Turn On And Tune In By Craig Ruhl
The other day, a favorite memory from my childhood came to mind. At Christmas, when I was in 4th or 5th grade, my parents gifted me a shortwave radio kit. The manufacturer was Heathkit, and it consisted of bags of resisters, capacitors, rheostats, vacuum tubes, miles of wire, a metal chassis, a case, and a very complicated instruction book. Kids, this was before transistors and circuit boards. No worries, however. My dad was an aeronautical engineer, and our next-door neighbor was an electrical engineer and amateur radio operator. Together, we had that bad boy assembled and literally humming within a week. Soon, my bedroom was filled with crackling static and voices that boomed and faded as I turned the tuning knob to get a better signal. I then used the squelch knob which is used to lessen the background noise or interference always present on the airwaves. Wonder filled my head as I listened to Radio Free Europe and amateur radio operators from around the world. It took a lot of patience and focus to pick a good signal out of a very cluttered atmosphere. The lessons I learned in the many years I used that radio have stood me well in adulthood.
“Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.” (Mark 4:24 NKJV) As Christians, we desire to live our everyday lives in a manner that is pleasing to God. Romans 10:17 (NKJV) states, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Reading, understanding, and thinking about God’s Word are key. Friction comes in the application of what we are taught in how we lead our lives—our relationships, work, leisure, and our faith. The distractions are immense, and they are powerful. We cannot resist the temptations of evil on our own. The Bible says we will not be tempted beyond what we can bear. It also promises that God will provide a way out so we may endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Like my old shortwave radios, I can tune in to what is good and right. I also have a squelch function where I can adjust my resistance to the bad and tempting interference. The Bible is my foundation, and it is very clear, encouraging, and educational. The Holy Spirit, the helper Jesus promised to send to all us believers, helps me deal with the negatives in life that can throw Much like my shortwave radio hobby, practicing my me off my faith. My fellow Christians whom I can lean Christian faith requires focus and the ability to filter on for support help me stand strong and pliable, bendout the extraneous noise of our modern world. We are ing at times but not broken. under constant clamoring for our attention from a variety of directions: other people, the internet, television, On a clear day, signals are easy to pick up, but on those radio, and the most surreptitious of all—the evil one. stormy ones, we all need to fine-tune our minds and It is difficult to listen to what we know is the true and hearts. Stay strong and keep the faith! faithful whispering of the Holy Spirit guiding us when the volume is turned up and our squelch mechanism is either failing or we just never learned to use it.
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