SHORT TERM VISITOR VOLUNTEERS Winter is the key revegetation season for Cradle Coast NRM and volunteers, and it’s not just the locals who get involved. The Cradle Coast NRM short-term visitor volunteer program is proving popular with intrastate, mainland and international visitors, and their fresh perspectives on the region’s landscapes have also helped to energise local volunteers.
In a partnership with Conservation Vol u n t e e r s Au s t r a l i a , v is it o r volunteers are matched with Cradle Coast NRM and Parks and Wildlife Service environmental projects. Cradle Coast NRM also provides logistical support for intrastate volunteers from Threatened Plants Tasmania to undertake important monitoring of threatened plant species across the region. Volunteer projects involving short term visitors from as far afield as Japan and Denmark have been undertaken at Stanley, the Dial Range, the Vale of Belvoir, on King Island and Rocky Cape National Park. Volunteers were involved in a variety of activities including weeding, native tree planting and surveying of plant species. The short term visitor volunteer project also provides a unique tourism opportunity for the Cradle C oa st region , w it h v is it or s experiencing sites and activities not usually open to other tourists.
Images: Belinda Colson