 590 hectares treated. Work completed by two contractors – Hedges Environmental Weeds Services and Coastal Landcare Services.

• Permit received by State Government, Biosecurity Tasmania, to aerially treat dense rice grass meadows in the upper estuary via a specialised drone.

• Authority for Works provided by Property Services to utilise aerial permit to treat meadows.

• Aerial spraying information booklet produced and provided to stakeholders for notice of plans to treat Rice Grass with drone

• Engaged contractor Taz Drone Soultions to carry out aerial spraying.

• Media releases – Tas Country article and ABC radio interview.

Creating a Hooded Plover Stronghold on Three Hummock Island

• Final two Felixers installed in the north of the island. All Felixers serviced and data collected.

• UTAS PhD student Alex Paton has uploaded the project photos into the Camelot database and will give CCA access to analyse photos.

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