Across the Paddocks - Edition 10

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The Power of Waste Many Tasmanian businesses and industries could use organic waste to produce their own energy in the form of biogas. The technology is nothing new – rising electricity and gas prices have driven many regions such as Asia and Europe to produce biogas for gas, heat and power over the past several decades. Dr Jayant Keskar of CRC CARE Pty Ltd is coming to Tasmania this month to show examples of how biogas can be used on the single household scale right up to a neighbourhood or industry scale to provide heat and power. ‘It’s possible to get a business entirely off the grid by converting to biogas, provided sufficient organic waste with greater biomethane potential is available,’ said Jayant. ‘Effectively closing the loop by using waste organic matter to produce your own energy makes a business extremely competitive. It also buffers it from rising costs,’ ‘Many Tasmanian sectors produce enough waste products to effectively replace substantial amount of gas and power. The by-product, ‘digestate’ is also a benefit: nutrient-rich organic fertiliser,’ said Jayant. ‘Once people see what’s possible they realise how much value they’ve been overlooking by seeing waste as something to be disposed of.’ Anyone who produces organic waste in any quantity – dairy farmers, livestock producers, restaurants or councils collecting household organic waste – could process that waste in a clever biodigester to generate biogas and organic fertiliser. ‘Biogas production is a well-established technology widely used in Asia and Europe. There are more than13,000 operational biogas plants in Europe, with more than 7,500 plants in Germany alone, for example,’ said Jayant.

Biogas Basics Seminar Learn how biogas can benefit you and your industry Monday 20 October 2014 Cradle Coast Authority Offices, Burnie See the upcoming events section of this edition of Across the Paddocks for full details on the one-day seminar. Please register your interest with Tom O’Malley, CCNRM on 0408 055 272. ‘Australia is seeing the same increases in electricity and natural gas that have already driven many Asian countries to look for alternative energy sources. There, many households have their own biogas digesters in the backyard that use food waste, garden waste and animal waste to produce enough gas for their cooking needs.’ Large-scale biogas systems can generate electricity or the biogas can be purified and compressed to produce BIOCNG that can be sold in cylinders and used as vehicular fuel. Largescale plants in Sweden have allowed more than 100,000 petrol cars to be converted to run on biogas. They call this Bio-C Energy to distinguish it from the fossil-fuel gas, which is called natural gas. ‘We’d love to install a demonstration plant in Tasmania at any scale. A plant with 10-20 kgs of food waste could generate one cubic meter of biogas,’ said Jayant. ‘I see the benefits to biogas in terms of what I call the E3 approach.’ The E3 approach encompasses energy, economic and environmental factors: Energy: biogas is generated on-site and directly utilised as such or for electricity generation Economic: increased revenue, production of

This publication is supported by Cradle Coast NRM, through funding from the Australian Government

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