Across the Paddocks - Edition 11

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February 2015 - Edition # 11

Keen eyes and keen interest save Central North Burrowing crayfish Angus and Ariadna Mackenzie live on 35 acres in the Railton district, having relocated from Queensland last spring. With water being Australian agriculture’s most limiting resource, relocation to Tasmania for water security is a common theme amongst small landholders of the region. Having a number of natural springs or “soaks” on their property, the Mackenzie’s investigated enlarging an existing dam to increase its capacity. Upon closer inspection of the area, Angus noticed some unusual mud chimney-like structures in the springsoaked ground.

“To see one brochure play a small part in saving a community of endangered arthropods is really great,” added Tom. Commercial farmers, small landholders and others from the Railton district with an interest in forming a Landcare group can contact Tom O’Malley, Regional Landcare Facilitator, for further information at

While attending the Rural Living Round-up on November 9th, Angus picked up a “Tasmania’s freshwater burrowing crayfish” brochure from Cradle Coast NRM’s stall, soon realising his property was likely home to these remarkable endangered freshwater invertebrates. Will Hogg and Tom O’Malley of Cradle Coast NRM paid a visit to Angus and Ariadna’s property soon after, confirming the presence of many endangered Central North Burrowing crayfish (Engaeus granulatus) in the water-soaked areas of the property. “Once we realised there were burrowing crayfish here, digging up their habitat to enlarge the dam was off the table completely,” said Angus.

Angus (L) and Will (R) inspect one of the Burrowing crayfish chimneys (photo courtesy The Advocate) This publication is supported by Cradle Coast NRM, with funding from the Australian Government

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