8 October 2013
In 2013 Cradle Coast NRM provided support to community group volunteers enabling them to attend training and workshops. The sponsorship helped increase the skills of volunteers and raise awareness of our natural environment. Small community group requests that support community group projects have been funded.
I NTRODUCTI ON Cradle Coast NRM has supported 18 volunteers from ten community groups to attend First Aid training. Sponsorship for First Aid training was offered to all Landcare, Coastcare, Aboriginal and ‘Friends of’ groups in the Cradle Coast region for volunteers actively engaged in natural resource management projects. Members of Ulverstone Coastcare, Penguin Coastcare, Threatened Plants Tasmania, Friends of Lillico Penguins, Shorebird Monitoring Group, King Island NRM Group, Tasmanian Land and Sea Council and the Upper Natone Forest Reserve Committee attended accredited First Aid training courses during 2013.
Cradle Coast NRM provided support to community groups to improve first aid skills and be more equipped to continue work on their local area projects with qualified first aid personal on hand at working bees .
Cooee Creek working bee
Six Workplace First Aid kits were supplied to Mt Roland Rivercare, Boat Harbour Progress Association, Tasmanian Land and Sea Council, Ulverstone Coastcare, Upper Natone Forest Reserve Committee and the Shorebird Monitoring volunteers.
“On behalf of the Upper Natone Reserve Committee, I would like to say thank you for the First Aid kit which arrived yesterday. We appreciate the support you have given us and it will be reassuring to have an intact kit available for working bees.” Joanna Lyall, Secretary, Upper Natone Reserve Committee INFORMATION SUPPORTING COMMUNITY GROUPS
Friends of Burnie Penguins working bee