Biological Farming

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September 2013

Reducing artificial input use and costs by applying soil foodweb methodology to cropping in North West Tasmania October 2011 – June 2013 Trial Location: Vegetable farmer, Ian Smith’s property, Mooreville, NW Tasmania


Trial site plots

Habitual use of artificial fertilisers, herbicides and fungicides to maintain productivity is becoming unsustainable in terms of costs, be it financially to the farmer or ecologically to the natural environment.

THE AIM Conventional methods of fertilisation and pest/ weed-control were compared with the application of composts applied as aerated compost teas in an attempt to maintain and improve soil condition to the benefit of both productivity and the bottom line. Testing this in a commercial farm setting will enable practical issues to be addressed and hopefully ease the transition to the adoption of biological farming practices on a commercial scale.

THE PROJECT Ian Smith became interested in biological farming 12 years ago to improve his understanding of balancing nutrients in the soil. He soon realised that supporting healthy soil ecosystem function enabled preventative rather than reactive soil management. These Soil Foodweb trials measured the effects of each regime on soil structure and biology, and on the resulting crop health and yield.

“..supporting healthy soil ecosystem function enables preventative rather than reactive soil management..”

THE METHOD The trial began in October 2011, on 3Ha plot in potatoes and poppies, both including a 1Ha control area (conventional) After soil chemical and biological testing, aerated compost tea and kelp was applied twice in each growing season whilst regular management regimes for applications of fertilisers, herbicides and fungicides continued in the conventional area. Herbicide was applied as required by commercial contractual agreements on the biological site and as such its use was consistent across both trial sites. A green manure or cover crop (vetch) was planted and incorporated between cash crops on both biological and conventional plots. Chemical and biological soil tests were also conducted after harvest.


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