FACT SHEET The Tasmanian Giant Lobster (Astacopsis gouldi) The Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Lobster (GFL) is the largest freshwater invertebrate (animal without a backbone) in the world. It only lives in Northern Tasmania. The indigenous name of the GFL is “Tayatea”.
Giant freshwater lobsters live in streams, rivers and reservoirs that flow into Bass Strait, across the North and North-West of Tasmania, including the Arthur River. This lobster found by a researcher is about 35 years old and is about 90cm long. Photo source: Cradle Coast NRM
Habitat Young lobsters live in smaller rivers and riffle zones of large rivers. Adult lobsters live in flowing and still water. They hide in deep pools under logs and overhanging banks. Giant Freshwater Lobster Photo source: Todd Walsh
Status It is listed as “vulnerable” under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995, and the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; and a protected fish under the Inland Fisheries Act 1995.
Lobsters prefer to eat decaying wood, including from large logs left in rivers. They also eat leaves, small fish and rotting flesh. GFLs do not like warm water or rivers that become covered in silt.
Due to species decline and its restricted habitat, there has been a total fishing ban on the GFL since 1998.
Ideal Giant Freshwater Lobster habitat Photo source: Cradle Coast NRM
Reproduction Female lobsters only mature when they are 14 years old, while male lobsters mature around 7 years. Females breed every two years and may carry their eggs and young under their tail for up to six months.
Giant Freshwater Lobster habitat area
Facts about giant freshwater lobsters • They can grow over 80cm in length • They live up to 30- 60 years • Their average weight is 500g, but can be 3kgs or more