Resident Shorebirds of Cradle Coast NRM 2014/15, Stanley to Narawntapu Report to Cradle Coast NRM Eric J Woehler, BirdLife Tasmania May 2015 Executive Summary A survey of the foreshore between Tatlows Beach at Stanley and Narawntapu NP was undertaken by BirdLife Tasmania in 2014/15. The survey was commissioned by Cradle Coast NRM and directed towards the distribution and abundance of resident shorebirds and small terns along 103km of foreshore. Focal species were Hooded and Red-capped Plovers, Pied and Sooty Oystercatchers and Fairy and Little Terns. Overall, breeding population estimates were low, reflecting generally poor foreshore habitat for resident shorebirds and small terns. Breeding population estimates comprised Hooded Plover (16 breeding pairs), Red-capped Plover (55), Pied Oystercatcher (92) and Sooty Oystercatcher (24). The Hooded Plover was listed as a Threatened Species under the Federal Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act in late 2014, and management efforts to protect breeding sites of Hooded Plovers will contribute to their conservation. Red-capped Plovers and Fairy and Little Terns are also listed under the EPBC Act and warrant conservation measures for their breeding sites. Council restrictions on vehicular and horse access to the foreshore on high and medium priority beaches are urgently required. Where suitable habitat was present, extensive disturbance from dogs, people, vehicles and horses reduced the ability for resident shorebirds to utilise foreshores. Six high-priority beaches were identified based on breeding resident shorebird populations and recommendations for their management to support their continued use by shorebirds are provided. Councils can use the Dog Control Act to reduce the threat to shorebirds and seabirds on foreshores.
Male Red-capped Plover, Leith foreshore. ŠEric J Woehler
BirdLife Tasmania Technical Report 2015/01