Reason For The Season by Mike Buchanan
An angel announced a birth like no other So later one could announce a rebirth like no other The Babe started in swaddling clothes To be stripped of almost everything at the end. He was heralded by a heavenly choir on arrival So it would echo against the mocking on the cross. Visited by strangers in the manger To make up for the ultimate desertion in the darkness. His birth was given to a virgin To shadow the resurrected hope given to a prostitute. He was brought royal gifts in tribute as a child In preparation for a crown given in scorn and derision. He was born perfect So He could die sin-burdened. He left His Glory and became like one of us Because He wanted us to become like Him. For everything started in the season of His Birth Its true reason is found in His Death and Resurrection
Painting By Mike Buchanan
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