Natural Resource Management - Get Involved

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FACT SHEET Natural Resource Management - Get involved! What is natural resource management? Natural resource management is about using our natural resources - like our soils, rivers, plants and animals - wisely, so that they stay healthy and we can keep using them in the future.

Bird monitoring is a great way of understanding the local environment better. Photo source: Dionna Newton

Get involved in Landcare activities Photo source: Anna Wind

What can you do at home? • Put native plants in your garden • Have quick showers • Recycle and reuse waste • Walk or ride to school • Walk your dog on a lead • Keep your cat indoors at night

Why get involved? In North West Tasmania there are plants and animals that are struggling to survive. They need our help to look after their homes and habitat (areas where they live).

Native animals like bandicoots require protection Photo source: Dave Watts

There are great activities invovled in Coastcare to help protect animal species including penguins. Photo source: Anna Wind

What can I do? There are lots of actions kids can do to help with natural resource management. For instance you can: • Join an NRM group • Monitor plants or animals • Plant trees or other habitat • Protect areas • Create new homes for animals • Join in clean up activites • Write to local newspapers

Get involved and help protect native flora reserves. Photo source: Christine Moore

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