Controlling Weeds of National Significance

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CONTROLLING WEEDS OF NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE A key focus of controlling weeds of regional and national significance is the coordination of regional weed works – at the education and awareness level, in the implementation of on-ground works and by sharing outcomes among stakeholders.

INTRODUCTION Cradle Coast NRM has had another busy 2011-2013 period in its efforts to control weeds to protect the natural and productive landscapes of North West Tasmania. This fight has not been undertaken alone, and the collaborative approach with the aid of private and public land managers contributed to effective best practice weed management strategies applied. Mining also contributed to lessen the threat.

This collaborative approach continues to be supported through weed mapping undertaken using the Field Data Capture System (FDCS) which aligns with ‗For Surveying and Mapping Nationally Significance Weeds‖ field manual. The Regional Weeds Advisory Group, the 9 councils in the Cradle Coast region, the King Island NRM Group and the West Coast Weed and Fire Management Group have all adopted this mapping standard for the region.


Facilitator, Mark Wisniewski in the field discussing control works with Weed Advisory group members

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The Management of Weeds of National Significance Project for Cradle Coast region contributed to 382ha of initial control and following up of Blackberry, Boneseed, Bridal Creeper, Gorse, Seeding Willow and Serrated Tussock to protect high conservation areas. Google mapping has been identified as an important desktop tool used to search for Seeding Willow in the region. This has contributed to the identification of new sites and proved very efficient and effective in the search. Cradle Coast NRM continues to participant in the Regional Weed Advisory Group and implement the Regional Weed Management Strategy 2010—2015. A copy of this Strategy is available from One of the highlights involved mapping Sea Spurge from a helicopter on a remote coastline on the West Coast using GPS technology. The first location started from Sandy Cape to Trial harbour in 2012. The second location started from Trial Harbour to the entrance of Macquarie Harbour in 2013 and mobile phone technology using GPS tagging was utilised for photo point monitoring in GIS software.

Sea Spurge Arial Mapping West Coast

Facilitator, Mark Wisniewski demonstrates Field Data Capture System GPS Mapping to King Island NRM Group member Eve Woolmore

The Regional Pampas Control program continues as part of the Cradle Coast Regional Pampas Grass Eradication Strategy, that commenced in 2007 with the focus of reducing the spread through mapping and control works with the aim of eradication through continued follow up and education and awareness raising initiatives. A weed management support tool for Municipality staff had been developed in an informative postcard ―Wish you weren't here!‖ in an effort to share valuable information to assist with the regional weed program.

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Biodiversity Coordinator Alison Dugand mapping Seeding Willows—Arthur River

A C K N O WL E D G E M E N T Grange Resources has contributed to Blackberry control from Crayfish Creek to Peggs Beach Conservation Area, north of the Bass Highway.

This project was supported by Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) through funding from the Australian Government‘s Caring for our Country.

PO Box 338 1-3 Spring Street Burnie Tasmania 7320 Phone: 03 6431 6285 Fax: 03 6431 7014 E-mail:

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