Brenda McDaniel is the author of My Angel My Hero with two more books soon to be published. She is from Roanoke, VA. She holds a B.S in Psychology and M.A. in Counseling. She has enjoyed writing poetry and short stories, even as a small child. Brenda says she is now living her dream come true! CLICK ON BOOK TO PURCHASE
THE LORD’S HEALING POWER By Brenda McDaniel Through the years, I have seen God’s power and healing. Healing emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. There were times when I struggled. When I felt depressed and that I couldn’t go on. Sometimes people fail you, even your loved ones. They don’t always know or care if they hurt you deeply. Because they may also be in pain. They may strike out to make others hurt like them. The only one who can heal such pain or anger is the Lord. He gives you a forgiving and loving spirit. Although it’s difficult, over time, the hurt and anger dissipates or lessens. There is also mental healing. Sometimes confusion, lack of self-esteem and failure cause mental pain. Or with a disability, mental illness occurs and causes mental instability. My father, (Henry), suffered deep pain mentally, as he had schizophrenia. There is no cure. It’s a genetic disorder. But psychiatric meds helped relieve his hallucinations and anxiety. Although his disturbed thoughts continued, he had more peace mentally. Also, our family’s continued prayers helped him stay out of the hospital. And our continued love and support helped too.
Then there is physical pain that we all suffer. Such as heart problems. My dad lived with heart failure for many years. The new heart meds helped him live a long life, into his mid-eighties. And my brother, mom, and I have had high blood pressure problems. The meds helped us live without the serious side effects of high blood pressure. Mom, (Olga), suffered from intestinal cancer and had a tumor removed. Later on in her life, she developed spinal and kidney cancer, passing away in her mid-eighties. My brother, (Steven), had two different cancers: tongue and skin. He had surgery several times, that eventually cured him. So you see, the Lord’s will isn’t always curing your health problems. If it’s his will, as in my parents’ passing, he may take them home. My parents fought hard to live but finally accepted death. And because they deeply loved the Lord, they looked forward to their homecoming. Over and over, other physical problems were cured or controlled. Our prayers helped too and the Lord gave us many blessings. Now the most important healing in life is spiritual. If your spirit isn’t right with the Lord, your life will be miserable and senseless. But if you have love, faith, and hope in the Lord? Your life will be full and your spirit at peace. No matter what problems may arise. For our hope is in the Lord always. “These things I have spoken into you, that in me you might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 6-33 KJV)
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