RAMSAR RIVERCARE PLAN Lavinia State Reserve on King Island is internationally recognised for its Ramsar-listed wetlands. The Sea Elephant estuary where the Sea Elephant River meets the coast is one of the important wetlands which make up this Reserve Coast. Cradle Coast NRM supported geomorphic assessments and field inspections as the basis to developing a Rivercare Plan for the site. Geomorphology refers to the physical form and processes of a river. This includes the shape of the river, how it interacts with its floodplains and catchment, and how it transports water and sediment. By understanding the geomorphology of a river, a better understanding of how it responds to disturbance can be gained. The Sea Elephant Rivercare Plan describes the dynamics of the river system and explores common issues throughout the catchment. A key component of the Rivercare Plan is a list of recommendations to help land managers tackle the common issues and improve the health of the Sea Elephant River and estuary. This project demonstrates how improved information can help address outstanding issues and benefit regional water-resource management.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The project was supported by Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) through funding from the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country
PO Box 338 30 Marine Terrace Burnie Tasmania 7320 Phone: 03 6431 6285 Fax: 03 6431 7014 E-mail: nrm@cradlecoast.com www.cradlecoastnrm.com.