REPORT 2024/2025 - Q1
REPORT 2024/2025 - Q1
Position CCA as a regional partner – facilitating, collaborating, enabling and acting on behalf of Councils.
Set regional priorities annually with Member Councils, through a priority setting process, with a focus on building a stronger region
Monitor, evaluate and review CCA’s Advocacy, Communication and Engagement Strategy
Identify and secure financial and policy support for regional priorities i e , NRM projects, regionally important projects, shared services and other initiatives undertaken by CCA on behalf of Councils.
Foster strong partnerships with all stakeholders and use CCA's communications platforms to promote an integrated approach to Regional Development, NRM and Local Government
Cross reference and align all CCA plans within a single business or organisational framework.
Develop a masterplan, an organisational framework, incorporating the key functions of CCA as described in the Letter of Expectation (LoE), NRM Strategic Plan and Regional Futures Plan
Deliver government-funded projects
Work with Member Councils to develop opportunities that will increase the shared services capabilities.
Developing Federal election priorities
The 2024/25 State Budget secured additional funding for NRM State support.
Continued development of the Regional Masterplan, incorporating feedback from REDC, CCA Board, General Managers and Council workshops
Refer to project list
CCA continues to work with some Councils providing short term and long term support. This will be impacted upon by the outcomes of the external review
Work with all stakeholders to ensure that CCA's governance and management structures are fit for purpose. Status Comment
Undertake a review of existing governance structure and connected policies and processes
In response to the review, modify or change existing governance structure to ensure it is fit for purpose and drives high levels of engagement with Councils
Build a review cycle into CCA governance, including board and director evaluation
Implement a review cycle for all CCA team members to evaluate effectiveness within a culture of growth and development
Develop a financial roadmap for the future of CCA.
Explore different funding methodologies, including the establishment of feefor-service business unit
Define and deliver services to Councils and where appropriate to community - NRM, Regional Development etc
Prioritise resources to enable a future focused sustainable organisation
Seek funds through partnerships and budget and grant submissions
Monitor performance against Financial Management Plan.
Review by external facilitator completed
CCA Board has commenced work in response to the review
Subject to the outcomes of the external review
Management has been discussing how to improve this process and the supporting templates
Status Comment
Exploring partnerships and service provision with regional organisations/businesses i e , provision of governance support
Tendered and awarded project delivery for Waratah Wynyard Council
Program / Project
Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF)
Our Natural Advantage - building the benefits of natural capital on farms
Healthy Harbour Project - Maugean Skate Recovery – Phase 1
Healthy Harbour Project - Maugean Skate Recovery – Phase 2
Community action for King Island Threatened Bird Recovery – KI Scrubtit and KI Brown Thornbill
Giant Freshwater Crayfish Recovery – part 2
Emergency Preparedness and Response Project
Three Hummock Island - Feral Cats Project
On track but with minor delay project initiation, delaying carbon market training delivery for SAF
Project is yet to start with final negotiations with Commonwealth department in process
Skate insurance population established and currently funded until Dec 2025, with phase 2 to provide forward support Healthy Harbour community engagement program on track
Commonwealth department to determine approach for project continuation, requiring redesign
Project initiated in July Staff and project partners established, with landholder engagement commenced
Minor delays in project initiation in 2023/24, with some project services deferred to the current financial year Priority areas established and first of the landholders to undertake onground works in these areas engaged
Project complete, with final plan to be made available online for public use
Commonwealth funded project complete and CCA continuing operations with current Felixer grooming trap lease still active to hopefully achieve cat eradication
Program / Project
Saving Native Species - Swift Parrots
Saving Native Species - Felixers
Implementing the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan (TCMP)
Tas Farm Innovation Hub - Soil Extension Project
Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund
Community NRM Engagement Program
Regional Development
Shared Coastal Pathways
Farm Vehicle Washdown and Effluent Dumping Facilities
Cradle Coast Future Energy Hub
Steps towards Sustainability
Project initiated in September and volunteer engagement being established to conduct monitoring activities at Kelcey Tier
Project initiated in September and Felixer grooming traps being prepared for deployment in far NW and Maria Island
Work plan established for final year of the program
Engagement activities delivered
Extension to funding to provide minor project support in 2024-25
Small grants program for community groups delivered
Undertaking work with Dept State Growth and Zwart Consulting on a ‘wayfinding’ project
Construction on the King Island and Stanley sites has been completed The official openings are scheduled to take place in the next quarter.
Hosted the first round table event for Renewable Energy Proponents The response was positive with nine proponents represented
All five initial Pause Places sites have been completed, and web development is underway Two additional sites have been added to be completed in the next quarter.
Program / Project Status Comment
Regional Development
Regional Planning Framework
Supporting Cradle Coast Enterprize
Workplans are being developed for RLUS Awaiting MOU from Government and SPO
Undertaking work with the Office of Coordinator General to adjust Enterprize model for CCA