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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q3 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region
Strategy 2 – Natural Resource Management
2.1 Implement the Regional NRM Strategy Develop a Regional NRM Business and Investment Plan
• Draft implementation plan used to help develop CCA’s bid for the Regional Delivery Partners tender.
2.2 Continue to deliver funded NRM projects Manage and deliver NRM projects including:
Australian Government Programs:
Coastal Saltmarsh Recovery in Robbins Passage and Surrounds
• Rice Grass spraying undertaken by Circular Head Landcare volunteers and contractors, covering 118km of coastline (hectares still to be mapped), contributing 522 volunteer hours, 210 contractor hours and applying 7443 litres of herbicide.
• Final fish monitoring surveys conducted by UTAS with unpublished results indicating that once Rice Grass is removed there is a significant increase in abundance of fish and an increase in fish diversity.