Missing Our Communities by Yvonne M. Morgan
Jesus Set The Example Let’s dig a little deeper into how Jesus and the disciples lived together. First, Jesus taught them obedience to His Father’s will in all circumstances. Next, Jesus modeled the importance of an active prayer life. Also, they shared their lives together, including meals and money. And, finally, Jesus showed them how to love like Him. This model became the basis for the church to follow in the early days of Christianity. How do our Christian communities measure up today? Are you feeling isolated from your communities because of the pandemic? COVID-19 forced the closures of so many places that it has affected our ability to stay within our established associations. Much of our lives exists only in the virtual world of Zoom or other online activities. At times, I feel lost and alone, locked away for my safety and the safety of others. We Were Made As Social beings Why do we struggle with our lack of socialization during this time? From early in the Bible, we see how God created us to be together, in fellowship with others. After God created Adam, He realized it was not suitable for him to be alone, so God made Adam a companion. “Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’” (Genesis 2:18 ESV) We also witness how Jesus and His disciples lived together in a community of faith. From the beginning to the end of the Bible, we find such examples.
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Our Churches Today As I reflect on the days of Jesus, I wonder how we differ. In Christian churches, Jesus is still the center of worship and prayer. I think one big difference appears when we evaluate our dedication to our Christian community. Many attend an hour-long service so they can check it off the list of good deeds. The church is no longer the center of our lives. We rush in and rush out, moving on to the next event of our day. We dread the times when the service lasts longer than we expect. We worship God on our time schedule, fitting Him into the space we created for Him. Churches In Other Countries When we visit churches in other countries during a mission trip, we find a very different experience. Usually, the church sits within a compound that remains open continuously. People drop by to chat with one another. We might find someone who has prepared tea to serve to those who show up. Other people stop by to drop off extra food for those without. The scene more closely resembles what I think God intended His church to look like in the world. The church stands at the center of their lives instead of something to do on a Sunday.