1 minute read


Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

Strategic Intention

1.2 Continue to deliver funded Regional Economic Development projects.

Annual Plan Action

Manage and deliver Regional Economic Development projects including:

Contructing the coastal pathways

Farm Vehicle Washdown and Effluent Dumping Facilities

Activity this quarter Status

• TasRail advise that the construction of the Culvert and upgrade to the crossing at Norfolk Crossing will be completed in the second Quarter of the year.

• Treloars Contracting have completed approximatly 70% of the West Ulverstone section.

• Harding’s Hot Mix have commenced work on the Don to Leith section.

• All documentation has been submitted to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, regional development and Communication

Cradle Coast Future Energy Hub

• Recent staff changes have impacted on this work however the Hub continues to host a number of meetings and CCA is an active stakeholder

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