CM Portfolio 2013

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, Triq il-Bramel 8 Swieqi, Malta SWQ3230

Nationality Date of birth Gender

British 03/05/1989 Male

T: 79376476 | E:

E d u cat i o n

Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary Advanced Level Passes in

Art and English

Intermediate Level Passes in

Marketing, Systems of Knowledge and Philosophy

MCAST Art and Design BTEC Foundation Diploma in Design (Specialising in Graphic Design) BTEC Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design Languages

English/Maltese (Spoken & Written)

Social skills and competences Very easy going, Hard Working, Disciplined and Polite. Software Competences

Adobe Indesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe After Effects

Adobe Flash Adobe Photoshop

Areas of Expertees

Advertising, Branding & Editorial Design

CR AIG MACDONALD Wo r k E x p e r i e n ce

Dates 01-2009 - 02-2011 Occupation or position held Freelance Graphic Designer Main activities and responsibilities Overseeing and Production of Artwork, Creation of Advertising Concepts and Brands for a variety of clients such as: St.James Cavalier, Creativity Works, MCCA, Architecture Project, Bassfreaks, The Villa & Malta Poker. Dates 03-2010 - 02-2011 Occupation or position held Inhouse Graphic Designer Main activities and responsibilities Production of all Artwork, Visual Brand maintenance, Idea Generation for a Multinational English Language School doing work for all schools and the company’s sales team. Name of employer

EC English International

Dates 02-2011 - 12-2012 Occupation or position held Graphic Designer Main activities and responsibilities Overseeing and Production of Artwork, Creation of Advertising Concepts and Brands for a variety of clients such as: Microsoft, Vodafone, Opel, Kia, Forestals & Transforma. Name of employer

Red Orange Image Consultants Ltd

Dates 12-2012 - PRESENT Occupation or position held Senior Graphic Designer Main activities and responsibilities Overseeing and Production of Artwork, Creation of Advertising Concepts and Brands for a variety of clients such as: Banif Bank, McDonald’s, Business Leaders Malta, AllCare Insurance, EY and Hili Ventures Name of employer


M a l ta Enterpri se Rebranding Exercise

Malta Enterprise were in serious need of a re-branding. The idea behind the logo is to represent Malta as a hub for investment and growth. The Logo created incorporates an inward flow of business with the Maltese cross and the 8 core values for the new brand, represented in blue.

Previous Logo

Hil i Ventures Rebranding Exercise

Hili Ventures, previously known as Hili Company wanted to re-position themselves as a more vibrant player in their respective markets. The new brand repositions them as solution providers, with the use of an equals mark embeded in the symbolic ‘H’ mark.

Previous Logo

Core Values Wall Mural

Done for the offices of TBWA\ANG, it emcompass the core disruption motto of the agency.


A l l Ca re “ Never Say N ever� Motor Insurance advertising campaign

Call us on 2133 0011

Your best choice for motor insurance

Allcare Insurance Limited (C58360) is a company authorized under the Insurance Business Act 1998 to carry on General Business and is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority



Banif Bank (Malta) plc Terms and conditions apply.

Banif Bank (Malta) plc * Terms and conditions apply.







Ban if Bank Loan Products Product branding and communication





Banif Bank (Malta) plc Terms and conditions apply.

Banif Bank (Malta) plc Terms and conditions apply.

C reati vi ty Works Brand Creation

Creativity Works was founded in 2010 as a department within the government of Malta focusing on the creative arts. The logo created takes its inspiration from forms that are indiginous to the Maltese islands. This project was a joint effort between Edward Dingli, Matthew Demarco, Katya Micallef & Myself.

Ass o r te d L o g o s

Yours to enjoy.

T h e V i lla After changing management The Villa needed an approach to boost interest in the restaurant. The concept aims at positioning The Villa as a quality restaurant in a idyllic location. Whilst maintaining a quality image. The tagline “Yours to Enjoy” invites the general public to enjoy the dining experience on offer.



Yours to enjoy.

Yours to enjoy.

39, Main Street

Sun - Thurs :

18:30 - 22:30

39, Main Street

Sun - Thurs :

18:30 - 22:30

Balluta Bay

Fri & Sat :

18:30 - 23:00

Balluta Bay

Fri & Sat :

18:30 - 23:00

St. Julians

Sundays :

12:00 - 15:00

St. Julians

Sundays :

12:00 - 15:00

www.the v ill am al ta .com

w w w.the v ill am a l t a . com

V I P VIP needed a campaign to promote their new sunglasses range. The tagline “I only have eyes for you� tied in with their identity, and also with their previous campaigns. The campaign whilst being low budget was also very effective. The very finest designer sunglasses now in store WATCHES | FASHION JEWELLERY | SUNGLASSES


The typographic layout was also used for many of their other campaigns. This included a revamped bag design.

E u rop e an Ce n t re o f Cu l t u re 2018 The Malta Council for Culture & Arts needed a teaser identity for the European Centre of Culture 2018. The identity needed to be functional across a variety of media.

European Capital of Culture Malta 2018 In 2018, Malta will have the responsibility of hosting the European Capital of Culture partnered by the Netherlands. This is possibly the most prestigious and internationally visible cultural initiative of the European Union. The title of European Capital of Culture will bring about the promotion of cultural excellence and will encourage localities to put culture at the heart of development and innovation. It will prove that culture is essential to city life, regeneration, education, the economy and social inclusion.

Launching a Call for Bids for

The European Capital of Culture in Malta 2018 The Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism, the Environment and Culture within the Office of the Prime Minister, together with the Commission for the European Capital of Culture would like to invite

The Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism, the Environment and Culture within the Office of the Prime Minister, together with the Inter-ministerial Commission for the European Capital of Culture, is launching a Call for Bids for the European Capital of Culture in Malta 2018 and will provide information at a Business Breakfast for stakeholders which include artists, representatives from arts organisations, cultural

Kapitali E wropea tal-Kultura

organisations, local councils, creative industries, the education sector, business and voluntary sectors. Friday 17th December at 0830hrs. The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, The Exchange Buildings, Republic Street, Valletta. Introductions by the Hon. Mario de Marco and David Felice, Chairman of the Commission, followed by presentations by members of the Commission for the Capital of Culture Malta 2018.

to lunch on Friday 17th December at 1230hrs at The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, The Exchange Buildings, Republic Street, Valletta Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism, the Environment and Culture

For enquiries and bookings please contact Ms Joanna Bowman on or 2124 5168. Bookings will be on a first-comefirst-served basis.

Kapitali E wropea tal-Kultura Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism, the Environment and Culture

H ard R ock/Vodafone Hard Rock Cafe Malta, and Vodafone Malta organised a battle of the bands. The format was a series of gigs being held at the Hard Rock CafĂŠ. All collateral needed to be produced and branded. The result merged the identities of both Vodafone & Hard Rock together seamlessly.

16th June


23rd June






Plan Zero




(from Airport Impressions)

Bridget Bone VS

No Strings Attached

Vo d a fo n e L o tto Ca mp a ig n Ilgħab u irbaħ ma’ Vodafone

Play and win with Vodafone SMS 50913606 and answer a trivia question to win. Each SMS costs €1.16. You must be 18 years or over to participate.

Ibgħat SMS fuq 50913606 biex tipparteċipa

Ilgħab u irbaħ Ibgħat SMS b’WIN fuq 50913606 biex tipparteċipa Kif tieħu sehem Irrispondi l-mistoqsija biex tidħol biċ-ċans li tirbaħ

Iżjed ma tirrispondi mistoqsijiet, iktar tirbaħ punti u żżid iċ-ċans li tirbaħ il-premju ta’

Tista’ wkoll tirbaħ

€100 kuljum u

€30,000 €300 kull ġimgħa Biex tiċċekja kemm għandek punti, ibgħat SMS bil-kelma SCORE fuq 50913606 Jekk ma tridx tipparteċipa iktar ibgħat SMS bil-kelma STOP fuq 50913606 Kull SMS jiswa €1.16 Irid ikollok 18-il sena jew iżjed biex tipparteċipa

Għal aktar informazzjoni żur


Fittex vodafonemalta fuq Facebook

Play and win with Vodafone

N1 o

Welcome to Vodafone

it’s as easy as

1 How long does it take to switch to Vodafone? This can only take a matter of minutes, but can sometimes take up to 3 days (excluding weekends and public holidays). We will be working to switch your mobile connection as quickly as possible.


Tip: Always keep your Vodafone SIM card with you.

What happens when my number will be switched to Vodafone? Your connection will drop. Insert the Vodafone SIM Card in your mobile phone.

Tip: Keep a Vodafone top-up voucher handy just in case.

When will my credit and the Vodafone offer be available to me? It only takes approximately 30 minutes after you connect to Vodafone for your offer to be awarded. Your previous credit will be transferred to your Vodafone SIM within the first 3 days.

Find vodafonemalta on Facebook

Dejjem żomm top-up vawċer ta’ Vodafone fuqek, għal li jista’ jkun.

Use SOS Credit Send a blank SMS to 16250 and your account will be topped up with €1. On your next top-up, €1.10 will be deducted. This can be repeated up to 3 times before topping up.

Credit Rescue To transfer credit, simply send an SMS to 16233 for €3 or 16255 for €5, and type in the mobile number you want to transfer the credit to.

X’jiġri meta n-numru tiegħi jinqaleb ma’ Vodafone? Il-konnessjoni tiegħek taqa’. Daħħal is-SIM ta’ Vodafone fil-mowbajl tiegħek.

Nittoppja Ċempel 16203 u segwi l-istruzzjonijiet ta’ kif iddaħħal l-14-il numru li ssib fuq il-vawċer tat-top up, jew inkella żur is-sit biex tittoppja online:

Niċċekkja l-bilanċ Ċempel *123#, jew ibgħat SMS vojt lil 16290 biex tirċievi l-informazzjoni fuq il-bilanċ tiegħek.

Nuża l-Vodafone SOS Ibgħat SMS vojt fuq 16250 u l-bilanċ tiegħek jiżdied b’€1. €1.10 jiġu mnaqqsa mat-top up li jmiss. Dan il-proċess jista’ jsir sa 3 darbiet qabel terġa tittoppja.

Nibgħat Credit Rescue Biex tibgħat il-kreditu lil xi ħadd, ibgħat SMS lil 16233 għal €3 jew 16255 għal €5, u ikteb in-numru tal-mowbajl ta’ min tixtieq tibgħat il-kreditu.

L-offerta ta’ Vodafone Meta taqleb ma’ Vodafone, tirċievi: Telefonati u SMS b’xejn lejn numru wieħed Vodafone għal 30 ġurnata 200MB Internet b’xejn fuq il-mowbajl għal 30 ġurnata. Ċempel 16245 biex tagħżel numru Vodafone li tixtieq iċċempel b’xejn.

Kemm indum biex nirċievi l-kreditu u l-offerta ta’ Vodafone? L-offerta tingħatalek sa madwar 30 minuta wara li ssir il-konnessjoni. Il-kreditu, min-naha l-oħra, jista’ jieħu sa tlett ijiem biex jiġi trasferit.

July 2012


Check my balance Call *123#, or send a blank SMS to 16290 to receive detailed information about your prepaid balances.

Vodafone were in need of an informative leaflet that would serve as an orientation to the way that the Vodafone services work. My Vodafone Offer Switching to Vodafone entitles you to: Free calls was & SMS to 1 Vodafone The result an eye-catcher. Which played on number for 30 days 200MB free Internet the approachable image of the Vodafone brand. On Your Mobile Call 16245 to set your Free Vodafone number.

Kemm iddum biex il-linja tiegħi tinqaleb ma’ Vodafone? Normalment dan il-proċess idum ftit minuti, iżda xi drabi jista’ jkun li jdum sa 3 ijiem (esklużi weekends u festi pubbliċi). Min-naħa ta’ Vodafone nagħmlu mill-aħjar biex neqilbu n-numru tiegħek kemm jista’ jkun malajr. Dejjem żomm is-SIM ta’ Vodafone miegħek.

Top up Dial 16203 and follow the instructions to input the 14 digit code found on your Top Up voucher, or visit our website to top-up online:



q ta


How to




Vodafone Or ientation

it’s as easy as





How to Top up Dial 16203 and follow the instructions to input the 14 digit code found on your Top Up voucher, or visit our website to top-up online:

Check my balance Call *123#, or send a blank SMS to 16290 to receive detailed information about your prepaid balances.

Use SOS Credit Send a blank SMS to 16250 and your account will be topped up with €1. On your next top-up, €1.10 will be deducted. This can be repeated up to 3 times before topping up.

Credit Rescue To transfer credit, simply send an SMS to 16233 for €3 or 16255 for €5, and type in the mobile number you want to transfer the credit to.

My Vodafone Offer Switching to Vodafone entitles you to: Free calls & SMS to 1 Vodafone number for 30 days 200MB free Internet On Your Mobile Call 16245 to set your Free Vodafone number.

Kif Nittoppja Ċempel 16203 u segwi l-istruzzjonijiet ta’ kif iddaħħal l-14-il numru li ssib fuq il-vawċer tat-top up, jew inkella żur is-sit biex tittoppja online:

Niċċekkja l-bilanċ Ċempel *123#, jew ibgħat SMS vojt lil 16290 biex tirċievi l-informazzjoni fuq il-bilanċ tiegħek.

Nuża l-Vodafone SOS Ibgħat SMS vojt fuq 16250 u l-bilanċ tiegħek jiżdied b’€1. €1.10 jiġu mnaqqsa mat-top up li jmiss. Dan il-proċess jista’ jsir sa 3 darbiet qabel terġa tittoppja.

Nibgħat Credit Rescue Biex tibgħat il-kreditu lil xi ħadd, ibgħat SMS lil 16233 għal €3 jew 16255 għal €5, u ikteb in-numru tal-mowbajl ta’ min tixtieq tibgħat il-kreditu.

L-offerta ta’ Vodafone Meta taqleb ma’ Vodafone, tirċievi: Telefonati u SMS b’xejn lejn numru wieħed Vodafone għal 30 ġurnata 200MB Internet b’xejn fuq il-mowbajl għal 30 ġurnata.

My Vodafone Plan Your No1 Plan

Tip: Always keep Vodafone SIM car

With every €10 top-up, you will get the following (valid for 30 days): Free calls & SMS to ONE 200MB free Internet Vodafone number On Your Mobile 25c per minute call rate to all local mobile and fixed line numbers, and 5c per SMS to local numbers

Tip: Keep a Voda top-up voucher h just in case.

Vodafone Plan Your N o1 Plan

Ma’ kull top-up ta’ €10, se jkollok (validu għal 30 ġurnata): Telefonati u SMS b’xejn lejn 200MB Internet b’xejn fuq numru wieħed Vodafone il-mowbajl għal 30 ġurnata Rata ta’ 25ċ fil-minuta għal kull telefonata lejn numri lokali, u 5ċ għal kull SMS lejn numru lokali.

Dejjem żomm is-S Vodafone miegħe

Ċempel 16245 biex tagħżel numru Vodafone li tixtieq iċċempel b’xejn. Terms and conditions apply | Termini u kundizzjonijiet japplikaw

Visit any Vodafone store



Find vodafonemalta on Facebook

Dejjem żomm to vawċer ta’ Vodafo għal li jista’ jkun.

Vo d a fo n e S m a r tp h on e Crew Campai gn

Free training with your new Smartphone

Transfer your contacts for free

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New Smartphone, same contacts with Vodafone Smartphone Contacts

Remote help at your fingertips with the new Vodafone Help Service

Do you speak



EC En g l ish A du lt Brochure

Distributed to the sales team, this is the prime tool used to sell bookings. Therefore all information about the English Language courses must be included, whilst also including as much information about the destinations that the students can study in.

UK Centres:

USA Centres:

Malta Centre:

South Africa Centre:

All Centres:

Destination Spread: San Francisco

English Courses Spread


Mini Group 20/30 EC SAN FRANCISCO EC San Francisco is situated in the heart


If you would like to receive a greater level of individual attention, resulting in a faster rate of improvement,

One-to-One is the ultimate course for making maximum progress during a short period of time. This is a

the Mini Group course is ideal. Class sizes are small, allowing teachers to tailor the course to the

course which is 100% focused on your requirements and designed by your teachers to match your specific needs.

students’ needs.

The most flexible and personal course available.

of Downtown, just off Market Street and a short walk to Union Square. The school offers students a contemporary space in

Centre Info

which to improve their English. The school’s

• Established: 2010 • Centre capacity: 225 • Minimum age: 18 (16 in low season) Business Mini Group: 23 • Student computers: 10 • Wi-Fi • Library facilities • Self access audio facilities • Student lounge

16 classrooms surround a large sun-filled lounge, where students can relax and meet their classmates from all over the world. At the same time, they can catch up with friends and family at home on the student computers, or their laptops using free Wi-Fi available throughout the school. Just outside of school, students will find public transport and a wide variety of shops, restaurants and quality English courses and a state-of-the-art school, EC San Francisco is the perfect place to study English in this incredible city. Pier 39

Fishermans Wharf Lombard Street


EC San Francisco

ba de

Financial District


China Town


y Br

Nob Hill


Pacific Heights


Downtown Union Square

Japantown rke

t St




San Francisco Golden Gate Park

Level: Elementary to Advanced Course Duration: 1 week to 4 weeks 1 lesson: 45 minutes Lessons per week: Mini-Group 20 lessons/15 hours, Mini-Group 30 lessons/22.5 hours Available in: • Brighton, Malta: Mini Group 20 • Malta: Mini Group 30 Maximum in class: 6

• Course book • Welcome activity • Internet access • English activities and workshops



Mission Bay Haight



Other 19%

Rest of year

Spanish 17%

High Season

Saudi Arabian 15% Korean 13%


Brazilian 9% 20

Italian 5%


French 5%

Individual focus

More individual attention

Improve fluency quickly and effectively

Studying in a class of just 6 students allows you to spend more time in direct contact with your teacher. Accordingly, you will find that your specific needs can be identified, monitored and met by your teacher, allowing more feedback, encouragement and help.

The flexibility of our teachers combined with a small class size allow lessons to progress at a faster pace. You will improve your ‘thinking time’; this is the time it takes you to listen, comprehend and respond, which is essential for your fluency.

Flexible and personal

Smaller classes, more confidence

Dynamic teachers and small class sizes allow lessons to take a natural flow. Your course will cover the language areas and skills that you need to focus on.

In a smaller class you will see that the atmosphere is more relaxed and intimate. Feeling safe and secure helps with confidence and you will have more opportunity to interact with your classmates and your teacher.

I chose to take a Mini Group course at Brighton because I wanted to receive better individual attention so that I can advance my English faster. Before coming to EC Brighton I studied at EC Cambridge where I had already improved my English a lot. Teachers at EC are excellent, all staff are very friendly and helpful too, and if you have a problem they will find the best solution for you.




• are motivated and committed • need to improve their level of English quickly • want greater individual attention • want to improve their confidence

Together with your teachers you will address your weak points and work to strengthen them.

No distractions: just you and your personal teacher. You will receive undivided attention. Our teachers will give you feedback, encouragement and motivation.


Included in Course

South Beach








• Kayaking on the Bay • Visits to one of San Francisco’s many popular museums • Concerts in Golden Gate Park • Winter trips to the Lake Tahoe area to ski or snow board • Sports in Golden Gate Park • Weekend trips to Yosemite, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles and more • Walks along the San Francisco

Alcatraz Union Square for shopping Exploring the “Neighbourhoods” Riding a Cable Car Lombard Street Haight Ashbury area Walking over Golden Gate Bridge Pier 39– see the sea lions and visit the bars and restaurants • Golden Gate Park

e Em

Optional Activities

• • • • • • • •


Don’t Miss

• wish to improve their level significantly in a short time • want to have targeted learning in areas of weakness or where they are lacking in confidence • feel they would benefit from uninterrupted teacher attention • want to combine the interaction of a group course with the individual attention of private lessons

This course is suitable for students who:

• General English • Semi-Intensive English • Intensive English • General English One-to-One (Afternoons only) • TOEFL Crash Courses • FCE, CAE & CPE Preparation • Academic Year 24/30 • Multi-Destination Academic Year • Business English Mini Group 20 • Business English One-to-One (Afternoons only) • Full Immersion

cafés. With convenient accommodation,


Built on the dreams of America’s Gold Rush, San Francisco is a creative city revelling in its freedom and openness. Often eccentric, always charming, San Francisco has much to offer. From its eclectic neighbourhoods and stunning surroundings to its wonderful seafood and architecture, San Francisco is an essential destination for today’s English language learner.

This course is suitable for students who:

Course Info

A nurturing environment

Maximum flexibility The flexibility of our teachers allows you to choose the English that you want to learn. From helping you understand the grammar point that has always confused you to learning the English for the trip you are planning.

It’s easy for you to relax and learn in our friendly classroom environment. You don’t have to feel nervous about talking in front of classmates. This is a great opportunity to build your confidence.

Combine with a group course Take advantage of the interaction found on a group course and the personal attention of One-to-One classes. You may combine 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 One-to-One lessons with a group course for a well-balanced approach to achieving your English goals.

Tailored to your needs Continuous monitoring from your teachers enables them to identify the areas you specifically need to work on in order to progress.

I found my One-to-One classes at EC Cape Town very useful and practical. I can focus on my difficulties with my English and practise them to overcome difficulties with pronunciation, writing, reading and vocabulary. My teacher always knows what I need to improve and is able to give me perfect advice.

Timetable One-to-One Timetable Timetable

1 2 lessons


2 lessons

2 Break


2 lessons


Level: Beginner to Advanced Course Duration: Min 1 week Lessons per week: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40; 2 to 10 lessons per week must be combined with a group course 1 lesson: 45 minutes Available in: • Cape Town • San Francisco, Malta, San Diego, Boston: Available all year, however on request during high season • Brighton, London & Cambridge: on request • Not available in New York Maximum in class: 1

2 lessons

Kaori Shimizu Japan


18-20 21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50



Swiss 5%


Colombian 5% Turkish 4% German 3%

Mini Group 20 Timetable

Faycal Laghrari Idrissi Hassani Morocco

Information is based on student weeks during 2010. The nationality and age mix varies

1st module

Mini Group 30 Timetable

2nd module

1st module

2 lessons

2 lessons

2nd module

2 lessons



2 lessons

End of day when taking 20 lessons


End of day when taking 30 lessons


End of day when taking 40 lessons

3rd module

over different time periods, courses and levels. The nationality mix is made up of 40 different



2 lessons



Accomodation Spread



Learning Progression Infographic

Accommodation Overview

Your Learning Experience Our students’ success is the ultimate proof of the quality of our courses. Our students achieve excellent exam pass

EC offers you a variety of accommodation options to choose from. Whether you’re looking for an independent

rates and will provide you with all the tools and support you need to succeed.

experience staying in a residence or apartment, or have decided to experience daily life with a homestay, you can be sure that EC will help you find a place you can call a home away from home.

Your Level




KET - IELTS 2 – 3 – TOEFL iBT 32 – 42

IELTS 3 – 4 – TOEFL iBT 43 – 52

Intermediate PET - IELTS 4 – 5 – TOEFL iBT 53 – 61



FCE - IELTS 5 – 6

CAE - IELTS 6 – 7

Student Houses & Shared Apartments

TOEFL iBT 62 – 79

Student Houses and Shared Apartments offer the independence of a Residence on a smaller scale. Sharing a house with other EC students, from all over the world, you will have lots of opportunities to practise your English and make lasting friendships with your new housemates.

6 weeks

9 weeks

10-12 weeks

12-16 weeks

12-16 weeks

12-16 weeks

Proficiency CPE - IELTS 7 – 9 – TOEFL iBT 113 – 120 TOEFL iBT 80 – 112

12-16 weeks

20 lessons per week

Student Houses & Shared Apartments typically include: • Single or shared rooms • Ensuite or shared bathrooms • Shared cooking facilities • Optional half-board supplements in some destinations • Great transport links to school • Internet/Wi-Fi connection

Homestay Homestay is the perfect way to experience a home away from home. You will enjoy all the comforts of home life: security, comfort and home cooked food, plus, you will benefit from a unique cultural experience. In addition, you will be able to use your English in a natural environment outside the classroom.

Student Residences Residences provide you with the ultimate student experience, together with students from all over the world, you have the opportunity to live independently while enjoying life in your chosen destination.

Homestays typically include: • Single or shared rooms • Private or shared bathrooms • Half-board • Bed and breakfast available (in selected destinations)

Residences typically include: • Choice of single or shared rooms • Ensuite or shared bathrooms • Shared cooking facilities in the case of self-catering • Optional half-board supplements in some destinations • Great transport links to school • Internet/Wi-Fi connection

4 weeks

6 weeks

8 weeks

10-12 weeks

10-12 weeks

10-12 weeks

The EC Guarantee is very simple. Placement Test


Classroom Environment

Sitting a placement test on your first day ensures you to start off at the right point. You will be assigned to a class with students of the same level. Throughout your course you will sit progress and level tests to make sure that you are always moving in the right direction.

You will learn how English is spoken and used in many situations, plus, how to effectively use grammar, new vocabulary, idioms and practise pronunciation through reading, writing, speaking and listening – thus attaining fluency and confidence in the use of the language.

To make your journey smoother, our classrooms are relaxed and informal, where a nurturing and secure environment builds your confidence. We strongly believe that you learn more when you are relaxed and happy, so we put every emphasis on making that happen.


• All grammar and vocabulary are taught in context, making it easier for you to apply everything you have learnt to everyday situations. • As well as teaching you English, we will teach you how to learn. You will leave with the skills you need to continue learning. • Lessons are interactive, interesting and inspiring, enabling you to remain highly motivated. • The use of newspapers, videos, the internet and CDs in the classroom provides exposure to authentic English.


We believe that our teachers are our main asset. Our teaching staff are dynamic and flexible enough to make sure that your individual needs are met. They will challenge, motivate, provide ongoing support and encourage you throughout.


10-12 weeks

30 lessons per week



By the time you leave us you will have the necessary confidence and linguistic skills to reach your target level. It may be challenging at times, but you will have an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment when you have reached your goal.

 If you are committed to learning English  If you have attended all your lessons  If you have completed your homework, tests and assignments then you can expect to progress at the rate shown on the progress chart. If you do not progress at the expected rate, we will provide you with support, additional lessons and all the help you need to reach your target level at no extra charge.

This is the EC Guarantee.



University & College Preparation 2011

University Foundation Programmes in the UK & USA

EC En g l ish U niversity & Col le g e Preparation Bro chure The University & College Preparation Courses was a brand new product whose brand needed to be created from scratch. The idea was to create a brand which acted as a derivative of the existing EC brand. However as this was a much more upmarket product, the look and feel needed to have more of a serious tone. This was achieved with great satisfaction in the brochure created.

UK Centres:

USA Centres:

All Centres:

Destination Spread: San Francisco Why EC?

English Courses Spread EC Boston

Our Partners

The Centre

EC provides students with the opportunity to attend prestigious universities through the strong network of EC has been helping students prepare for

selected university partners.

university success for over 10 years. EC is dedicated to providing its students with a

Our US partners

quality learning experience.

Wenstworth Institute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Boston, Massachusetts

Bay State College, Boston, Massachusetts

Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, Massachusetts

Nichols College, Boston, Massachusetts

MiraCosta College, San Diego, California

University of Massachusetts, Boston

Cambridge College, Boston, Massachusetts

Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, Massachusetts

California International Business University, San Diego, California

Our UK partners

University of Essex

Outstanding Partnerships

Wealth of Experience

EC provides students with the opportunity to attend prestigious universities through a strong network of selected partners. Partnerships have been developed based on EC’s commitment and track record of providing universities with exceptional students who are fully prepared for life in an international university. Offering a select group of universities, translates to excellent relationships on your behalf, helping you achieve your academic goals.

Since 1992, EC have been helping students to prepare for university through successful partnerships with leading colleges who recognise the quality of our courses. Every year we help hundreds of students reach their goals, allowing our past alumni to attend further education in the UK, USA and also international schools in their own countries.

University of Essex

Anglia Ruskin University

The University of Winchester

University of Brighton

University of Dundee

Liverpool John Moores University

London Metropolitan University

University of Central Lancashire

University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

St.Mary’s University College Twickenham, London

University of Chichester

Conditional Admission

The Centre EC San Diego is located in the beautiful area of La Jolla. The neighbourhood is well-known for its up-market shopping and an incredible coastline, where seals can be spotted next to surfers and sunbathers!

Home to universities such as Harvard, MIT and Boston University, the city and surrounding area is well known as a prestigious centre of higher educational excellence. Regardless of a student’s choice, Boston is a major international centre for higher education. Options range from attending a four-year or two-year college, a medical or law school, a business or vocational school, or a school for the arts or sciences, whatever field a student chooses, they can be sure there is a school in Boston to fill the need.

California is known for having many excellent institutes of higher education. From community colleges to prestigious universities, there are education options for all lifestyles and budgets. San Diego has top ranking Tier-1 universities, excellent community colleges and small private schools dedicated to individual subjects. EC’s 23 bright classrooms, airy student lounge, computer areas and outdoor terraces with ocean views all help to create the relaxed Californian atmosphere found at EC San Diego. In your free time, you can immerse yourself fully into the San Diego way of life with surfing and golf lessons.

EC Boston is situated in the heart of Boston’s most desirable district. The Back Bay area is home to many sidewalk cafés, beautiful restaurants and unique boutiques. Just a few minutes away from school are the famous Prudential Center and Copley Square, where you will also find the nearest subway stop.

Boston Architectural College, Boston, Massachusetts

National University, San Diego, California

EC San Diego

EC Boston, established in 1992, is an official TOEFL iBT testing centre and has fantastic facilities including a total of 15 classrooms. computer rooms, a bright student lounge, quiet study areas and much more.

Centre Info

Centre Info

• Established: 1992 • Centre capacity: 180 • Student computers: 22 • Wi-Fi • Library facilities • Self access audio facilities and testing facilities • Student lounge

• Established: 1992 • Centre capacity: 220 • Student computers: 17 • Wi-Fi • Library facilities • Student area • Terrace with sea views


Recognised Academic Conditions In the USA, EC has developed TOEFL waiver agreements with our partner universities, allowing you to enter a college or university without a TOEFL score. The International Foundation programme in the UK allows you to proceed into university without a subject specific qualification, upon completion of the programme.

Conditional admission to one of EC’s partner universities allows you the reassurance of a university place prior to leaving your home country. Should you wish to apply to an institution that is not an EC partner, you can opt to apply whilst at school, gaining valuable direction and advice from EC’s experienced academic advisors.

Brunel University

University of Hertfordshire



Accomodation Spread EC London



Learning Progression Infographic The Centre EC London is located in the middle of Covent Garden and Bloomsbury where you will find lots of interesting shops, cafés, restaurants, museums, galleries, theatres and much more.

Our Students

Steps to University Success

EC Centres have helped hundreds of students gain the required English language skills to attend universities in

From enrolling on your Foundation programme to your first semester at university, EC will help you along every

the USA and UK. Past successes include students attending Harvard University, UMASS and Boston College in the

step of the way to your international university or college experience.

USA. Our students have also attended excellent universities in the UK and international programmes in their own countries.

Surrounded by prestigious universities and institutions of learning such as the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and the University of London’s Senate House Library, and several of its colleges; vUniversity College London, Birkbeck, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Oriental and African Studies and the Royal Veterinary College, EC London is in the heart of learning in this bustling capital.

I have been at EC for 11 months. Everyone at EC is doing their maximum in order to prepare and help me for university. academic advising put me in the right track of improving my English and finding a good university. The tours of universities helped a lot to be familiar with the educational system in the US and to know the colleges requirements.

The school is located very close to 3 central London tube stations, helping to make travelling around London really easy. EC London has bright and spacious classrooms; all decorated in the signature EC style. The café is most definitely a highlight, serving good value homemade dishes all day. Other facilities include a student computer room, free Wi-Fi, a study room and library.

Abdulelah Ali Saudi Arabia

Centre Info

I’ve been in Boston for one year. My primary goal is to get a master’s degree in Boston from Cambridge College. The course at EC was very helpful to get a better GMAT score. The school has helped me as a guide for my university placement. I went on some university tours with EC Boston. They helped me because I was a bit lost with all of the topics about universities. Daniela Leon Venezuela

Aiming to study for an MS in Engineering and Management

• Established: 1969 • Centre capacity: Main Capacity: 130 Other Sites: up to 146 • Student computers: 26 • Café with Cinema Screen • Wi-Fi

Ali Aydogan Turkey Studying a postgraduate degree in Marketing at the University of Wales and is also working in education in the UK.

Our UK Partner Universities 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 44


I passed the IELTS exam that was compulsory to study MBA in the UK. EC Brighton was extremely professional in IELTS classes. General English classes were also amazing - a lot of fun, good atmosphere, and friendly teachers. Their ways of teaching really worked in daily life as well; I haven’t faced any difficulties so far. I’m glad that I’m a member of this family.

EC’s course was very useful improving my life, my future job and my relationships with other foreign people. Now I want to go back to Brighton for a year so that I do not lose my English level. I hope to see the EC staff again!

University of Essex University of Dundee Liverpool John Moores University Anglia Ruskin University Brunel University University of Chichester

Cristhian David Pimentel Mora Colombia

University of Winchester University of Wales Institute Cardiff

Studying an undergraduate degree in

University of Brighton

Industrial Design at the Royal College of

University of Hertfordshire

Design in the UK.

University of Central Lancashire St Mary’s University College - Twickenham London Metropolitan University

I have been studying at EC Boston for six months. My goal is to apply to a top tier university. In the TOEFL class my score increased rapidly. I developed many skills which will be helpful at university. During the English course I developed grammar and speaking skills. So, it’s much easier to deal with challenges that appear. After the SAT preparation I feel confident about the SAT. I learned several tactics that helped me during the real test. The Academic Advisor has helped me with my university placement. It was really helpful. She gave me all information that I needed to apply. In addition she helped with documents, essays, etc. I’m thankful to all the EC team of professional teachers and staff. Niyazbek Berdykulov Kazakhstan



I am now fluent in English, I got a 7 at my IELTS exam - which allows me to enter a university here in the UK - and I got my job through EC. I enjoyed the time I studied there, the people I met and what the school provided. Marina Garcia De Almeida Brazil About to start an undergraduate degree in Law and working as a secretary in the UK.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Enrolling with EC

Throughout your Foundation Programme

Applying to Universities

Your First Semester in University

Our admissions advisors will advise you of each step of the application process to EC’s foundation programme. They will provide you with a checklist of every document you need to submit, direct you to all of the forms you need to complete and will organise a language level test if you don’t have a recent score. If you don’t meet the required English language level, they will offer solutions through PreSessional English programmes. If you wish to apply to a university through the Conditional Admissions route our advisors will be there to guide you.

Your academic advisor and teachers will provide you with support throughout your foundation programme. You can schedule time to meet your academic advisor whenever you need advice and formal compulsory meetings are included in the course curriculum. During these sessions you may discuss any aspect of your course, whether you have concerns about your progress in a certain area of the programme or your future choice of degree.

If you would like to apply to one of our partner universities or colleges, or are interested in an alternative institution, your academic advisor will give you all of the support and advice needed to present the best application possible.

Upon receiving acceptance to university or college, you will be faced with many questions. Should you need advice regarding acceptance procedure, or, if you have questions about the first weeks at university, our advisors give you all of the information needed to ensure you settle into university comfortably. EC’s advisors will be available to foundation students throughout your first semester at university, should you need further help. The lessons you learn while taking your foundation programme will prove invaluable during your entire degree or master’s programme.

University visits, counselling regarding courses and majors, recommendations concerning housing applications and even help identifying potential financial aid possibilities, will be provided to ensure you attend the most suitable university or college for your individual requirements.


New You by Transforma Transforma needed a brand to market the launch of their Grooming & Make-over courses. The result present the brand as a high fashion product that boasts quality.

GROOMING CO U R S E & PHOTOGRAPHIC M A K EOV ER BY AN INTERNATIONAL MAKE-UP ARTIST AND STYLIST Let us bring out the best in you and teach you the basics to keep you looking good every day. Topics to be covered are: Personal Image, Hair & Make-up Course held at SmartCity Malta between 9am & 4pm over a 2-day period. We offer courses for individuals and groups. Limited places available. Reserve your spot now on

Transforma SmartCity, STM 01 Unit 101, Ricasoli Industrial Estate, Kalkara T: 2329 3501 |

G R OO M I N G C OUR S E & PHOTOGRAPHIC M A K E OV ER BY AN INTERNATIONAL MAKE-UP ARTIST AND STYLIST Let us bring out the best in you and teach you the basics to keep you looking good every day. Topics to be covered are: Personal Image, Hair & Make-up Course held at SmartCity Malta over a 2-day period. We offer courses for individuals and groups, with limited places available. Reserve your spot now on

Transforma SmartCity, STM 01 Unit 101, Ricasoli Industrial Estate, Kalkara T: 2329 3501 |

N ow Yo u Ca n Ca mpai gn Cars International needed a Campaign identity for their newly launched finance service. The idea was to market the service, as an easily accessible option for the general public.

Get that car! 0% Deposit 7 Year Repayment Plan Lowest Interest Rate of 5.39%

Mdina Road, Qormi T 22 692 120 | 22 692 122


Impress yourself, not just the neighbours.

nEvER looKEd THIS Good. If this were a beauty contest, our 7-year warranty and the new Kia Sportage would tie for first place. Its incredible design and striking good looks deserve a warranty just as beautiful. That’s why we designed and engineered the Sportage in the most advanced plants in Europe to the most exacting quality standards. Incredible looks and unbeatable quality? How beautiful. The new Kia Sportage. A warranty never looked this good.

THE NEW KIA RIO. ADMirAtion guArAnteeD. The new Kia Rio is designed to surprise – with a premium level of quality, style and equipment unexpected in its class. And underneath that sophisticated metal? All the high build quality we are so proud of. It’s the reason we offer every Kia with a 7-year warranty*. After all, chances are the driver will never need to make use of it. * 7 Yrs/150,000km Kia warranty. Subject to T&C.

Cars International ltd. Mdina Road, Qormi - Malta Tel: 22 692 120 Email: sB Autocentre ltd. Mgarr Road, Xewkija - Gozo Tel: 21 556 773 Email:

* 7 Years / 150,000km Kia warranty for all Kia models. Subject to local terms and conditions.

Cars International Ltd. Mdina Road, Qormi - Malta Tel: 22 692 120 Email: SB Autocentre Ltd. Mgarr Road, Xewkija - Gozo Tel: 21 556 773 Email:

The N ew Kia Picanto

Big on style 3.6 metres of fresh thinking, wrapped up in a European design.

The Kia 7 year warranty 7-year / 150,000 km new car warranty. Valid in all EU member states /incl. Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Gibraltar/ subject to local terms and conditions.

THE Kia PicanTo

EnginEs & Transmission

Compact dimensions, tons of personality

Small but full of mighty ideas

small car, strong character Nothing can cramp your style in the new Kia Picanto. In fact, this striking little car provides a level of sophistication and comfort unexpected in its class. And thanks to eco-friendly engine technology with CO2 emissions as low as 90 g/km, the Picanto is also one of the cleanest cars in its segment. You/ll see, this Kia is packed with exciting features guaranteed to make a strong impression in the city.

Eco-friendly engine performance The Picanto features a sophisticated lightweight petrol engine/the 1.0 litre model with 69 PS. It keeps consumption and CO2 emissions down whilst delivering a smooth and quiet ride.

Picanto specifications Engines Engine type Displacement /cc/

1.0 LPg

1.2 mPi

inline 3-cylinders

inline 4-cylinders 1,248


Max. Power /ps / rpm/

82 / 6,400

85 / 6,000

Max. Torque /kg.m / rpm/

9.6 / 3,500

12.3 / 4,000 Unit /mm/

Overall length


Overhang /front/

Overall width


Overhang /rear/


Leg room /rear/


Head room /front/

820 1,002

Overall height


Interior length


Head room /rear/



Interior width


Shoulder room /front/


Wheeltread /front/


Interior height


Shoulder room /rear/


Wheeltread /rear/


Leg room /front/


Min. turning circle



/All information and illustrations are based on data available at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice. Contact your local Kia dealer for current information.

DrivEr Ergonomics

7-year 150,000 km new car warranty. Valid in all EU member states /incl. Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Gibraltar/ subject to local terms and conditions.

A big welcome Feel at home on the road There/s a journey worth taking before you even start the car. Just tour the interior with your eyes and you/ll discover plenty of beautiful materials and stylish design, combined with a whole range of smart and ergonomic features. Lots of minute details for a big driving experience.

audio system A small car with a high performance audio system. Complete with radio, CD player and MP3 outlets.

speaker system For the best sound on the move/ up to 6 speakers are placed throughout the cabin.

Everything for a head-turning performance

saFETy TEcHnoLogy iPod, aUX and UsB connectivity Plug in your MP3 player and enjoy your tunes on the move.

Tough enough to face the world Big on driver and passenger safety The Picanto is designed to make an impression / in every respect. That/s why it/s packed with class-leading safety measures to prevent accidents and to protect you and your passengers.

audio remote control Turn it up, turn it down, switch channels, skip tracks. And do it all while keeping your hands on the wheel.

Driver's seat The side bolster of the driver seat has been enlarged and features different firmness levels for best side support.

PEacE oF minD

A big commitment to you service you can trust At Kia, quality extends far beyond the factory floor. We are committed to the best service possible as a reflection of our revolutionary 7-year warranty. stay in touch with Kia Visit for all the latest news. Find out more about our achievements in alternative fuel development, like liquid gas, hybrid and fuel cell technology. Or discover what our Environment Research Centre is working on. We/re also involved in major sporting events/ Kia is an official partner of both UEFA and FIFA. We sponsor the World Cup 2012, the Australian Open and the tennis star Rafael Nadal. 7-year vehicle warranty Every Kia benefits from a 7-year/150,000 km new car warranty /up to 3 years unlimited/ from 4 years 150,000 km/. This bumper-to-bumper warranty is free and transferable to subsequent owners, provided the car is regularly maintained in accordance with the servicing schedule.

cars international Ltd. Mdina Road, Qormi - Malta Tel/ 22 692 000 Email/ kiasales/

All information, illustrations and specifications are correct at the time of printing and are subject to change without notification. The models and specifications shown in this brochure may vary from the models available in your market. Due to the limits of the printing process, the car body colours shown may differ slightly from actual colours. Please contact your local Kia dealer for the most recent information.

small is the new big. Headlamps with LED daytime running lights give a bold and assured presence

side repeater in Exterior mirrors More fresh ideas to your Picanto. Here/s how the Picanto is tailored for you.

rear Parking assist system How much room do you have at the rear when parking/ A beeping sound warns you if you get too close to an obstacle.

Mi c ro sof t W in d ows 7 U pgrade Microsoft Malta needed to push sales for its Windows 7 upgrade aswell as Office 2010. With the majority of the general public not really buying software the idea was to show examples of the kind of people upgrading, and communicate that it is not just businesses who invest in software.

ask for

Even pirates arrrrgh buying it.

Windows 7

Windows 7

Windows 7

Aliquam hendrerit, nunc non faucibus ultricies, mauris metus viverra nulla, sollicitudin faucibus lacus quam nec sem. Sed nibh felis, pharetra et molestie et, interdum quis ipsum. Curabitur quis dui lobortis justo commodo suscipit.

Aliquam hendrerit, nunc non faucibus ultricies, mauris metus viverra nulla, sollicitudin faucibus lacus quam nec sem. Sed nibh felis, pharetra et molestie et, interdum quis ipsum. Curabitur quis dui lobortis justo commodo suscipit.

Aliquam hendrerit, nunc non faucibus ultricies, mauris metus viverra nulla, sollicitudin faucibus lacus quam nec sem. Sed nibh felis, pharetra et molestie et, interdum quis ipsum. Curabitur quis dui lobortis justo commodo suscipit.

Office 2010

Office 2010

Office 2010

Etiam libero est, ornare vitae semper congue, molestie et erat. Aenean facilisis nisl ut enim luctus vel imperdiet enim egestas. Nam a feugiat tortor. Aliquam feugiat congue blandit. Ut in nunc nunc. Aliquam ultrices purus nec mauris elementum.

Etiam libero est, ornare vitae semper congue, molestie et erat. Aenean facilisis nisl ut enim luctus vel imperdiet enim egestas. Nam a feugiat tortor. Aliquam feugiat congue blandit. Ut in nunc nunc. Aliquam ultrices purus nec mauris elementum.

Etiam libero est, ornare vitae semper congue, molestie et erat. Aenean facilisis nisl ut enim luctus vel imperdiet enim egestas. Nam a feugiat tortor. Aliquam feugiat congue blandit. Ut in nunc nunc. Aliquam ultrices purus nec mauris elementum.

ask for


ask for






Softwear for you.

I am Window.




This man has just upgraded

This woman has just upgraded

Windows 7

Office 2010

Windows 7

Office 2010

Windows 7

Office 2010

Aliquam hendrerit, nunc non faucibus ultricies, mauris metus viverra nulla, sollicitudin faucibus lacus quam nec sem. Sed nibh felis, pharetra et molestie et, interdum quis ipsum. Curabitur quis dui lobortis justo commodo suscipit.

Etiam libero est, ornare vitae semper congue, molestie et erat. Aenean facilisis nisl ut enim luctus vel imperdiet enim egestas. Nam a feugiat tortor. Aliquam feugiat congue blandit. Ut in nunc nunc. Aliquam ultrices purus nec mauris elementum aliquet.

Aliquam hendrerit, nunc non faucibus ultricies, mauris metus viverra nulla, sollicitudin faucibus lacus quam nec sem. Sed nibh felis, pharetra et molestie et, interdum quis ipsum. Curabitur quis dui lobortis justo commodo suscipit.

Etiam libero est, ornare vitae semper congue, molestie et erat. Aenean facilisis nisl ut enim luctus vel imperdiet enim egestas. Nam a feugiat tortor. Aliquam feugiat congue blandit. Ut in nunc nunc. Aliquam ultrices purus nec mauris elementum aliquet.

Aliquam hendrerit, nunc non faucibus ultricies, mauris metus viverra nulla, sollicitudin faucibus lacus quam nec sem. Sed nibh felis, pharetra et molestie et, interdum quis ipsum. Curabitur quis dui lobortis justo commodo suscipit.

Etiam libero est, ornare vitae semper congue, molestie et erat. Aenean facilisis nisl ut enim luctus vel imperdiet enim egestas. Nam a feugiat tortor. Aliquam feugiat congue blandit. Ut in nunc nunc. Aliquam ultrices purus nec mauris elementum aliquet.

This little lady has just upgraded

H i , I l i ke Desi gn... Do you?

CRAIG M AC 2 0 1 2

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