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MICA 243/01/2008


She was browsing through the colorful shops on a street when she entered what seemed as a lace shop. Her curiousity leads her to buy her first lot of gemstone beads and a beading tool starter set. Soon, Anna was happily creating pieces and pieces of jewellery for her own use. She was making jewellery even when she was wheeled into the hospital labor ward, waiting to deliver her third baby! Before long, people started asking her about the jewellery which she was wearing, and it was then, her husband commented that she should consider selling them. That was when Lush Jewels ~ by Anna was born.

Photo taken of Anna working on her latest creations at N’craftroom.

“My interest in jewellery making started in the most unexpected way.” Crafter of the month, Anna Tan speaks to Craftholic on how she began her life as a crafter. “Wire-wrapped jewellery combined with gemstone beads, fresh water pearls, and delicate pin-work in 925 Silver and 14K gold fill findings, was and still is my forte.” Within 2 1/2 years, she had tried almost every possible technique of construction using wire and pins. Running out of fresh ideas, she began looking for another method that can complement her design style as well as to make her creations more unique, exclusive and valuable. It was around June 2007, when Anna learned about the Silver Clay Precious Metal Clay (PMC) Certificate Course offered at N’craftroom. She had learnt about it from a friend and wasted no time in signing up for the course. The subsequent 1 1/2 months became a whirlwind of fun experiments, exciting discoveries and astonishing results. She explained about how the silver clay process is like alchemy… first, work with soft clay, pop your work into the kiln and fire for 10 minutes, and your masterpiece comes out in 999 pure Silver.

“How amazing is that? It’s unbelievable how easily it is done.” Naoko-san, her instructor, was a God-send with infinite patience, vast experience and a nimble mind that can give ideas for the most intricate designs. It also helped that they had similar interests in Asian culture, and have an ardent love for nature. She was always inspired by the orchids in her garden and the Oriental antiques in her home, and she’s always bringing something from her garden to experiment with, or using clay to mimic traditional knots.

The greatest thing about PMC silver clay, is that it allows her to combine her love for wiring and pinwork methods with her unique, handmade Silver focal pieces, thus giving her designs an outstanding element, and her customers a choice to have a personalized, bespoke piece of jewellery. “I really love working with Precious Metal Clay as it allows me to make my dream designs, textures and forms into reality. I no longer have to depend on commercial findings for my jewellery… with PMC; everything is at my fingertips! Hopefully, you will come to like it as much as I did.” Naoko-san, her instructor from N’craftroom describes Anna as an “excellent designer who can reborn traditional Chinese to modern silver design”. “A man without imagination is a man without wings”. Through PMC silver clay, her imagination took flight into another universe! She found herself thinking of countless ideas to give traditional motifs a contemporary look, so the modern generation can see the original significance behind the design, and learn to value its history, instead of thinking that it as dull and out-of-date. Since taking the course, she has made necklaces of Orchid blooms in various sizes, a pendant of a vase with Ikebana, a Chinese cloudmotif lock pendant, a Chinese style 3-dimentional floral carving with stone-setting and 22K gold-plating, a woven Bird-of-Paradise, a pair of rattan weave and a pair of Chinese brushstroke character cufflinks and many more. She will continue developing her design skill with endless possibilities with Silver clay.

Lush Jewels

Anna 9754 4003

Some of Anna’s many jewellery designs inspired by nature. (Photo courtesy of Anna Tan De-Hert)



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Your addiction to craft begins with this very first issue! Craftholic is all about crafts, and we believe craft is about all! Craft is a little more than ‘Make’. In fact, it involves a skill to be able to make things by hand. This is why craft pieces are more valuable with many crafters, designers and artisans being hopelessly passionate about it. In Craftholic, we will take you to places where you can explore for craftworks and materials. Making a piece of craft is much more enjoyable when it is not done just for your self satisfaction. I personally enjoy making craftworks for gifts. It takes passion, love and a whole lot of mess on my hands to make it the prettiest as it can be for my loved one. As the local craft scene gets hotter, Craftholic would like to be the communicator that unites all individuals and to warmly invite you to our big circle of love and support. Nanao


“What is Craftholic?” Syahirah (Contributor)

Faizah Don (Editorial)

Syahirah is currently doing her final year in NAFA, pursuing in Multimedia (Audio-Video Production). She has a keen interest in D.I.Y crafts such as beaded bags, apparels and other accessories. Syahirah creates own designs to screen-print on t-shirts during her leisure time. Syahirah, who is also known as FrizzyTroLL amongst her buddies, is someone with a deep curiosity therefore exploring places and new things are what she does when she’s in need of some adventure.

Faizah can be seen strolling around the streets of Haji Lane at odd times. After being in the media industry for some time, she is now going on her own journey with a street wear shop, Zionattic, on Haji Lane as well as doing graphic design and copywriting. She creates craftworks on special occasions but only as gifts for her other half. Faizah loves mango smoothie and can’t resist parties. She is currently writing a book and hopes to share her stories as international bestsellers.

Enqi (Handmade Scoop) Enqi Weng grew up drawing on every piece of scrap paper she could find. She taught her sister, Xin (now illustrator and artist), and classmates how to draw. She dabbled in crafts too but both interests led short lives. Her latest (and hopefully final) passion is singing and playing the keyboard. Her greatest love is gospel music. Always on the look out for new trends in the handmade craft scene and proud of Xin’s works, she quickly became Maki Squarepatch’s #1 fan. She co-owns the business with Xin where the label creates 100% eco goodness from bags to toys. When she’s not at her day job (marketing), she is working on Maki Squarepatch, making pretty jewelry, copywriting on the side or making music. Check her label out at

Naoko (Recipe Designer)

Wokking Mum

She is Craftholic’s recipe designer. Prepare your pens and paper as she will share with you a wide range of crafts. Naoko is the only certified senior instructor for Precious Metal Clay (PMC) silver clay in Southeast Asia and owner of a beads and silver clay shop, N craft room. This crafter has always been passionate about the saying ‘creating something special with your own hands’.

(Kids Workshop)

She is the idea crafter for kid’s page and an enthusiastic blogger http://craftbox.blogspot. com. Her craft are made for you and your kid, giving the opportunity for creating a bond and having fun at the same time. She updates her instructions for her latest fun and new creations regularly. Cute and easy!

Merchandise I Porcelain Accessories


/ XT








Yahirah /S

Hara S a ingap r ore U Walking down the alleys of Singapore has never been as inspirational as a street called Haji Lane. Labelled as an

Off Bali Lane, in the Kampong Glam area


underground fashion paradise, Haji Lane is made up of a variety of “indie” stores and vintage boutiques. Being one of the few up-and-coming hot spots in town along with Emerald Hill and Dempsey Road, Haji lane has seen its growth in reputation as a shopping district and more. It is quite a common place for fashion photographers as they snap way or hold interviews. This relaxed alley is equipped with a number of cafes and bars, some providing Sheesha, the Arab tobacco. A perfect place to chill out with your friends or by yourself soaking in the atmosphere.

For some, Haji Lane may remind you of a street in Harajuku (Japan) called “Ura-Hara” (a nickname meaning ‘the other side of Harajuku’) or some may call it neo-Harajuku. It is a conjunction of many streets filled with independent stores, youngsters and music. Haji lane might not be as popular as Ura-Hara, but it is definitely the spice of the retail scene here in Singapore.

Original clothing, accessories, ideas or even a new look for your room. Vintage goods that no one else in town owns but you. If any of these tickle on your curiosity, pay a visit down to Haji lane today. This might be what you’ve been craving for.

Salad 25/27 Haji Lane Tel: 6299 5805 Email:

Woman sitting (White) S$49 Woman sitting (Black) S$49 Porcelain accessories S$49~S$79


Shop of the Month


Beading has been the classic hobby for anyone simply because it does not require hard training. It has wide possibilities with less depth of knowledge needed. Working with craft wire opens up to many avenues in creating. From wearable accessories such as a ring to even sizeable household items like a napkin holder or even a candle glass holder. This form of art is both meditative and satisfying as your fingers bend and twirl the wire into your desired shape, design and usage. Just simply go with the flow of your fingers and feelings. You can combine some beads in your creations for a truly unique piece of work and an enjoyable form of hobby.

Beads Cage #02-24A The Centrepoint Tel: +65 6733 2480

, ters f a Cr

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Contact us at or call us at 6734 3210

and Interns.







s strip o 10 t n g i ut rin be c r colou , to e t d f r a a dbo 20cm Car 1. mX c 5 . of 2



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Kids Workshop




Colouring medium (using crayon)



2 pap

er fa sten ers I d. ar bo rd ca of e ec pi e th 1. Colour x cards. of 5”x8” inde use 2 pieces 2. Mommy cuts the coloured cardboard into 10 strips.

Ho t do w it: o

How to

DROP US A LINE TO FIND OUT MORE! Tel: 6466 5184 Email: Website : 5A Binjai Park Singapore 589820

Use a hole pu ncher to punch a hole on both ends.



Make an

Use a fastener to hold all st together o rips n one end .


Orange Basket by Wokking Mum from The Little Craft Box


Regular / Project Workshop $130 (4 sessions) Trial Workshop $40 (1.5 hours/session)

Angel Clay Have you heard of Angel Clay? It is soft and light clay from Korea. It only weighs 1/8 of the normal clay, and its flexibility lets you add your desired colors using acrylic paint. Angel clay workshop is available at X-ordinary located at a new shopping center called “Square 2” at Novena, for both adults and children. Instructor Jo-Ann comments that crafting with angel clay helps you build confidence and fun in expressing yourself.

Leave the first top one out.


Gather the remaining 9 strips in reverse order. (ie, the 1st strip will now be at the bottom, the 2nd strip will be on top of the 1st strip and so on)


g strip last.

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Put the fastener th ru the hol Fasten the e of all th 9. fastener. Yo e strips. Pull u should se the las shape now. e a half sp t s trip up here the ha . That ndle. will be 8.

You can put in your ora nge


s now.

10 Sinaran Drive, Square 2, #03-03 (above Novena MRT) Tel: 6397 6635 Email:

Workshop Report


Pottery is an embellishing and useful ware made of baked clay. It is first shaped out of clay mixture using different methods according to preference, decorating and glazing the item, and then followed by baking at high temperature in a kiln to harden it. Firing them in a kiln will lead reactions that cause permanent changes, including increasing their strength and hardening and setting their shape and texture. The final outcome of the pottery depends on the type and amount of glazes, which requires a certain number of firings. There are different methods of pottery. One of them is coiling, where it involves creating long, narrow coils which are spiraled upwards to form the shape of a vessel. This is then smoothened to give a nice and even finish to the strengthened coils. Another method is simply pinching a small lump of clay into the desired shape. This method, which is common in the Southwest, is applicable when creating miniature pots and bowls.

Boon’s Pottery 91 Tanglin Road #B1-02 Tanglin Place tel: 68363978

Aweinspiringly Potte ry TEXT & PHOTOS / Syahirah

The commonly used method is using the potter’s wheel. The clay is centered upon the wheel that spins the clay while it is being mould by the hand. Unique designs and decoration can be incised before the clay is allowed to dry. Pottery can create exquisite works of art as well as household items such as vases, dishes, bowls and lamps. Through pottery, one can express their creativity and enables release of stress. In other words, a form of art therapy.

Through pottery, one can express their creativity and enables release of stress. In other words, a form of art therapy.

A trip to Mr. Boon’s pottery workshop was entertaining yet educational. Mr. Boon, who has been doing pottery for 10 years, could create something from a lump of clay into a masterpiece of art in just 5 minutes. Over there, I was thought how to mould a small lump of clay using the pinching method by one of his instructors. The outcome of my creation was a square-shaped bowl with my initials carved on it. A splendid experience indeed! Mr. Boon’s workshop cum gallery displays ceramics and clay done by his students as well as him. He does artworks as gifts for the likes of big names such as our ministers as well as ambassadors, kings and royalties from other countries. Pottery workshop, where we were surrounded by warm clay and smell of it, would make you concentrate and distress as well as wanting to spend time learning the different techniques to create your own masterpiece. A whole new exciting experience awaits children and adults from different age groups in workshops specially made for them. Although his ardent passion for pottery and the willingness to pass on his knowledge to others, he claims that there’s a certain limit he has, for doing pottery in Singapore, as there are not many potters here and the limitation of space . He would love to seize any opportunity where he could exhibit or sell his craft works, but due to the high rental of space, he is dampened by it. Mr. Boon hopes that pottery would be acknowledged by most of the people in our society and that one day there would be more potters who can share the same interest as him as well as create exceptional masterpieces.



Pauseability offers a space for you to do just that. With a cosy ambience, free flow of craft materials, and set in a quiet part of Toa Payoh, here is the place to slow down your pace, breath easier and experience flow.


Indulge in the ease of freedom and the deluge of inspirational resources. You can find materials such as fancy paper, beads, cloth and angel clay. Tools like sewing and die-cut machines are also available. Even those who regularly create will find the place conducive for some undisturbed time. In Pauseability, you are also free to bring your own materials to work with.

Pause Possibilities at Pauseability

All too often we hear ourselves saying that life is hectic and wished we had time for something creative – to work with our hands, to explore, even just to PAUSE and think. TEXT / Moses

PHOTOS / Pauseability

A modest exhibition space is available for rent and a small selection of handcrafted items are on sale. You never know the possibilities you might discover. Wishing that you can carve out just a couple of hours for yourself? At Pauseability you can! Pause by now. Rest, relate and create.Packages range from $6 to $12 for 1.5 hours. Pauseability also hosts Artist Trading Card sessions to encourage those who create these miniature art pieces of 2.5” by 3.5” to meet and trade. Live trade sessions happens every second Thursday of the month from 7 to 9 pm.

Pauseability Blk 125 Toa Payoh Lor 1 #01-541 Tel: 62597336


Clay Studio managed by Artists

The red dainty polka dots shop house truly stands out amongst the others along the street. Clay Studio is brain-child of Huey Min and Thomas, graduates from LA SALLE-SIA College of the Arts. Since pottery was their forte, they make it as part of their bread and butter. Previously located at Bras Basah, the studio provides lessons on the technical aspects of pottery and has been running for about four to five years. While other pottery studios cater to the affluent working individuals, Clay Studio aims to adapt to young adults and children. The students they have there are willing to learn the time consuming techniques of pottery such as hand building and pottery on wheel. Their patience is admirable as the courses will take at least a year or two. They know that the outcome will be both pleasing and satisfying. The studio is quite spacious, breezy and cool, with music playing so that the students can relax and concentrate on the pottery making process without any distractions. No. 8 Bali Lane Tel: 63374792 / Huey Min at 9424 3958

The hand building technique is a slow but more progressive technique compared to the pottery on wheel. The artist can achieve a good control on whatever shape, size and texture they desire. The pottery on wheel technique is good for those who want to duplicate their works of art over numerous times. The speed and continuity of the technique is suitable for making perfectly similar pottery. Some potters use the hand building technique to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, while others use the pottery on wheel technique to mass produce their artworks. Classes are conducted on Wednesdays or weekends with no fixed timing for each session. Huey Min and Thomas are flexible with

their working hours. They would stay up till late on certain nights just to focus and guide their students so they could finish up their works for that particular session. Saturdays are mostly for children as young as 5 years old. For these children, they get to learn the basics of pottery like hand-building, for a start. A mother and her child can apply for lessons on Saturdays and spend quality time together; in a way, strengthening their bond. Interested individuals can check out Clay Studio which is located at Bali Lane just next to Haji Lane, a fashionista’s paradise. It is just a few minutes walk from Bugis MRT station. TEXT & PHOTOS / Syahirah




pottery possibilities TEXT / Enqi PHOTOS / courtesy OF Amy Woo

All polymer clay beads are available at Jee Inspire Small 12pcs for $3.00 Medium 6pcs for $2.00

Jee Inspire Blk 18 Jalan Sultan #01-156

Jewelry Making Courses

Wholesale Price • Jadeite • Semi-Precious Stone • Jewelry Findings • Glass Beads • Polymer clay Beads

• Oriental Knots • Wire Sculpture • Beads weaving • Precious Metal Clay

Blk 18, Jalan Sultan #01-156 Tel: 62940043 Fax: 62999613

Needless to say, I was in awe when I first met Amy Woo, a full-time potter at MAAD (Market for Artist and Designers), held at red dot design museum every first weekend of the month. Upon interaction and learning more about clay (you cannot get that intimate conversation with the artist at a departmental store!), I found out there are many types of clays (seriously, that’s new to me). Amy currently works with porcelain, fine brown clay from Japan, a stone textured clay from the US, Raku clay from Australia, terracotta and she’s currently experimenting with black clay. Fascinating. Ask Amy anything about clay and she knows what she’s talking about. After all, she’s been into the art for 20 years now. Having a really supportive husband, allowed her the chance to quit her job in the financial sector and focus on her works as an artist. “I love to create fine practical pieces with traces of personal touches. I hope my customer can use my

creations everyday,” says the humble and friendly potter. The functionality of her creations is important to her but so are her many inspirations. Amy is highly inspired by her 2 lovely rabbits (which she totally adores – go ask her!) and she loves working cute motifs into her works. Some of the things she has experimented with are; rabbit angels, incense burners and strange-looking pendants. Personally I like her many cup and bowls where cute bunnies peek out from. It is really what makes her works so distinct and sets them a mile apart from the rest. Amy loves working with porcelain, best. She hopes for greater appreciation of handmade stuff in Singapore and sees the need for artists to be recognized for their works. From my standpoint, mass produced is just plain boring. Nothing beats having that intimate relationship with an artist’s creation – it embodies her soul, inspiration and creativity. Having good success in many markets such as the Esplanade night market,

Amy is a regular at MAAD with her own groupie following. Still, what is so special about pottery, one may ask? To Amy, it means the freedom of coming up with the unexpected. “Pottery-making is never 100% under your control,” quips Amy. “You never know what to expect after putting all your efforts into the kiln. It is so much like life - full of surprises!” Check out Amy’s blog at amywooceramics. to find out where to buy her pottery. Also check out House Rabbit Society at and consider adopting a rabbit. Amy will be very pleased. Enqi Weng is an art & craft enthusiast and co-owns Maki Squarepatch (www. with her sister, Xin.

Handmade Scoop

I’ve always been fascinated with clay and the possibilities it has. From an insignificant lump of grey, it can be transformed into anything beyond the imagination, under the guidance of a pair of really good hands.


Polymer clay - Black & White

Tools: Cutter / Ruler / Oven toaster / Tooth pick


Begin the pattern by putting the black triangle, white trapezoid, black trapezoid and white triangle together.

Create balls with the white polymer clay of your desired size.



Form the pieces together as in the picture on the left, to 18cm long.

Paste the houndstooth slices around the created white clay balls.



Slice it into 4 pieces.

Use your fingers to smoothen out the edges and trim away the excess with a cutter.



Put the four pieces together - following the picture on the left.

Poke a toothpick through both sides, ensuring the ball retains its shape.




Open FIMO package, cut into half for both colors.

Take one half and slice out 2 pieces of 1/8 and 2 pieces of 3/8.

Repeat step 7 and 8 to create a more dense houndstooth pattern.

(Keep your hands clean when handling white clay)


Use baking paper to line the tray and place it in the oven at 120Ëšc for 30 minutes. It is not necessary to pre-heat the oven.

Polymer Clay Stockists




Work the clay to make it soft and form a 9cm rectangle. Cut it in half.

Form 2 pieces of triangles and 2 pieces of trapezoids for both the black and white colours.

Slice pieces of 15mm x 15mm.

Art Zone Pte Ltd Tel: 63338203 Beads Cage Tel: 67332480 Clay Doodle Tel: 62535543 Creative Hands Tel: 67381690

Harris (Suntec) Tel: 65146761 N’Craft Room Tel: 67379045 Tinkle Art Room Tel: 62811500 Inspiration Corner Tel: 91825225

Popular Bookstore (Marine Parade) Tel: 63444679 (Bras Basah) Tel: 65577300 (Toa Payoh) Tel: 63581708

Design Recipie





Singtel will be proud to know that their prepaid cards not only connect people, it is also used as a form of art. Meet Doraemon and his magical friends, all made up of hundreds of these cards. This first prize winner was created for a competition held at the Lucky Plaza amongst the Filipinas. Lucky Plaza has always been the favorite hangout place for them to mingle and socialize with their fellow countrymen. Most of the retail spaces here offer discounted calling cards for them to phone their families back in the Philippines. Interesting enough, a retail shop named “Filipina” which is on the 3rd floor, uses this ‘artworks’ to attract the eyes of passers by. This is definitely a good marketing strategy. Craftholic loves the crafty idea on how they used everyday products to form something so beautiful. Different cards are used to add colour in the details of the pieces. Imagine the time and effort put into making it! If you’re passing by Lucky Plaza on your next trip to town, do stop by to appreciate these works of art. This could just be the start of a new form of art. TEXT / Faizah Don PHOTOS / Nanao

Saza For non-Japanese speakers, do drop us an email with your full contact details and order. We will process it for you.

Lucky owl Medium ¥¥3,675 (S$51) Small ¥¥2,520 (S$35)

Sakura coffee cup ¥2,310 (S$32)

Craft Online

Filipina Powertalk!

Cute and warm looking owls should be the next must –have household accessories. Welcome to Saza, a Japanese online craft ceramic shop that offers cute and adorable handmade plates as well Sakura coffee cups. Sakura has always been the favourite flower of Japan and seeing it while sipping tea might bring back good memories of spring. The handcrafted owls which comes in small and medium sizes, are simply too cute to resist. If you go online, you will find other unique pieces of ceramic such as those in the shape of turtles and various painted ceramic plates. For animal lovers, there is a range of mugs with adorable puppy paintings on it. For those of you who like something simple yet unique in its own way, there is a range for you to choose from. This website is definitely suitable for all ceramic fans regardless of taste and preference.


The artwork on these pieces embodies nature and tranquility, giving you a sense of relaxation.

TEXT / Faizah Don


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Please drop us an email at


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Advertising opportunities with us.

Quilts n’ Calicoes 03-13 Tanglin Mall SP Chew Creative Space 220 Syed Alwi Road X-Ordinary Craftz & Giftz 10 Sinaran Drive, Square 2 #03-03 Zeclay 23 Woking Road, Quebec Court #01-01

Polymer Clay Jewelry Class

Cafes and Retails birdbrain 20 Haji Lane Blu Jazz Cafe 11 Bali Lane Design Tshirts store graniph 68 Orchard Road, #B1-26, Plaza Singapura Design Tshirts store graniph 350 Orchard Road, Level 2, Shaw House Design Tshirts store graniph 200 Victoria Street, #02-20, Bugis Junction Em Gallery trade&design No.5 Blair Road Food for thought 420 North Bridge Road, North Bridge Center, #01-06 Ma Maison #02-51 PARCO Bugis Junction Ma Maison #03-96 the Central MAAD 28 Maxwell Road, #02-15A Red Dot Traffic PLUCK! 31 Haji Lane Salad 25/27 Haji Lane Zionattic 34 Haji Lane 2F


NAFA College 80 Bencoolen Street Raffles Design Institute 99 Beach Road

Tudor Court Gallery, #02-08/09, Tel: 6737 9045

Trial Class $45 Basic Course $150 (4 Sessions)




Cheque number: Email:







craftholic Dear

T Al ell m Re ert e Te co us how Jo ll m mm if y y Ad in u e en ou ou D ve s i you d t hav fee ro rti f y r o l p se ou se us e so abo us w a cr , i m u em ith re et f yo eth t o ail us int craf u k in ur n er ty n g y e an . es p ow o w yti u te la d ce so w bab m to . m ou y ea eo ld “c wo tn ne li raf r an kw wh ke t tho ao i th o o s lic @ is ha ”. cr u s. a g re aft ho re w at ith lic cr u m aft s. ag er az . in e.c om

B E A D S & S I LV E R

SUBSCRIBE Subscribe 1 year 6 issues

Just send us your details and $6 cross payable cheque to N’Craftroom Pte Ltd

To N’publication, 131 Tanglin Road, #02-08/09,Tudor Court Gallery, S(247924)



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