8th February 2021 26th March 2021
Message from Mrs Conrad I can hardly believe we have reached the end of the Spring Term how quickly time has flown! It has been a real joy having the girls back in school and they have all achieved so much in the last 3 weeks. Yesterday, we enjoyed the Lower Prep Easter Treat which was absolutely delightful. The girls performed spring time poems and songs - chicks hatched, flowers bloomed and chocolate bunnies were eaten! Today, there was great excitement as the girls were joined by Gizmo and Nibbles, a pair of very friendly donkeys, who were kindly brought to school by our neighbour so that the girls could take part in a palm procession. It was very uplifting and culminated in a beautiful chapel service reflecting on the events of Holy Week. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very blessed Easter and a well deserved holiday.
Diary Dates: Monday 19th April
Summer Term begins
This week you should have received: Whole School
Half Termly Reports
Year 5
PGL information and details of alternative activities
Year 6
PGL information and details of alternative activities
Whole School
FOST Bag2School information
Summer Uniform Please may the girls in Year 1 to Year 5 return to school after Easter wearing their summer uniform. Summer Uniform is optional for our Year 6 girls, however, they may be required to wear their winter uniform for special occasions. As a reminder, the summer uniform consists of: pink and white striped dress; white ankle socks; navy crested baseball style sun hat; boater with cerise band (optional for Year 1 and Year 2 only); blazer and cardigan.
Clubs—First Week of Summer Term All clubs will start back in the first week of the Summer Term, unless you have been informed otherwise. Some of the club times and details have changed so please do check the Extra-Curricular timetable before the start of term.
Golden Book Well done to all of the girls in our Golden Books this week: 1BB
Mariella D for her continued efforts in reading. Sophia C and Rosalind D for being super kind, welcoming and including new members of the class.
Olivia G has had a great attitude to learning over the past three weeks, listening carefully to instructions and working hard on each task given to her. Zara O'D has been working hard to improved her spelling over the past three weeks and has made good progress.
Séarlait W for super descriptive work and use of vocabulary on 'The Night Thieves'. Isabel R for fantastic contributions and imaginative ideas for our work on 'The Night Thieves'. Clemmie H for fabulous art work, creating her jam jar of memories and graffiti name.
Amaya H and Lyla S for super effort in all their work this week but especially their exciting and informative emails about Berlin.
Alexandra B wrote and presented a fantastic report on Walt Disney during our topic lesson on significant American people. Tabitha D researched and wrote about Neil Armstrong in our topic lesson this week, researching and presenting her facts in an informative way! Isola R has worked hard in her group to create a persuasive advert using different features to encourage people to go on holiday! Well done Isola. Emma v E has worked very hard on her reading this half term, choosing to complete the reading challenge with enthusiasm and resilience Well done Emma!
Steffi C B for her fantastic effort with her myth including powerful language and adverbs. Alana E for her effort with her work, particularly her myth, since returning to in person learning.
Alice B, Phoebe H and Isla N for fabulous work in DT during our sewing project over the last few weeks. Original and creative designs and super neat sewing. Well done girls!
Frankie B for her consistently excellent written work in all subjects, especially this week when writing an argument about the reasons for and against Mary, Queen of Scots' execution. Evangelina P for her resilience and concentration when making her Tudor Banner, especially persevering with the hand sewing part.
Xanthe L-S for her great writing recently. She wrote a detailed summary of a book she has enjoyed and put across a strong argument for why Romeo and Juliet are not good role models! Hayley P for taking advice on board, facing challenges in a mature manner and for pleasing marks in both comprehension and maths assessments.
Caroline de L for her energy and enthusiasm that brings cheerfulness to all our days! Lucia C for impressing me with her maturity and independence since returning to school. Her work has also been of a very pleasing standard.
Good Work! Year 4—RE In RE this week, Year 4 have been examining art work and considering colour used when depicting events from the Easter story. They then used pastels and chalks to create their own images.
Year 3—PSHE Here are some photos from the ball of wool friendship game the girls played in PSHE. We talked about what makes a good friend, chose a member of the class to throw the ball of friendship to and then said why they were a good friend. At the end, there was a fantastic web of wool. Everyone came up with wonderful reasons as to why each person was a fantastic friend.
Good Work! Year 1—Easter Fun This week, the Year 1s had a ball preparing for, and filming, their Easter Treat performances. The girls put on their best acting hats and created some brilliant poems. I think the mini chocolate bunnies certainly provided motivation! The girls also further channelled their creativity this week learning the works of another artist. This week, the girls mixed the primary colours to create colour fields in the style of Mark Rothko. They were beautiful!
Year 5—Holy Week Year 5 have been reflecting on the story of Holy Week. Using a variety of materials the girls spent time creatively representing the events of Good Friday, remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us all on the cross.
Good Work! Year 3—Photography Year 3 enjoyed using the iPads to be photographers for the afternoon. We looked at famous photographs that were taken in urban environments and used these techniques to create our own images from around the school. We enjoyed experimenting with angles, colour, zoom and editing techniques.
Year 4—American Icons In Year 4 this week, we have researched and created fact files about significant people in both the past and presentday America. We looked at a range of people through History and the chose the person we would like to learn more about. Using the I pads we researched different things about their lives using subheadings to guide us. We also thought carefully about our presentation and the features of a fact file.
Year 2—Reflection On Tuesday, the girls in Year 2 reflected on the past year in order to mark the Covid 19 National Day of Reflection. Our bright yellow suncatcher hearts remind us of the hope for a brighter future.
Holy Week—Prayer Group Each lunchtime this week, Mrs Conrad and some of the class teachers led a prayer group for each year group, reflecting on Holy Week and the story of Easter.
Year 5—Tudor Banners Year 5 have ended their "Off with her head!" topic by designing, making, and sewing Tudor Banners. Lots of new skills have been learnt especially resilience and patience when practising the stitching!
Sports News This week, all year groups have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Hop, Skip and Jump event. A huge thank you to FOST for providing the treat at the end of the run. We also continued with our inter house football competitions. We will be starting cricket, tennis and athletics after half term, so please practice your running and tennis ball catching during the Easter holidays.
Class of the Week! PE Star class of the week for outstanding effort goes to 4CR.
Interhouse Sports Year 3 had their inter house football tournament this week. Players of the tournament were: Isabella K, Lyla, Rachel, Stefanie, Olivia and Isabel. 1st: St Ignatius 2nd: St Benedict and St Francis 3rd: St Dominic Year 5 also had their inter house football competition. Players of the tournament were: Ella, Alice, Sophia, Lily, Katarina, Layla and Evangelina. 1st: St Francis 2nd: St Benedict 3rd: St Ignatius 4th: St Dominic Year 6 finished the week off with their inter house football competition. Players of the tournament were: Xanthe, Betty, Sofia C, Lottie B and Lucia C. 1st: St Dominic 2nd: St Benedict 3rd: St Francis 4th: St Ignatius
Easter Swimming Crash Course Mrs Farrier will be running an Easter Swimming Crash Course at St Teresa’s swimming pool during the week commencing 12th April. All lessons will be 1 to 1 or 1 to 2. Please contact Mrs Farrier at making.waves@hotmail.co.uk for details.
Tennis—Easter Break ESTA is delighted to be offering tennis camps and private lessons during the Easter holidays! Our tennis camps are running from 9-12pm and 1-4pm each day of the holidays and are open to players aged 7+. Parents can either create their own 'ready-made' bubble of players (maximum of 8) or we can try to place your child within the appropriate group for their age and ability. Private lessons are also available from 4pm each day. Please email Kirsti at esta@effinghamschools.org to book your child's place. We look forward to seeing your children on court over the Easter holidays!
Music News Musicians of the Week Jessica A for making a consistently good contribution to music lessons since being back in school. Jessica T, Olivia P, Stef v E and Séarlait W for making such a fantastic start as the year 3 string group. Sofia C for her continued enthusiasm and help in her role as Music Captain. Caroline D L for Amy L for making a very good start as members of the Chamber Choir.
Instrumental Lessons Please note that the cost of instrumental lessons will rise in September. In line with the Senior School, this will be £217.50 for a set of 10 half hour lessons. Individual music lessons will start up again on the first day back in the Summer Term. We are anticipating all teachers will return to face-to-face teaching next term. Please email Mrs Yalden on c.yalden@st-teresas.com if your daughter would like to consider learning an instrument
This Week We gathered together today, as a school community, to mark the events of Holy Week with our Lenten Reflection. We were delighted to share with everyone the results of a drama workshop that Year 3 took part in, re-enacting events from the Passion of Jesus, that formed the focal point for our wonderful service.
Visit our website www.st-teresas.com/ equestrian
E-mail equestrian@st-teresas.com Call
01372 750257
Or find us on Facebook “St Teresa’s Equestrian”
We hope that you all have enjoyed being back the past three weeks. Time has just flown by hasn’t it?! We’re so looking forward to running our Pony Days over Easter, and we’re even more excited to get back to our termly lessons when the school resumes in April. Have a lovely Easter holiday, and don’t fill up on Easter eggs!
If you’ve booked onto our Pony Days, make sure that you’ve booked and paid through the new system. Places have only been reserved through the office.
Our office staff are still on part-time furlough, so if you need to call the office please only do so on Mondays and Thursdays. We are trying to stay active on the emails Monday through to Friday, but please bear with us if there is a slight delay.
Easter Pony Afternoons Our Pony Days are now full.
For those who have booked in for the Easter Holidays, please bring your own hat and boots to ride in as we are not lending out equipment until it is deemed safe to do so.
NSEA Reports Competitions will be opening from Monday 29th March, and we hope our NSEA riders are as excited as we are to get out and about competing for 2021! We have some riders already booked in for a show jumping competition on the 8th April at Felbridge Showgrounds. We wish them the best of luck!
We’re still busy raising money for the 2nd hand uniform project. Many thanks to those that fed their ideas through their class reps at the meeting last week. Please do keep your ‘covid-safe’ fundraising ideas coming. WANTED: Your Books, Christmas Jumpers and Clothing Today we are launching the Bag2School initiative. The Easter hols are a great time to have a spring clean, and with lockdown ongoing and the charity shops still closed we thought it was a great opportunity to adopt this initiative. Over Easter please gather your unwanted adults’ and children’s clothes, shoes, hats, belts, handbags and soft toys and place them in a bag/bin bag. Collection/drop off dates at the school for the Summer Term: 19th, 21st and 23rd April 8-8.45am & 3.15-4.15pm FOST will receive a cheque based on the weight of our donations. For more please visit https://www.uk.bag2school.com
We’re Also Collecting Books and Christmas Jumpers (please separate from bag2school donations in a separate bag) We are collecting unwanted books in the hope of holding a Summer book fair (covid depending) later in the Summer term – more details to follow. Christmas jumpers: We are also collecting these hardly worn items and will be stocking them in our uniform cabin for purchase later in the year.
Hop, Skip and Jump This week the prep girls took part in the Easter Hop, Skip and Jump obstacle course. As a special Easter treat, FOST provided a chocolate egg to all who took part. Well done girls!
AGM All committee members will be attending the AGM on the 22nd April at 7.30pm on Zoom. If you would like to attend the meeting please contact Cathy Hastoy, FOST secretary by emailing Secretary.fost@icloud.com
Menu—w/c Monday 19th April Hot lunches include a selection of family favourites and suitable alternatives for children with allergies and intolerances. Monday
Soup of the day
Soup of the day
Soup of the day
Soup of the day
Traditional beef lasagne
Roasted chicken breast with Yorkshire pudding
Locally sourced pork sausages
Chicken burritos Traditional with fresh tomato battered fish / salsa cod fish fingers
Chef’s salad
Chef’s salad
Shredded iceberg Chef’s salad salad
Chef’s Trolley Chef’s salad/ marinated olives
Soup of the day
Fresh vegetable & Fresh vegetable & Meat free sausage Vegetable & bean No chicken Quorn lasagne noodle stir fry burritos with teriyaki with fresh tomato noodles salsa Crusty bread Roasted vegetables
Roasted potatoes Mashed potato Mixed vegetables Broccoli
Cajun slaw Sweetcorn
Chips Peas
Jacket potatoes & Jacket potatoes & Jacket potatoes & Jacket potatoes & Jacket potatoes & beans beans beans beans beans
Chocolate cake slice
Country apple cake
Banoffee pie
Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher
Shortbread biscuit rounds
Fresh berry mousse