St Teresa's Prep Bulletin 12.12.24

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Dear Parents,

Autumn Term

12th December 2024

We were blessed with another amazing Christmas Celebration with the concert in the School Chapel, followed by refreshments in the Senior Library. Thank you to all who came to celebrate with us, the girls performed amazingly as always and a special mention to Mrs Harris for all her work in preparing the girls for the evening.

Tuesday morning we were all gathered around the ancient Mulberry tree for an educational and exceptionally fun assembly with Dr. McShane on wassailing. Then the afternoon saw us ALL take a trip to the Rose Theatre in Kingston-Upon-Thames to see the play: Robin Hood and the Christmas Heist. Low and behold, there was a section in the second-half about singing the ‘wassail’ and in a theatre packed with school children our girls were the only ones who knew what wassailing was –coincidence, I think not. The trip was an excellent end-of-term adventure and was loved by pupil and staff alike, and the performance was truly magical. Our girls were singled out by members of the audience and public for their exceptional behaviour too!

Wednesday’s Year 5 Museum of Egyptology and Science Exploration of our Solar System brought together the projects our girls have been working towards in their topics and was a great opportunity for the Year 5’s to share their learning with their parents.

Thursday’s Santa Fun Run was truly magical – to see so many Rudolf’s with their bright red noses running through the chill, foggy air was heart-warming. I thoroughly enjoyed my 5 laps and getting to encourage a sprint finish with each year group. And today’s Christmas Jumper Day, Lunch and festivities has been an excellent culmination to the last two weeks and, indeed, to a term that has been filled with learning, fun, excitement, encouragement, bravery and Acts of Kindness.

Finally, well done St Ignatius House on winning the House Cup (now I sound like Albus Dumbledore!).

Having mentioned him, I will end the year quoting the great Headmaster (of fiction) that I think are well worth us all taking into the break:

‘It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.’

‘Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.’

‘It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.’

May I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Gareth Tindall

Whole School School Reports

Year 6

Year 5

Year 4

Please contact the School Office if you need copies of any of this information This week you have received the following communications:

Pastoral Pause

Day 8: Check – I drove my daughter and a friend to their dance comp and supported for 14 hours!

Day 9: Check – Am often hard on myself – so learning to be kind to me is liberating!

Day 10: Check – One of my favourite parts of my job.

Day 11: Need to do – and I encourage us all in this especially at this time of year – most supermarkets have a Foodbank box on the way out.

Day 12: Check – and I really enjoyed it too!

Day 13: Check – what a great day to do it too – on the last day of term!

Looking ahead to this weekend, let’s unite in brightening our neighbours’ days or perhaps mending broken fences with our neighbours!

On Boxing Day, do what day 26 says – get outside, celebrate the world we live in and do it with family and friends.

God Bless You All, Gareth Tindall

Golden Book

Well done to all of the girls in our Golden Books this week:

4 KC Charlotte E and Hollie G for exceptional effort in everything they do in class.

4 LH Maddie J and Arabella N for the interest they showed in the staging of Robin Hood and the Christmas Heist. They really enjoyed spotting and discussing all the interesting things that were soon to become apparent as the performance unfolded.

5 AB Zoe G for working with such focus and effort this half term, particularly in Maths. Thea BH for her great use of carefully selected vocabulary to create tension in a story.

5 KH Ellie B-S for her outstanding effort on Times Tables Rockstars this half term. Sophia C for her consistent enthusiasm for school life and giving 100% in everything she does Thea S for working so hard and with such perseverance in recent Maths topics.

6 SG Dana M for her positivity, resilience and compassion this term. Mira M for her consistently impeccable manners and warm smile.

6 MK Eleanor B for her superb independent research into passengers on the Titanic their reasons for travelling and whether or not they survived the disaster. Sophie for displaying fabulous team work, problem solving and creativity during our DT igloo making activity.

Art Stars

Year 4

Leila A for her wonderful colour mixing, blending colours on a bauble.

Year 6 Elodie B for an inspirational sea-scape using acrylic paint on a bauble.

Drama Stars

Year 4 Florence EN, Holly G, Millie G and Ottilie H for working together so positively on their 'Dragon Song' performance.

Year 6 Evie M, Sophia SS and Lily Tims for their emotive performance reflecting the story of the sinking of the Titanic.

6 SG Class Assembly

Parents of girls in 6 SG are invited to join us for their class assembly on Thursday 23rd January 2024 at 8.30am in the Henderson Hall

Refreshments will be served in the Henderson Hall from 8.15am

Open Book Dates 2024 - 25

We will be holding Open Book Mornings for each Year Group starting in the Spring Term. This is an opportunity for your daughters to show you their books and their classrooms. You will be sent a form to confirm your attendance nearer the time.

Year 4 - 22/01/25

Year 5 - 29/01/25

Year 6 - 05/02/25

Refreshments will be served in the Henderson Hall from 8.15am 08.30 - 08.55am in the Year Group Classrooms

Fixtures (week commencing 6th January)

Key Diary Dates:

Mon 6th Jan School Closed Staff INSET

Tue 7th Jan School resumes Clubs start 3.45pm

Thurs 16th Jan Year 6 Life Lab commences, Young minds at work

Mon 20th Jan Young Shakespeare Company: Hamlet workshop 1.15pm

Wed 22nd Jan Year 4 Open Book Morning, Henderson Hall and Classrooms

Thur 23rd Jan 6 SG Class Assembly, Henderson Hall

Fri 24th Jan Young Voices Choir at the O2 Arena

Young Voices Concert at the O2 Arena

- 9.00am

Wed 29th Jan Year 5 Open Book Morning, Henderson Hall and Classrooms 8.15 - 9.00am

Thur 30th Jan 4 KC Class Assembly, Henderson Hall 8.30 - 9.00am

Wed 5th Feb Year 6 Open Book Morning, Henderson Hall and Classrooms 8.15 - 9.00am

Tuesday 7th January—U11 Hockey in Games & U10 Netball in Games Friday 10th January U9BCD Hockey vs Manor House. Friday 10th January—After school training—U11 Netball + U9&U10 Hockey Valentine's Dance Art Competition: Get ready to show off your artistic talents in the FOST Valentine's Art Competition! Theme: Valentine's Day Style: Simple and eye-catching Size: A4 Deadline: January 17th 2025

Year 4 - Anglo Saxon Brooches

Going back in time, Year 4 looked at the designs of various Anglo-Saxon brooches and then used embossing paper and 'precious' gems such as amber, garnet and amethyst to recreate these authentic, highly decorative but practical pieces of jewellery. This activity reinforced the message that Anglo Saxons and Vikings were not simply fighters but skilled crafts people.

Moon phases

In Science last week, Year 5 recreated the Phases of the Moon using Oreo cookies! A delicious way to memorise waxing and waning cycles of lunar activity.


This term in Computing, Year 5 have been learning how to make computer-generated images using shapes in the Visio App. The final task was to create a Christmas Card, using as many of their new skills as possible. As you can see, there were some impressive results.

Wassail Assembly

On Tuesday 10th December, Dr. McShane led our school assembly on the ancient Anglo-Saxon practice of wassailing. The wassail involved: pots and pans, ladles and spatulas; long withy sticks; a jug of apple juice; toast and the cry of the word ‘wassail!’.

After briefly introducing the history of the term, Dr McShane led the Prep School up to the old Mulberry Tree between More House and Campion (ideally we should have been in the orchard around the apple trees but it was very wet underfoot!). Wassailing is the blessing of the fruit trees (normally apples) so that they produce a good crop the following year.

Our Year 6 pupils and some staff, dipped toast in Apple juice (historically cider), tapped the [mulberry] tree with withy sticks, banged pots and pan lids, while the rest of us cheered wassail several times. It brought many a Senior School pupil and staff to the windows of surrounding buildings wondering what on earth the Prep School were doing with the Headmistress!

It was great fun, educational, and, little did we know, was later to be part of the play we saw in Kingston about Robin Hood and the time he lived in.

Robin Hood andThe Christmas Heist

On Tuesday afternoon, the whole of the Prep school set out in eager anticipation of an afternoon at the theatre. Settling quickly into our seats, no one quite knew what to expect. As the lights dimmed, the school was transported to Sherwood Forest and the world of Robin Hood. The story of the Christmas Heist unfolded and the girls were caught up in the magic of the performance.

It was wonderful to take the whole school to see a live production in a theatre where they were able to see children not that much older than them, perform on a professional scale. This trip would not have been possible of FOST- thank you so much for helping to make this happen.

Year 5 Museum of Egyptology

On Wednesday morning, the parents of Year 5 were invited to 'A Museum of Egyptology' in the Henderson Hall. There they discovered a wonderful array of models, posters and information which the girls had researched, created and presented in a number of imaginative ways. It was a fitting way to end their fascinating half term topic of 'Pharaohs' and we were so impressed by their hard work.

Eco and Gardening Club

Eco and Gardening Club finished off the term by planting tulip, hyacinth and daffodil bulbs into a pot ready to brighten up January at home. A huge thank you to Al, the gardener, for providing all the equipment to make this possible.

Year 5 Solar System projects

Year 5 were keen to showcase their amazing solar system projects to their parents on Wednesday after the Egyptology exhibition. It was apparent that many hours if dedications had been spent on the wonderful array of project designs from baubles to 2 by 4 wood!!

Mrs Hilder & Miss Gilbards Disabilities assembly

John and Lyra visited the girls to talk about how animals can be used to help people with disabilities or offer support to those who need companionship, comfort, or an extra bit of furry love! John explained to the girls how Pets as Therapy works and answered a wealth of questions about Lyra's "day job." Afterward, John and Lyra visited the girls in their classrooms so they could have a proper hello before Lyra headed off to continue her wonderful job of offering comfort and support to those who need it.

Year 6 Igloo Project

Yesterday, to conclude their topic 'Frozen Kingdom', the girls had a visit from Mr Halliwell who spent 2 years living and working at Halley Bay in Antarctica, with the British Antarctic Survey. The girls loved seeing slide images of Antarctica projected onto a screen, including his underground lodgings, summer holidays on sledges (with dogs), visits to see the penguins and seals, light shows of the aurora australis and images of Antarctica in the deepest darkest months of the year. His talk brought to life much of what the girls have been learning this term about Sir Ernest Shackleton and his third expedition to Antarctica. In the afternoon, the girls took part in a DT challenge to create an igloo that could withstand a 200g weight. The girls were adventurous and creative in their designs and their perseverance and ability to problem solve when things did not go to plan really impressed us. A wonderful way to conclude the Autumn Term.

A BigThankYou to Harrisons Caterers!

As we wrap up the Autumn Term, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to Harrisons Caterers for their exceptional service and delicious lunches provided to our Prep pupils and staff. Today, we celebrated with a festive Christmas lunch, complete with crackers and squeals of excitement around the delightful desserts. The joy and laughter shared over these meals have truly made this term special. Thank you to Harry and his team for making this lunch such a memorable experience!

Santa Fun Run

On Thursday, the entire Prep School gathered together for the annual SANTA FUN RUN! Santa, aka Miss Collins, came to collect the girls as they trotted up Baker St with excitement. After a thorough and enjoyable warm up lead by Mrs Gurney and Mr Hall, Santa showed them their running route. This was shaped as a snowman and all the girls, and their parents, ran superbly! At the end, the girls enjoyed a festive scrunchie from FOST which was a lovely and generous gift; thank you SO much. Well done to all participants; your festive spirit and excellent running was lovely to see!

Christmas Jumper Day

Thank you to everyone who participated and made Christmas Jumper Day a memorable and fun event!


Father Christmas visit

This morning, our school was filled with festive cheer as Father Christmas made a surprise visit to the girls' classrooms.

Each student received a small gift, bringing smiles and excitement to everyone. The joy and wonder on Mrs Hilder’s face was magical, making this last day of term even more special! Thank you, Father Christmas, for spreading holiday cheer to all our pupils.

Exciting News!

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Isabella, who made her debut at 3:34 AM this morning! Both Mrs Hitchman and Isabella are doing well and we look forward to sharing a photo of them in the New Year.

Message from Mr Tindall and the St Teresa’s Prep Staff

Thank you all for your support throughout this term and your thoughtful and generous Christmas gifts and cards. Mr Tindall and the Prep School Staff would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a restful break.

Spring Term Clubs 2025

Mrs. Johnson will be reviewing the clubs for the Spring term next week and will be in touch with confirmation of club places and to let you know if your daughter will be on a waiting list.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we finalize the arrangements


We want to say a huge thank you to FOST for everything they have done for the girls this week to help make the run up to Christmas so special. They provided a prize for every girl for the Santa Dash. They organised our Father Christmas visit and they paid towards our Theatre trip on Tuesday! What a wonderful end to the term!

Thank you all for everything that you do and for all the time that you give to the school.

Music News


Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

of the Week

Molly W for her wonderful singing and performance. Best elf ever!

Sophia Card for a beautiful duet and being an all round musical superstar!

Lottie F and Sybella J for superb singing and being the best stage managers ever!

AutumnTerm ABRSM Results

Congratulations to the following girls who successfully passed their ABRSM results at school last week:

Isabelle C - Piano Grade 1 with merit

Apollonia C-D - Clarinet Grade 1 with merit

Ania S - Singing for MT - Grade 1 with merit

Maggie M - Cello Grade 1

Ania S - Piano Grade 2 with distinction

Eleanor B - Flute Grade 2 with merit

Apollonia C-D - Guitar Grade 4 with merit

End ofTerm Round-Up

What a successful term it has been! From the joy of our Harvest celebrations to the festive magic of two Christmas events, this term has been a whirlwind of achievements and community spirit. A special congratulations to our students on their ABRSM successes your hard work and dedication truly shine. After last week's Carol Service, the Christmas Celebration Concert was a fitting finale to the term. In the beautifully candlelit Chapel, our ensembles and talented soloists delighted the audience with performances that ranged from the poignant Mary, Did You Know? to the upbeat, tinsel-adorned fun of Sparklejollytwinklejingley. It was a celebration filled with beauty, joy, and festive cheer.

The Music Department wishes you all a peaceful and happy Christmas!

Please note the change of time for Chamber Choir next term. It will now run from 4.15 - 5.00 on a Wednesday.

This Week

Through our Carol Services we have once more be drawn into the story of Jesus’ birth. This moment in history when God becomes flesh and dwells amongst us. God enters into our human story. And the great miracle of Christmas is that Jesus wants to be born within each one of us. To become present in each beating heart. “Behold I stand at the door and knock.” The divine enters into our world and our world is changed forever.

Try not to Miss the mystery of Christmas this year, but rather recognise the Divine love is all around us.

When we are silent, when are phones are put away, when we spend quality time with our friends and family and put the needs of others first. Then we will become more aware of Jesus’ presence amongst us.

Let us Pray

Jesus come to us. May your divine love be born in us today.

Still our beating hearts that we may hear you are. Help us to make room for you this Christmas.

Remain close to us.


All quiet in the Stable at Christmas?

Whilst termly lesson ended last week, this has been a very busy week for the Equestrian team with visits from the farrier, saddler and vets. All the horses will be Christmas-ready! If we will not be seeing you next week or over the holidays, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and will see you in 2025!

New to riding at STE?

If you haven’t ridden with STE before, the Pony Mornings and Afternoons are a great introduction.

There are two spaces left, one on Monday 16th (pm) and one on Friday 20th (am) December

If you are interested in riding more regularly with us, then booking a private assessment riding lesson is a good place to start. These are 30 minutes and £45. We currently have spaces on:

Monday 16th December (am)

Wednesday 18th December (pm)

Thursday 19th December (am)

Thursday 2 January (pm)

Saturday 4 January (am)

Please email us if you are interested:


The NSEA team members took time out on Tuesday for a team building session . They looked at how a team works best together to support and encourage and how that translates into words and actions at competitions. They explored team values and training and competition goals for this coming year. What a fantastic opportunity that was!

Grass Roots Regional Final

Unfortunately with the arrival of Storm Darragh, the Grass Roots Regional Final had to be postponed. It will now take place on Saturday 18th January 2025.

Booking System:

For more information, please visit our website

You can also call direct on 01372 750257 or email : Find

Menu—w/c Monday 6th January 2025

Hot lunches include a selection of family favourites and suitable alternatives for children with allergies and intolerances.

Week 1

Soup Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day


Pasta Bar


Sweet & Sour Turkey Noodles

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Cheesy Pesto Sauce

Slow Cooked Beef Lasagne

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Roasted Pepper, Chicken & Chorizo Sauce

Sticky Teriyaki Quorn & Aubergine

Roasted Vegetable Lasagne

Garlic Bread


Steamed Rice Broccoli

Roquette& Balsamic

Tomato Salad

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Roast Pork with Yorkshire Pudding, Apple Sauce & Gravy

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Bacon Carbonara Sauce

Braised Lentil Cottage Pie with a Sweet Potato Top


Roasted Skin on Potatoes

Sauteed Cabbage

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Loaded Mexican Chicken

Nachos with Sour Cream, Salsa & Cheese

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Bolognaise Sauce

Cajun Aubergine & Bean Taco with Sour Cream, Salsa & Cheese

Vegetable Rice Green Beans Carrots


Battered Fish or Jumbo Fish

Finger with Ketchup and Tartare Sauce

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Four Cheese Sauce

Vegan Frankfurters

Skinny Chips Garden Peas

Mushy Peas (Staff)

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans


Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar


Lemon & Poppyseed Drizzle

Chewy Flapjack



Marble Cake

Apple & Berry

Crumble & Custard

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