The Penny And The Cross By Cindy Oriol
One by one they came in asking for their penny and prayers. They were all very excited to receive it and to know that through the Holy Spirit I had prayed for them. I made sure that I told them I give the Lord, all the glory, honor, and praise.
At the top of every chapter in my book titled HAVING JOY IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM is a round penny with a cross cut out of the center. I wanted that added to my book because it holds a special place in my heart.
My surgeon came in; he had been delayed from another surgery. He apologized and began talking to me about how this port was going to be administered and how it would work. I gave him his penny and repeated what I had already said to the others. With tears trickling down his cheeks, he asked if he could possibly have another one. Of course, I gave him another coin. He said, “You do not know what this means to me.” He never explained, but he didn’t have to, Jesus knew. My husband, John, told me later that the atmosphere in the room changed abruptly. They were less agitated, and we just knew that the Holy Spirit was everywhere around us.
When I was diagnosed with cancer of the breast, while I was getting prepared for my chemotherapy, a friend of mine at church gave me a bag of pennies with a cross cut out of each one. He told me to take them to my doctor appointments and pass them out and say, “In Jesus’ name, I give you this penny,” and tell them I had already covered them in prayers. Those copper pennies created a connection between the Lord and all of us. I would like to share with you some of what I included in my book about when I passed them out to others.
Right before they wheeled me into surgery, I asked the staff if they had their pennies with them. They started patting their pockets and one by one they said, “I have mine.”
The day I had my port put in. A nurse came in to get my vital signs and I gave him the first penny. He was so surprised when I said, “I give you this penny in Jesus’s name.” He kept repeating these words, “Thank You.” When he stepped out of the room, I could hear him at the front desk that was close to my room, telling the other nurses and doctors about what had just happened. He was happily sharing it with the other staff members.
Cindy Oriol
Who would have ever thought a copper penny with a cutout cross would bring so many spiritual responses? It all goes to show us that a little bit of kindness can go along way. We are put here on this earth to love one another. In Christian love,
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