May Prayer A Prayer for Those Feeling Unqualified By Tynea Lewis Dear Heavenly Father,
Tynea Lewis is a teacher turned workfrom-home mom. She and her husband live in Pennsylvania with their two children, and they love spending time together at their family cabin. Tynea remembers loving to write as early as first grade. She has a heart for encouraging others in the midst of their messes. You can connect with her at her personal blog (, on Instagram (@TyneaLewis), or Facebook (@TyneaLewisWriter).
We pray for people who are feeling unqualified. Lord, you have called them to something, but there is so much hesitation and fear stepping out into that calling. It can be scary because we don’t want to mess up and fail. Lord, sometimes we wonder if you’ve called us to the right thing. We think of all the reasons we’re not qualified. Our thoughts and doubts overwhelm us and cause us to freeze. It feels like we don’t have what it takes, but Lord, you equip us. You give us exactly what we need to follow you. Remind us we don’t have to have it all figured out to be used by you. You will lead and direct us every step of the way. From you, we find strength and wisdom. You know about all of our weaknesses, but you look past them. They don’t dictate whether we can be used to reach people for your glory. The world tells us we could never do it on our own, and we can’t; we can only do it with you. You are in control of it all, and it’s your voice we need to listen to. Help us focus on the truth. Lord, there are many things that get in the way and can be a distraction for us. Help us stay focused on you and what you have called us to do. We trust in your sovereignty. Thank you for your love for us. Lord, thank you for being by our side every step of the way. Thank you for using us in your plan. We are not worthy of that, but you have extended us so much grace and mercy. We are humbled to be used by you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
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