St Teresa's Prep Bulletin 29 november 2024

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Issue 10

Dear Parents,

Autumn Term

29th November 2024

An initial moment of gratitude came early in the week when the practice fire alarm test sounded on Monday at 10:40am and we lined up on Mairlot Lawn in beautiful winter sunshine. If it had been last week, or even yesterday morning, it would have been cold!

We had the pleasure of a very exciting top 5 amazing women of the Middle Ages on Tuesday morning when Dr McShane led our assembly. There were some disgusting and fascinating facts from the mummified head of St. Catherine of Siena to the incredible life story of Margery Kempe. The key message to the girls being these women were leaders, courageous and made their voices heard – not just then, but down through the centuries.

Year 4 went from the Middle Ages back into the Viking Days in their workshop for the remainder of Tuesday, but they were a formidable treat to see sat with their shields and weapons in front of Dr McShane in assembly. We then travelled even further back in time to Ancient Egypt for the excellently entertaining 5AB assembly on Wednesday morning where we were treated to even more disgusting details and fascinating facts in word and song!

And then today we have turned fully festive and hope you enjoy the delights of the FOST Christmas Fair. Our thanks as ever must go out to the ladies (and gentleman?) of FOST who volunteer and prepare such wonderful treat opportunities as this.

To end my bulletin note this week, I would like to quote Deacon Ian’s words from this week’s Parish Newsletter as we prepare for the arrival of Advent and the beginning of the new liturgical year:

“Much of our world is sitting in the dark of hunger and suffering and violence and yet if we are truly God’s people, we keep up the indestructible hope that truth and goodness and justice will prevail.” Deacon Ian – Parish of Effingham and Fetcham

Have a lovely weekend, Gareth Tindall

Key Diary Dates:

Tues 3rd Dec Chess Club meet with Cranmore 4.15 - 5.30pm

Thurs 5th Dec Prep School Carol Service 6.30 - 7.30pm

Mon 9th Dec Prep School Christmas Concert, Choirs and Music Ensembles, Chapel 5.30 - 6.30pm

Tues 10th Dec Christmas Theatre Trip: Robin Hood and the Christmas Heist 12.00-5.15pm

Wed 11th Dec Year 5 Museum of Egyptology 8.45am

Thurs 12th Dec Santa Fun Run 8.30am

Fri 13th Dec Prep School Christmas Jumper Day All day Prep School Christmas lunch 12.15pm End of term - No Study Time or After School Care 3.45pm

Pastoral Pause

I have been embracing and discovering such joy and happiness with November’s Day 30 challenge these past few years, you would be surprised when you look for it how many reasons there are to be hopeful. Some of my favourites are watching my daughter dance, walking in nature, supporting staff in their journey in school and life, light bulb moments when you teach children, wisdom found in books, songs and even TV programmes that speaks into your immediate situation, and perhaps the most key, growing in love, joy and fellowship in my relationship with God.

If you haven’t before, or haven’t recently, you should definitely take an audit of the things in your life that are your reasons to be hopeful.

Looking ahead to Do Good December start planning your happiness now – if you don’t plan for your own happiness, who will! I think December 29th’s challenge should be one we do a lot more regularly for the happiness of everyone in our lives.

God Bless You all, Gareth

Golden Book

Well done to all of the girls in our Golden Books this week:

4 KC Zoe G and Ottilie H for writing a fabulous fact file all about the Anglo-Saxons and including so much interesting and informative about them. They look brilliant on the display!

4 LH Ellie F and Isabelle E-N, not only are the stories they wrote descriptive and engaging but they have also made an extra special effort when publishing their final piece. They look fantastic!

5 AB Layla B for working so incredibly hard this week, across the curriculum.

Jessica A for her effective and informative River Nile poster.

5 KH Sophie B for her increased effort this half term, particularly with her presentation.

Electra B for her detailed and neatly presented poster on the River Nile.

Ania S for working consistently conscientiously in all her lessons.

6 SG Elodie B for her wonderful 'Guide to a good nights sleep' presentation. This was beautifully presented and created with care!

Harlow G for her wonderful non-chronological report. A lot of time and effort was put into this incredibly informative project.

Eva M for persevering this week despite not feeling well. Eva remained positive and dedicated to putting her all into her work.

6 MK Avery K for her creatively designed, eye-catching and persuasive poster advertising tickets for travelling First Class on the Titanic.

Ruby S and Evie R for their comprehensive and informative guides to taking an expedition dog to the Antarctic.

Art Stars

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Eloise K for wonderful colour mixing and careful observation of a study of a fish.

Scarlett S for the different range of blue colours mixed, as well as application of sgraffito and collage for her fish composition.

Ava-Skye N for taking care to compose a wonderfully symmetrical and intricate Egyptian pattern.

Evie M for fully embracing an experimental approach to finding ways to capture the qualities of an iceberg in mixed media.

Drama Stars

Year 4 Ellie F for fantastic use of facial expression when creating dragons.

Year 5 Isla S for her creativity and range of skills in performance.

Year 6 Anna P for excellent characterisation representing a character on the Titanic.

Eleanor B for showing strong teamwork skills and commitment to a group task.

End of Day Collection from the Prep School

Now that it is so dark at the end of the day, in order to keep the girls safe, we will only release them to you when you reach the turning circle outside the Prep School. Please could you ensure that you have a name sign on the dashboard as additional staff may help with dismissal. Thank you for your understanding.

Museum of Egyptology

Parents of Year 5 are invited to visit the 'Museum of Egyptology' On Wednesday 11th December Refreshments will be served from 8.45am in the Henderson Hall.

The girls will be showcasing the projects they have chosen to research over two weeks and will be keen to talk to visitors about their learning. Please come and join us to see some 'wonderful things!'

Extra Curricular Activities - SpringTerm 2025

The online booking form closes this evening, Friday 29th November. Please complete the online form to sign your daughter up for the clubs if you haven't already done so.

Random Acts of Kindness

Recommend a healing song to someone who is going through a tough time. Here is an example of a song that was sent to me and which I have paid it forward by sending on to someone else in turn: watch?v=ihrUIPfvTh8 (In Jesus Name (God of Possible))

Christmas Jumpers - Friday 13th December

We would like to invite the girls to wear a ‘Christmas jumper’ with their school uniforms (if they would like to) on Friday 13th December. This is the last day of term, so it should help us all to get into the festive spirit for our Christmas lunch and afternoon activities.

Message forYear 6 Parents

If you wish to accept the place for your daughter to join the Senior School in September 2025, please return your completed reply slip to Mrs Charles as soon as possible but no later than Friday 6th December 2024 in order to guarantee the place.

Whole School -

Year 6 Prep School, Case of Shingles in Year 6

Year 5 -

Year 4 -

Please contact the School Office if you need copies of any of this information

Prep School Carol Service Invitation

Thursday 5th December 2024

The Head of Prep, staff and pupils have great pleasure in inviting the Prep School parents to our Prep School Carol Service on

Thursday 5th December at 6.30pm in the Mairlot Hall

Festive refreshments will be served following the performance.

Class Assembly Dates 2024 - 25

23/01/25 - 6 SG (Please note the new date)

30/01/24 - 4 KC

26/02/25 - 5 KH

07/05/25 - 4 LH

14/05/25 - 6 MK

At 8.30am in the Henderson Hall

Refreshments will be served in the Henderson Hall from 8.15am

Open Book Dates 2024 - 25

We will be holding Open Book Mornings for each Year Group starting in the Spring Term. This is an opportunity for your daughters to show you their books and their classrooms. You will be sent a form to confirm your attendance nearer the time.

Year 4 - 22/01/25

Year 5 - 29/01/25

Year 6 - 05/02/25

Refreshments will be served in the Henderson Hall from 8.15am 08.30 - 08.55am in the Year Group Classrooms

Key Dates 2024 - 25

As outlined in the Parent Handbook, and reiterated at the Parent Welcome Reception, there are three key dates in the school calendar that are compulsory for all the girls to attend. This is to help them understand the importance of team work and collaborative responsibility as these are events where they are all involved and need to support each other.

These dates are as follows:

Christmas Service, Thursday 5th December, 18.30 to 19.30

Spring Concert, Thursday 13th March, 18.30 to 19.30

Prep School Prize Giving, Thursday 3rd July, 19.00 to 20.00

We would be grateful if you could keep these dates free so that all girls can be present at these important community events.


We kindly request that you complete the Medicine Permission Form if your daughter needs to bring any medication to school. This ensures that our medical staff can administer the medication safely and appropriately. Additionally, please note that cough sweets can be provided to pupils by the nurses at the Medical Centre in the Senior School.

To maintain a safe and controlled environment, we ask that you do not allow your daughter to bring her own cough sweets to school or keep them in the classrooms.

Prep School House Emblem Competition

The House Captains were very keen to create some House Competitions this year. They competed in houses during Maths week and there are plans for a number of different house events.

The first competition is to design a house emblem for each house. Entries must be on an A4 pieces of paper, should include either an image of the saint or an item that you might associate with him and images should reflect the house colour. Entries need to be brought into school by the end of term.

NoTeacher Led Clubs 9th—13th December

Please be informed that there will be no teacher led after school clubs running during the last week of term. All other paid for clubs and groups will go ahead usual .

Pupils will have the opportunity to complete their homework during Study time and can attend After School Care from 4:16 PM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Thursday.

On Friday, 13th December, collection will be at 3:45 PM. Please note that there will be no Study time or After School Care provided on the last day of term.

Christmas Post Box

We will be running a Christmas post service for the children from 2nd December. If the girls would like to send cards to their friends they should write the name of the recipient and their class clearly on the front of the envelope. The cards will be delivered at the end of term.

Inspire Dance Academy Watching Week

As we near the end of term, we are excited to announce our upcoming Watching Week!

Parents and carers are invited to join us for the last 15 minutes of each dance class to watch the students' progress. Please arrive at 16:55 or 17:55, 20 minutes before the end of the class. Miss Gabby Kemp will welcome you into Henderson Hall 15 minutes before the class concludes.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Senior 1st XI Hockey team are playing against Tormead on Friday 6th December. Please come to watch and support them. It will take place on the new astro 4.30pm 5.45pm.


Remember to put the Santa Fun Run in your diary Thursday 12th December after drop off

Year 4Viking Workshop

On Tuesday 26th November, a small group of Vikings raided St Teresa's Senior School Library. Wearing traditional dress and bearing shields hand crafted by themselves, the girls went back in time to explore the Viking era. We learnt about how they dressed, what food they ate, how they fought and how they were buried. We also explored the equality of men and women, and the differences between those that were wealthy and those that were poor. The girls agreed that the most interesting fact of the day, was related to how they dyed their clothingusing crushed sea snails to create the colour purple and human urine as a form of bleach. The girls really got involved and asked lots of probing questions that our Viking Ash was happy to answer.

Year 5 Science Solar System Project

Year 5 have made some incredible models, posters, leaflets and booklets for our Solar System Project.

5 AB Class Assembly

On Wednesday, the Prep School was invited to travel back in time with 5AB, to join a young group of archaeologists on a quest to meet a pharaoh. The girls put on an amazing display for their class assembly, demonstrating wonderful performance and singing skills as well as sharing their fabulous knowledge of Ancient Egypt. Excellent work, 5AB!!

Year 6 Science Electronic Games

Year 6 used their Science knowledge to make an electronic matching game to light a bulb for the correct answer. They enjoyed testing them and writing reviews for each other's games. They all worked brilliantly! Well done, Year 6!

Year 6 Paper Competition

The Year 6 girls were tasked with the challenge of creating the longest possible continuous strip from a simple A4 piece of paper. An activity which not only tested patience, resilience and caution, but also gave the girls a wonderful insight into how area and length are measured.

Year 6 Bulb Planting

This year has seen the commencement of an annual legacy project for our Year 6 girls to mark their time and passage into the Senior School. They have planted tulip bulbs in individual pots to take home as a keepsake and have also planted bulbs in the banks of the school's upper car park which will make a stunning annual display come Spring. We look forward to adding to this project next year with our current Year 5 pupils as well as further projects marking their transitional journey from Prep to Senior.

Year 6 Art

Year 6 have completed their sculptural project to create polar bears using some recycled materials including plastic bags, newspaper, foil, masking tape and modroc. This was an ambitious project, and they have achieved wonderful results! Now, they are undertaking an explorative approach to capturing the qualities of icebergs using a range of materials. They have been encouraged to tear and scrunch paper and cards, and experiment rubbing chalk, charcoal and finger paints to see if they can represent the different qualities. It was a fun, but messy start!

Sports News


The U10 Interhouse Hockey Tournament was an exciting and competitive event, with four teams battling it out for the top spot. After a series of thrilling matches, Benedict emerged as the champions, securing 1st place with an impressive performance throughout the day. Dominic and Ignatius finished in joint 2nd, both teams showing great skill and teamwork. Francis placed 4th, but their effort and sportsmanship were commendable. The girls played with determination, displaying fantastic teamwork and improving their skills with each match. The games were filled with moments of brilliant defence, creative passing, and some fantastic goals. After the tournament, the girls celebrated their hard work with a well-deserved treat: cookies! It was a perfect end to a fantastic games afternoon of hockey, with smiles all around.


On Monday, a team of Prep students travelled to Seaton House to take part in a gymnastics competition. Each competitor performed a floor routine, which was carefully judged by a panel of experienced judges. Although all the girls were a little nervous, they rose to the challenge and gave exceptional performances, demonstrating both skill and sportsmanship. The U11 team, consisting of Eva C, Alexa H, and Zara H, showed great teamwork and earned a well-deserved silver medal for their efforts. The U9 team, made up of Emilia C, Annabella H, Charlotte E, and Ottilie H, performed brilliantly as well, securing a bronze medal for their hard work. The U10 team Thea BH, Bea SG, Z Gardner, and Abi VR were outstanding in their routines, winning the gold medal. Furthermore, they excelled in the individual competition: Abi VR took 1st place, Thea BH secured 2nd place, and Bea SG earned 3rd place. A huge congratulations to all the girls for their dedication, preparation, and exemplary conduct throughout the event. You represented St Teresa’s with pride and achieved great success. Well done, girls!


On Thursday 21st November, the U9-U11's attended the annual Notre Dame Swim gala. The girls have been working hard on their technique across all 4 strokes. For the first time in years St Teresa’s B team won across all 3 ages groups with the Year 6 A team tying first place overall. Although lots still to learn, the girls showed great determination and courage to not give up. Thank you to all those who came to support the girls. We look forward to seeing you all against Danes Hill next week. Well done, swimmers!

Pupil News

Last weekend Apollonia came in 2nd place at the Surrey Schools Championships. She had two fabulous runs and narrowly missed first place by 0.2 of a second!

If your daughter has completed any sporting achievements outside of school, we would love to hear about them. Please email the Prep PE staff with a short description and photo to

Fixtures week commencing 2nd December 2024

Monday 2nd December Hockey Christmas Festival @ Downsend (A) 1.15pm start

Tuesday 3rd December Netball vs Halstead St Andrews (H) 2.30pm

Thursday 5th December U9-U11 Swimming vs Danes Hill (H) 3.45pm start

Saturday 7th December U10 Football Tournament @ Hoebridge (A) 9am start

For any questions related to Prep Sports, please contact the new Prep PE email at or reach out directly to the specialist teachers.

U9-U11 Prep Hockey/Netball club on Friday 6th December will remain ON.

It will be a multi-sport competition in the Sports Hall followed by spectating the Senior matches at Friday Night Lights! Pick up for all age groups will be from outside the astroturf at 5.30pm.

We look forward to seeing lots of you there!

Music News

Musicians of the Week

Year 4 Flossie H for being super brave and singing a beautiful solo! Well done, Flossie!

Year 5 Amelia H for fantastic work in Chamber Choir, leading the harmonies! Thank you, Amelia! Year 6 Evie R for being an all-round musical superstar and consistently trying her best!

Celebrating Chamber Choir

Following last week's presentation of badges to the St. T's Singers, this week it's time to celebrate our fantastic Chamber Choir! This talented group consistently impress with their dedication and hard work, tackling complex harmonies and they are a testament to exceptional teamwork, where every voice contributes to the rich, beautiful sound they achieve together. Well done, Chamber Choir keep shining!

Christmas Carol Service

We are looking forward to seeing you all at our Christmas Carol Service at 6.30 on Thursday 5th December, where the girls will showcasing their hard work and festive spirit! The event promises to be a heartwarming celebration of music and community, so bring your best singing voices and join us for this wonderful evening.

Christmas Celebration Invitation

Monday 9th December 2024

All are welcome to attend our informal Christmas Celebration, where the choirs and music ensembles will be performing a variety of festive pieces.

on Monday 9th December at 5.30pm in the School Chapel Festive refreshments will be served afterwards.

Music Clubs Last Week of Term

Due to the Christmas Celebration Concert and pantomime visit, music clubs will not run during the last week of term.

Music Clubs


12.45: St Teresa’s Singers (Year 4 & 5 Choir)

3.45 - 4.30: Training Orchestra


12.45: Ukulele Club (Year 6)

3.45- 4.45: Young Voices Choir


10.55: Training Wind Band

3.45-4.30: Chamber Choir


12.45: String Ensemble

12.45: Recorder Club (Year 4)

This Week

This week we saw the celebration of Thanksgiving, an annual secular feast, ostensibly celebrated in America, but with increasing resonances across the globe. Most of us will be familiar with the traditional account of how a group of persecuted individuals, known as the Pilgrim Fathers, left England on the Mayflower and other ships, and travelled to the New World - what we now know as the USA - in search of religious freedom and new, unknown opportunities. Following their arrival in 1620, and after a perilous journey where many died, they then faced challenges of weather, famine, disease and strained relationships with the indigenous population. However, after the hardest of winters, where the new colony continued to mourn the loss of many members,the group,supported now by compassionate original inhabitants,gather to give thanks,with a meal of local fare. And so the tradition ofThanksgiving arose. We have a local link to this foundation story with one of the original travellers on the Mayflower being William Mullins, who lived in Dorking and whose house, on West Street, now a delightful café,stands to this day.

It is clear that the origins of Thanksgiving are contested, what is not is that those earlier settlers immediate response to their arrival was to stop and give thanks to God. This,more than any other, is surely the point of this feast. It serves as a timely reminder that we all to often take God’s free gifts for granted. Perhaps this week we can take time to give thanks for what we have received and join in with the spirit of the original Thanksgiving,wherever that may have been.

I’m sure everyone will join with me in wishing Katherine Sayer well as she moves on to pastures new at the end of this week.

Katherine has been an invaluable asset to all at STE and I know that she will be sorely missed.

I will be taking up the reins next week and hope that you will all bear with me as I get up to speed with all the systems.

I’m very much looking forward to working with you all and supporting your children in their riding endeavours.

For the week commencing 9th December, we will not be running the term timetable of ridden lessons and stable management clubs.

Extra lessons are available to book on the system.

Dates for the Christmas Holidays and February Half Term are available to book!

We are running Pony Mornings, Pony Afternoons, Private Lessons and Lead Hacks!

Have a look on the EcPro booking system to see what is available.

FUN FACT: ‘The Flehman Grimace’

Minnie provided entertainment this week with some interesting facial expressions. Interestingly this is known as ‘The Flehman Grimace’ and is when a pony/horse curls back their lips in order to catch interesting smells wafting through the air. A second pair of olfactory organs sits just below the floor of the horse’s nasal cavity and are known as vomeronasal organs.. So not just a silly face!


Unfortunately due to safety concerns resulting from Storm Bert a decision was taken for the NSEA riders not attend the competition last weekend.

Booking System:

For more information, please visit our website

You can also call direct on 01372 750257 or email :

Find us on Facebook:

Menu—w/c Monday 2nd December 2024

Hot lunches include a selection of family favourites and suitable alternatives for children with allergies and intolerances.

Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Soup of the day

Main Chicken Katsu Curry

Pasta Bar


Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Cheesy Pesto Sauce

Soup of the day

Pepperoni Pizza

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Roasted

Pepper, Chicken & Chorizo Sauce

Sticky Sweet Chilli


Steamed Rice



Sautéed Asian Vegetables


Potato & Baked Beans


Baked Bread

Salad bar

Coconut Rice

Margaritta Pizza

Potato Wedges

Corn on the Cob Cesar Salad

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked


Salad bar

Soup of the day



Gammon with Stuffing & Gravy

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Bacon

Carbonara Sauce

Leek and Potato Bake with Crunchy a Top


Roasted New Potatoes



Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked


Salad bar

Soup of the day Soup of the day


Chicken & Vegetable


Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Bolognaise Sauce

Paneer & Spiced Root



Naan Bread

Pilau Rice

Green Beans

Battered Fish or Fish Cake with Ketchup and Tartare Sauce

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Four Cheese Sauce

BBQ Pulled

Mushroom Bap

Skinny Chips

Garden Peas


Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked


Salad bar

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked


Salad bar


Apple and Pear


Pudding with a Mango Compote

Cookie Tray Bake

Crumble with Custard

Chocolate Rice Crispy Square

Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher



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