Certified ICF ACC Life-Coach | COACH Model Trainer Head2Heart Onward Coaching Ministries “Helping you live aligned to your God-given design for greatest Gospel impact” www.head2heartonward.com
LIVING ALIGNED TO YOUR DESIGN: GIVING GOD CENTER-STAGE By Tami Thorsen Are you sometimes more concerned about what others think or say about you than what Scripture says is true of you?
Do you know what that means?
Watch out! Our enemy, the Design Crusher, desires to TRAP US into the bondage of performance, placing ourselves at center-stage!
Instead, He takes center stage and promises to do ALL the performances… for His Glory and for our satisfying delight!
This is a trap we have all fallen into whenever we allow our thoughts and actions to be caught up in the “game” of convincing others we’re DOing the right things and we’ve got it all together.
Here’s what transpires when we live our lives with Christ at “Center-Stage”:
Our energy is then driven by fear and pride, which exhausts our mind, body, and spirit because we are exerting our God-given energies in the pursuit of going nowhere but deeper into the mire of life-sapping bondage! Most likely you have even personally experienced and/ or heard it preached how this life-depleting trap gnaws at our inner being and suffocates the Abundant Life and Freedom our personal Designer longs to have flowing through us! (Romans 7:24-8:11) Perhaps you have even read in 2 Peter 1:3-11 how God promises His Divine power is available to set us free from the empty, lonely, futile rut of proving our self-sufficiency. His offer is too good to be true. His offer is so simple it makes us skeptically look for the “fine print,” “the catch.” Here is the crux of His offer: He offers Himself and His Power to live in and through us, “free of charge,” so the only way to receive Him is with “empty-hands,” nothing to prove. Ever. Coming to Him with nothing but empty hands open to receive is the only way He frees us from the “death trap” and be empowered by Him to live authentically, from the inside out!
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No more exhausting, personal performances! Whew!
God opens with the Ultimate Display of His Love & Grace. He does not hold back by saving the best for last or by waiting until we think we are ready. (Romans 5:8) He invites us to personally receive for FREE what cost Him dearly: His Son, who willingly did for us what we could never ever do… pay the price to attend the unlimited concert of His Grace! (John 3:16-18)
The unlimited concert of His Grace is all about a personal, loving relationship with Him: an ongoing, cooperative journey where God alone, at center-stage, is the Star Performer but at the same time, invites our personal participation! (Ephesians 1:3-23) Come. Join me in attending this concert. It’s free: The “Music and Light-Show” begin… God’s Divine drumbeat awakens our hearts and minds to align to His perfect rhythm. Then, the curtain is pulled back so we can catch a glimpse… just a step or two… of the journey: the pathway of heart transformation!