Quarterly Progress Reports are intended to let the reader know how we are progressing against the Annual Plan developed for and approved by Member Councils each year.
Advocacy and stakeholder engagement are identified as a function of CCA in the Letter of Expectation; the request for a regional response or general input from CCA continues to increase in alignment with the emerging economic and environmental opportunities and challenges for this region. Through participation in multiple forums and engagement with stakeholders and community groups CCA has provided up to date and well researched responses to a diverse range of issues and opportunities.
The local government is a very dynamic space and will be quite different in the next quarter for CCA with a number of Mayors and Councillors choosing not to stand for re election. At the recent Representatives Meeting, the Chief Rep and the Chair farewelled and thanked a number of Mayors and other Reps for their contribution to CCA. In addition to these changes, we are currently working through a selection process to replace two independent directors who have completed their tenure, and a replacement Chair for the Regional Economic Development Steering Group. The new directors will commence in November.
Into the future the Regional Economic Development Steering Group (REDSG) will be known as the Regional Economic Development Committee (REDC) in accordance with the governance arrangements for all Board sub committees. Following the evaluation of Regional Futures Plan (RFP), the Economic Development Action Plan has been updated, RFP priorities have been reaffirmed, and we are currently working on updating research that supports the RFP. The Housing Report from 2020 has been updated, shared with Board Directors and Committee Members, and will soon be released via the CCA website and other media. The REDC has commenced some project work on logistics and transport in the region with further details available in the next Quarterly Report.
CCA was funded by the State Government in 2021 to establish Enterprise on the Cradle Coast; this process is now complete with the appointment of Jarred Ransom as Manager Cradle Coast and Corporate Partnerships. We encourage councils and community to sign up and participate in the networking and learning/development opportunities.
Much of the work of CCA is done through formal and informal partnerships. We are currently working in partnership with UTAS on the establishment of the business and innovation hub in the Makers site on the Cradle Coast Campus, and on a sustainable construction and development project with students from the Southern Campus and the Pentarch Group. Both partnerships have a focus on innovative practice and regional development, allow students and businesses to work in an applied learning context and connect to the work of the REDC.
CCA and the Devonport City Council recently hosted the Sustainable Economic Growth in Regional Australia (SEGRA) Conference in Devonport. It was an opportunity to showcase economic development in our region, as well as network and share experiences with other regions. The conference provided access to an impressive array of speakers, multiple data sources and regional research.
The Annual Report is currently being prepared by the NRM to submit to the State Government as per their legislative requirements. Although the preparation is time consuming, it does show how much work is being done across this region in natural resource management and the level of involvement and support that the team provide the community. I encourage you to read the full report on the CCA website. In addition to this report, the full CCA Annual Report including audited financials has been prepared and will be available shortly.
My report is just a small snapshot of the work of CCA; I encourage the reader to visit the website or follow Choose Cradle Coast and Cradle Coast Authority on Facebook, and Instagram or sign up to receive our newsletter.
Best wishes, Sheree Vertigan AM BA MEd Chief Executive OfficerCCA’s Vision and Purpose are underpinned by our commitment to our fundamental Principles. These principles guide the way CCA conducts its business and how CCA delivers all its activities and services for the benefit of the region.
A Region that is prospering as a result of strong Councils working together, where ratepayers, industry and government see the benefits of investing in the CCA model. In short, “Stronger Councils, Stronger Region”.
To help Councils achieve regional outcomes and maintain strong local government, by working together.
We adapt and refocus quickly and easily, in response to change.
We play to others’ strengths and listen with intent to understand and avoid duplication.
We see the best possible outcome and strive for it. We use our resources wisely and keep things simple. If a longer meeting or document won’t add value, we’ll keep it short.
We experiment, reflect, and innovate we constantly ask ourselves “how can we do this better”?
This Annual Plan Progress Report is designed to keep external stakeholders informed of our progress. It will be updated quarterly and published on our website. Quarterly progress will be reported against CCA’s four strategies, the following strategies have been drawn from the guidance of the CCA Representatives Letter of Expectation.
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Regional Economic Development: Making our region an even better place to work, visit, learn, and invest.
Natural Resource Management: Improving the environment and supporting sustainable agriculture.
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
Strategic Service: Pursuing opportunities for our business, our owners, and our region.
Model best practices in local government and public administration.
1.1 Ensure the “Futures Plan approach” is the overarching economic development framework for the region.
Advocate to secure support and attract funding and investment for Projects of Regional Importance identified through the Regional Investment Framework.
• Compiling REDC Member assessment of application for new Projects of Regional Importance submission
• Review of Projects of Regional Importance and update of key reference materials i.e. housing report.
• Development of submissions for the upcoming State Budget in response to identified needs
Ensure our economic development work is informed and improved by including NRM perspectives and vice versa.
• A new staffing structure is now in place (since Aug 22) which has strengthened ties between CEO and NRM senior management. This will ensure appropriate communication is maintained between business units.
• Natural Resource management is incorporated where appropriate into all work undertaken by the Authority ie. Planning review, development of the Regional Land Use Strategy and sustainable construction and development project.
Maintain ongoing engagement with other key regional economic development entities and organisations including not limited to WxNW, State Growth, Chambers of Commerce etc.
• Regular meetings have been re established with council regional development officers.
• Established connections with the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Board. Currently working on scoping a joint logistics project/forum.
• Maintaining regular connections and participation with Business Northwest and Devonport Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
• State Growth representatives are formally members of the Regional Economic Development Committee and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem however State Growth provide regular informal updates of relevant policy and CCA provides input upon request.
• The CEO is a member of RDA Tasmania Committee and other members of the CCA meet regularly with the regional economic development coordinator
• CCA jointly hosted the SEGRA Conference with Devonport Council building strong networks with other regional organisations, participating in workshops, delivering keynote addresses or workshops to the delegates.
• Building strong ties with Business Events Tasmania, Northern Tasmania Development Corporation, Southern Tasmania Development Corporation, and West by NorthWest through the provision of input and support on projects.
Use the entrepreneurial ecosystem map to promote regional opportunities (Swinburne PhD initiative).
• Map extended to include maturity of attributes/activities. Cradle Coast Ecosystem more complex than anticipated multiple distinct clusters of ecosystem activities across the region
• Potential for construction ecosystem recognised.
• Seedlab Sisters Cradle Coast workshops held on King Island and online.
• Presentation of Cradle Coast Ecosystem principles and activities to SEGRA conference.
1.2 Continue to deliver funded Regional Economic Development projects.
Manage and deliver Regional Economic Development projects including: Contructing the coastal pathways
• Contract has been awarded for the West Ulverstone section to Treloar Transport and construction has commenced on the western end.
• Work has been ongoing on the Sulphur Creek section with over 90% of the path completed.
• Harding's Hot Mix will mobilise to site to commence works on the Don to Leith section in the fourth quarter of 2022.
Farm Vehicle Washdown and Effluent Dumping Facilities
• Awaiting Federal Government Stage 2 funding go ahead
• Smithton and Stanley facilities ready to progress to construction stage
• Minna Rd facility proponents preparing new MoU which will allow progress with agreement pending funding
2.1 Implement the Regional NRM Strategy Develop a Regional NRM Business and Investment Plan
• Work started in assessing the suite of Strategy priorities for investment potential Minor delays
2.2 Continue to deliver funded NRM projects Manage and deliver NRM projects including:
Australian Government Programs:
Coastal Saltmarsh Recovery in Robbins Passage and Surrounds
• First covenant covering 8.86 ha signed by landholders and submitted to Minister for approval and signature.
• Aboriginal trainee and Project Coordinator assisted landholder in Detention with planting of about 1000 plants as part of revegetation component of project.
• 2 final project reports completed for project in Inglis catchment.
• Poster and postcard developed in cooperation with NRM North to identify poaching as a major and illegal threat to survival of Giant Freshwater Crayfish. Distributed to 67 outlets such as Council offices, retail outlets, and tourist/visitor information facilities
• 9,400 m of river frontage protected with stock exclusion fencing in Duck River and Spinks Creek under the project.
• Article in 40 South quarterly Tasmanian magazine on project works and project officer. Poster also inserted as one page of advertising at no cost.
Enhancing King Island Brown Thornbill habitat patches for future corridors
• Project Officer employed to deliver the project under a sub contract with KI Landcare group.
• Landholder surveys produced
• Demonstration site negotiations almost complete (3 sites)
• Community engagement planning progressing
On track
Defining and mapping habitat requirements to support the survival of King Island Scrubtit and King Island Brown Thornbill
• Additional funding secured for another round of spring bird surveys
• Progress meeting with Department representative completed
On track
Rice Grass Removal from the Rubicon Port Sorell Estuary
• Community update provided with a presentation at the Port Sorell Community Information Evening
• APVMA permit with the inclusion of aerial spraying supplied to Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.
• Planning underway for the 22 23 spraying season.
Creating a Hooded Plover Stronghold on Three Hummock Island
• Winter working bee complete to remove Sea Spurge and marine debris from Hooded Plover nesting sites.
• Updated feral cat activity assessment with new Felixer data.
• Approvals and planning underway for November trip to install 7 new Felixers.
• Launched SKATEx (inaugural Maugean Skate Art Exhibition) on National Threatened Species Day (NTSD) September 7 and entered a Maugean Skate Cake in annual bake off for NTSD.
• Uploaded webpage for Maugean Skate Awareness Project on NTSD.
• Stakeholder meetings held in Strahan to discuss SKATEx and other planned Maugean Skate Awareness activities.
• Liaised with Reference Group members to ensure CCA NRM media releases are consistent with other agencies and provided Reference Group with regular updates on progress of the project and upcoming activities.
• Trainee probation period complete
• 3 units of Conservation and Ecosystem Management Cert. III complete and 1other unit submitted
• Project support provided across NRM team
Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF)
• Two RALF Field sessions with graziers on breeding winter active tunnelling dung beetles and pasture earthworms, 16 August and September 26 (25 participants in total, 17 new earthworm nurseries established)
• Engaged landholders at Agfest at the combined Tasmanian NRM trade display, 24 27 August (won best trade and lifestyle display)
• Seven one to one farm visits conducted in this quarter to provide advice
• Three articles written (for Tasmanian Farmer and Cradle to Coastlines newsletter)
• Supported the delivery of four RLP project extension events, presenting at three of them (1 Protecting our Productive Soils workshop, 2 Soil extension officer field days, 1 Soil Extension Officer workshop)
• Cover crop – Weather Station monitoring workshop 15th Sep (link with Ag Logic and AgriFutures)
• Introductory to Multi sp. Pasture and establishment and pH amendment Field Day 19th Sep
• Nine one-to-one farm visits to provide support on soil health options
• King Island revisit two multi sp. Pasture sites
• One interview for Tasmanian Farmer and article in Cradle to Coastlines newsletter
Tasmanian Soil Extension Program
• Delivered two field days on soil physical properties, 16 August and 26 September
• Delivered workshop on ‘Understanding soil physical, chemical and biological properties’, 28 September
• Conducted one farm visit to undertake soil sampling and field assessment
• Article written for Cradle to Coastlines introducing the project and first field day
• Promoted the project at Agfest and the Burnie Show
Production Systems Approach to Soil Ecological Restoration
• Two Project planning workshops held for TasAg Innovation Hub (linking with industry) on 31st August and 14th September to develop monitoring methods for pasture and vegetable production systems.
On track
State Government Programs: On track Community NRM Engagement Program inc. Smallholder Program
• Contracted 9 Community Capacity Small Grants to volunteer NRM groups and Aboriginal groups involved in NRM.
• Updated our NRM community through regular direct emails, the Cradle Coast NRM Facebook page and distributed the September 2022 edition of the Cradle to Coastlines newsletter.
• Hosted the Cradle Coast Weed Advisory Group meeting, presented to the Burnie Youth Council, hosted community workshops and presentations on Forest Practices System and alpine restoration.
• Engaged local landholders at the Burnie Agricultural & Pastoral Society show, 30 September
Implementing the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan (TCMP)
• Attended Agfest, interacting with the public around responsible trapping practices.
• Took the Cradle Coast Cat Management Strategy 20212026 to all vet clinics in the region for endorsement
• Undertook Cat Management authorisation training with NRE Tasmania
• Attended Landcare’s feral cat information night in Ulverstone as a panel member
• Hosted the second Cradle Coast Cat Management Working Group meeting
• Facilitated inter organisational relationships to start addressing some cat colony issues within the region
The Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund (WAF)
• Working with NRM North to plan for next round of WAF funding. On track
Cradle Coast Authority and Regional NRM Committee Programs:
Circular Head Roadkill Mitigation Project
• Devil Roadkill Mitigation Fund established
• Community engagement plan completed
• Community engagement activities preparations in process (including event engagement, school activities, pledge commitments, community collaborative artwork, children's crafts and connection building experiences).
• ABC radio interview in September
• Media release distributed and articles published in local and international newspapers
• Facilitated stakeholder meeting
• Due to staffing limitations within KI Landcare Group at present, this work has been deferred by them until 2023 Minor delays
• Procurement options being considered to attract an appropriate contractor Minor delays
3.1 Effectively implement the Shared Services Strategy and collaborative working arrangements.
Continue to offer fee-for-service activities to Member Councils.
• CCA has commenced a review of the Strategic Services Policy in response to the implementation of the Letter of Expectation.
• CCA provides services to a number of Council including West Coast Councils, Circular Head
On track
3.2 Plan, coordinate, facilitate, and advocate on behalf of Councils.
Explore shared service opportunities in Environmental Planning e.g., climate change (review climate plans for coastal Member Councils), lead implementation of zero plastics and other initiatives as identified and agreed.
Evaluate requests and opportunities and act on behalf of Councils where strategic alignment is achieved (to be determined based on needs).
• This will be considered as part of the review of Strategic Services and the review of the Regional Land Use Strategy (RLUS)
On track
• CCA is currently evaluating a number of requests from Councils to determine capacity to deliver, funding requirements and strategic alignment of the stated projects i.e housing, workforce alignment, social impact, climate change.
On track
3.3 Continue to deliver funded Strategic Services projects Regional Planning Framework
• Progress interim Cradle Coast Regional Land Use Strategy
• Finalisation of work plan
• Finalisation of draft brief for supply and demand study
• Progression of “Councillors guide to Planning and Urban Design on the Cradle Coast”
• Draft Final of concept note “Planning and Public health and wellbeing on the Cradle Coast”
• Presentation of paper at SEGRA conference “Designing to Heal”
4.1 Continue to build our capacity to ensure financial viability. Implement and monitor a long term financial management plan to ensure financial sustainability.
• Implementation of the Financial Management Strategy
• Compliance to the Financial Management Strategy is being monitored.
• A reasonable surplus has been realised in Core Operations, through rigorous monitoring of expenditure and structural modifications that will ensure future financial stability
4.2 Improve the way we measure and communicate the impact of our work.
Regular, transparent, and meaningful reporting to our owners and external stakeholders.
• Changes to the Quarterly reports are intended to improve reporting to owners and stakeholders.
• The website is currently undergoing a refresh which should improve access to information.
• CCA will seek feedback from Committees and Community in relation to the changes
• Changes are intended to reduce duplication and increase internal efficiency.
4.3 Make the most of technology to improve organisational effectiveness and efficiency.
Establish high levels of technological literacy among staff.
• CCA has completed the transition from multiple IT platforms to SharePoint. This transition was intended to reduce costs, streamline business practices, and improve record keeping and reporting.
• Staff literacy continues to be addressed.
Regional Land Partnerships Core Services The Core Services portion of the Regional Land Partnerships Program (RLP) is intended to enable the NRM groups to undertake NRM planning, project design, and Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) activities. It also supports the community, including community groups, the Aboriginal community, and industry groups to participate in the delivery of RLP projects.
Coastal Saltmarsh Recovery in Robbins Passage and Surrounds This project aims to improve the condition and long term protection of the Coastal Saltmarsh Threatened Ecological Community by targeting the primary ecological threat to saltmarsh, Rice Grass, and through brokering and establishing conservation agreements with landholders to maintain and protect saltmarsh on or adjoining their properties.
Giant Freshwater Crayfish Recovery This project will protect and improve priority stream habitat for the highly va ued and vulnerable Giant Freshwater Crayfish. Working with landholders to establish conservation agreements and undertake ripar an protection and rehabilitation works, the project will increase the area of good qua ity habitat within the species’ range and protect it from further degradation.
Protecting Our Productive Soils This project will engage and support farmers to build capacity to better manage hillslope erosion on mixed cropping farms and soil acidification on intensive grazing enterprises. This will achieve practice change on the ground and improve the sustainability of agricultural activities across our product ve andscapes.
Creating a Hooded Plover Stronghold on Three Hummock Island This project will protect the threatened beach nesting shorebird species, the Hooded Plover on Three Hummock Island by working towards the eradication of feral cats from the Island, as well as controlling the nvasive weed, Sea Spurge, and remov ng marine debris.
Rice Grass Removal from the Rubicon-Port Sorell Estuary This project will improve the condition and the long term protection of Coastal Saltmarsh and feeding habitat for migratory and resident birds, by controlling and containing the estimated 660 ha of Rice Grass in the Rubicon Port Sorell Estuary, a key threat to the ecosystem.
Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF) Working with farmers, industry, and community groups to promote sustainable agricultural practices. This project includes the development and support of online Property Management Planning programs to help rural landholders better understand their property’s assets, identify management limitations or problem areas, and protect the natural values which exist on their property.
Australian Government 2019 to 2023
Australian Government 2020 to 2023
Australian Government 2019 to 2023
Australian Government 2019 to 2023
Australian Government 2019 to 2023
Australian Government 2019 to 2023
Australian Government 2019 to 2023
Implementing the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan This project supports the implementation of the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan (TCMP) through developing and implementing awareness and education programs to improve levels of responsible cat ownership across the region, assisting Member Councils in the development of policies linked to the TCMP including the development of by laws and development and implementation of compliance programs for the Cat Management Act along with training programs for Member Council employees.
Industry Tasmanian Government
2019 to 2022
Tasmanian Government 2022 to 2026 Cradle Coast Future Energy Hub A partnership between CCA and industry, established to showcase Cradle Coast’s future energy potential. The Hub will be a central place for industry participants to host community and industry engagement activ ties and a place for the community to learn about the range of renewable energy opportunities in our region.
Farm Vehicle Washdown and Effluent Dumping Facilities This project will see the construction of modern washdown and effluent dumping facil ties at Smithton, Burnie, Devonport and King Island for livestock transport and other vehicles.
Food Producers’ Network This initiative will support start up agritourism, food and drink businesses in the region, in partnership w th the new food business incubator, Seedlab Tasmania. CCA will support the delivery of several business boot camps and masterclasses at Smithton, Devonport and between, which will form the basis of a Food Producers’ Network.
Australian Government 2019 ongoing
Industry Australian 2019 to ongoing
Local Government Networking Program – In partnership with Local Government Professionals Tasmania, this initiative will deliver a series of professional development and networking events aimed at increasing collaboration and engagement amongst Member Council employees across the region.
Constructing the Coastal Pathway Jointly funded by the State and Australian Government along with Latrobe, Devonport City and Central Coast Councils, the $14 4m Coastal Pathway extension project will see 21 km of additional pathway built between Latrobe and Sulphur Creek between 2020 and 2021
The Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund The Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund is a $5 million Tasmanian Government initiative. The funds provided will be invested with farmers and other community organisations to tack e weeds that are impacting valuable agricultural and environmental assets. CCA have partnered with NRM North and NRM South to deliver Stage Two of the fund over the three years (2020 2023). The funds will provide a more strategic and targeted approach to tackling high priority weeds that affect agriculture and the environment to improve the productive value of land and protect our natural va ues.
Defining and mapping habitat requirements to support the survival of King Island Scrubtit and Brown Thornbill This pro ect will aim to mprove understanding of King Island Scrubtit and King Island Brown Thornbill populations and habitats to identify those locations, vegetat on communities and/or habitat types considered important to the species’ surv val. The information will inform habitat descriptions, guide habitat retention and rehabilitation, and in doing so, provide increased certainty to andowners, regulators, and the community in the future
Soil Extension Program Partnering with NRM North and NRM South, this project will deliver the north west component of the State wide Soil Extension Program. Project activities will engage farmers from across Tasmania and aim to increase their capacity and knowledge about management of productive soils. There is a focus on increasing soil testing and providing support for on farm decision making and management activities that improve soil health
All three tiers of government 2019 to 2022
Tasmanian Government 2018 to 2023
Tasmanian Government 2020 to 2022
Australian Government 2022 to 2023
• Implementing the Regional Futures Plan (RFP) The Regional Futures Plan provides a blueprint for a new way of doing regional economic development. Backed by industry, government, and the university sector, it aims to boost regional growth and foster a more resilient economy, lifting the living standards of residents in the region.
• Regional Investment Framework (RIF) As part of the Regional Futures Plan, the Regional Investment Framework provides a systematic approach to identifying and securing support for regionally important projects. The Regional Economic Development Steering Group will maintain a list of regionally important projects, reviewed, and published quarterly. The list was released in early 2020 and is updated constantly. The purpose of the list is for our region to speak with one voice in support of projects that will drive positive economic change.
• Regional Events Strategy An initiative whereby Member Councils have joined forces to promote regional events. Regional events identified by the Regional Events Working Group are marketed on behalf of Member Councils through CCA’s new look website and its Choose Cradle Coast social media channels. The Regional Events Working Group also aims to deliver other initiatives aligned with the Regional Events Strategy.
• The Coasters Hosted by CCA and sponsored by the University of Tasmania and CPA Australia, The Coasters was established in 2017 to ‘Connect. Inspire. Grow’. The network aims to connect like minded aspirational young people who live and work on the Cradle Coast and wish to influence the region’s future. They share skills, knowledge, and experiences to raise aspirations and improve access to career development and mentoring opportunities.
• Swinburne University of Technology Partnership The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Swinburne University of Technology’s Centre for Social Impact will see CCA support work to achieve social impact, providing an opportunity to work in and within the region, to create an inclusive, people centred regional economy. The MoU arrangements also includes a co funded PhD scholarship aimed at supporting the implementation of the Regional Futures Plan and the establishment of a Centre of Social Impact within CCA’s premises.
• Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) Partnership Aimed at strengthening Local Government and reducing duplication, by sharing information more freely, CCA and LGAT will work together to deliver training, events, and other services to our Member Councils.
• University of Tasmania Partnership The partnership with the University of Tasmania will see CCA support and/or host two PhD candidates and two Honours students working on projects aimed at supporting the implementation of the Regional Futures Plan.
There are currently eight regionally important projects that have been submitted and accepted by our Regional Economic Development Committee (REDC) under the Regional Investment Framework. More details on the regionally important projects are available here.
The REDC, a business focussed, industry led Committee of CCA, assesses submissions against the objectives of the Regional Futures Plan, which include more jobs, more training opportunities, a better lifestyle and overcoming social disadvantage. Businesses, community groups, peak bodies and other organisations can make a submission with assistance from the CCA team. Submissions are considered on a rolling basis. In no particular order, the current project list includes:
• Coastal Pathway extension extensions and improvements to the Coastal Pathway, transforming it into an iconic tourism experience and increasing liveability. Up to $32 million required.
• Don River Railway upgrades a scenic railway from Devonport to Penguin and other Don River Railway upgrades, including a café and function centre. Building upon the existing Don River Railway tourism operation with the aim to capture overnight visitors by presenting a more diverse offering. Approx. $5 million required.
• Mobile Phone Towers new mobile phone towers at Woolnorth and Togari, supporting business productivity, safety, and digital accessibility. Approx. $2.2 million required.
• World-class organic composting facilities supporting FOGO (food organics, garden organics) collection from 40,000 households and businesses. This project involves the construction of an organic waste composting facility in Devonport to process waste from the public and collected by local government Councils. Approx. $6 million required.
• Natural Resource Management Jobs 200 new land conservation jobs delivered through a ‘fair share’ of a $4 billion land conservation stimulus package proposed by NRM Regions Australia. Up to $20 million allocated to our region would see people working on weed management, track work and other Natural Resource Management projects.
• Marinus Link and Battery of The Nation together these projects will create thousands of jobs and enable the delivery of low cost, reliable and clean energy generation and storage providing benefits to the entire National Electricity Market working to make the best use of Tasmania and Australia’s renewable energy resources. CCA supports the Australian Government and State Government working with TasNetworks and Hydro Tasmania to progress these important projects. Battery Of The Nation approx. $900 million. Marinus Link approx. $3.5 billion.
• Jobs Transport Independence Project developing transport independence for individuals to strengthen local labour markets. Approx. $1 million required.
• Devonport Sound and Light Show install a unique tourism attraction and performance technology for local arts and cultural expression. Estimated cost $3 million.
• Table Cape Resort an internationally recognised luxury resort built at Table Cape, providing over 98 ongoing jobs with a total project cost of $55 million.