1 minute read

Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

Strategy 1 – Regional Economic Development

1.1 Ensure the “Futures Plan approach” is the overarching economic development framework for the region.

Advocate to secure support and attract funding and investment for Projects of Regional Importance identified through the Regional Investment Framework.

• Shared Housing Report and budget submission with Minister for Regional Development at a private meeting.

• Continued work on the Housing Report for the West Coast Council.

• Provided input into the Tasmanian Population Strategy

• Continued refresh of the key documents that inform the Regional Futures Plan.

• Commenced a review of Project of regional Importance.

• Regional Futures Plan Evaluation entitled ‘Building the Plane in the Air” has been selected to be featured in an upcoming edition of the Journal of Rural Studies.

Ensure our economic development work is informed and improved by including NRM perspectives and vice versa.

• Two submissions have been completed that reflect CCA’s commitment to the fully integrated business model:

Tasmanian Climate Change Action Plan 2023-2025, Tasmanian Planning Policies Review

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