Mr Everitt
It has been an energetic and action packed start to the term so I wish pupils and families a restful weekend.
On Tuesday evening there was a terrific buzz at school as we warmly welcomed our Year 7, 8 and 9 parents to Cranmore for their Headmaster’s Reception Evening where I was able to share the progress on our new and exciting Science and Technology Centre. Year group coordinators outlined the year ahead and it was a valuable opportunity for parents to meet and speak with the form teachers.

Our incredible array of extra curricular clubs and activities began this week, as did our musical orchestras and ensembles. Our sporting fixtures got under way as we hosted six independent schools for regular fixtures and on Friday, another six local state primary schools were invited to a tournament at Cranmore. This weekend our pupils will again be involved in numerous football fixtures and tournaments and I would like to wish our Ski Team the very best of luck at the ESSKIA qualifies at Aldershot on Saturday.

At the beginning of the week, the informative E Safety workshops at school were well received by the pupils and that evening, parents had an opportunity to join in an online session that highlighted recent trends and points of interest to be aware of at respective age levels.

In recent assemblies, we all took time to recognise Her Majesty The Queen’s incredible accomplishments throughout her 70 year reign We shared a letter which Cranmore received in August from Balmoral in reply to letters and cards sent by our pupils in honour of her Platinum Jubilee earlier this year and also highlighted the beginning of a new era with the start of the reign of King Charles III. As a community, we will all have an opportunity to reflect further on Monday during the Queen’s funeral and our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Royal Family at this time.
Message from the Headmaster
In our assemblies this week, we have recognised the passing of the much loved and admired Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We celebrated her many achievements throughout her 70 year reign and shared a letter which Cranmore received in August from Balmoral in reply to letters and cards sent by our pupils in honour of her Platinum Jubilee earlier this year.

all pupils who completed the Summer Reading Challenge return their sheets to Mrs Watkinson in the Senior Library as soon as possible. Prizes and certificates for completing this challenge will be awarded during the week commencing 26th September.

Library Notice
Mourning and Celebrating the Life of Her Majesty the Queen
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Royal

Mourning and Celebrating the Life of Her Majesty the Queen
Some of our pupils wrote letters and created cards addressed to Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee earlier this year. Upon their return to school last week, they were thrilled to discover that her Lady in Waiting had sent them this letter of thanks in August.

The attributes you needed for all these activities were communication, calmness, patience and of course teamwork. At the end of this course we counted up all the points and Team B won!
Today we started by splitting into two groups of 30. We all started with trying to get in alphabetical order on a black line, but you always have to keep at least one foot on the line. After the first activity we moved onto a maze for golf and pickel balls. In this activity we all held up the wooden maze and you had to lean and tilt it to get the balls to move whilst not letting the balls go through a few holes that were scattered around the maze. The third exercise was stacking a tower using teamwork by balancing the slanted wood on a wooden plate to first put as many on the plate as possible and then to stack the highest tower. We concluded by playing a game called key code which is where we had to step on a rubber circle with a number on 1 30 and you had to get the quickest time by touching all 30 circles. The quickest time was an astonishing 13.44 seconds.
Year 8 Team Building

Billy C 8RC
Stephen H 8RC
At the start of the day classes were divided into two teams, A and B. Afterwards they would gather at the sports hall to commence activities. Both teams were given different instructors, the winning team would receive a prize at the end of the activities. The team building exercises would run through the morning all the way to lunchtime.

Activities included building a 3D cube from certain puzzle pieces, trying to get a ball through certain obstacles, and much more. The whole event was exciting for the year group. Team Building Day taught important skills such as patience, teamwork, respect, and many more key skills. It was a thrilling and fun day for everybody involved.

If your child is interested in starting lessons on the French horn, a different orchestral instrument or singing, please do contact me.
Mr Harris, Director of Music
Music News
Scott H Piano Merit Theo W Singing Merit
Ronan Singing
Colin Distinction
Kamran H Singing Distinction
Theory—Grade 5 Practical Grade 1 Practical Grade 3 Practical Grade 5 Drama News Congratulations to the following pupils who have passed their LAMDA examinations: William W. Grade 3 Speaking Verse and Prose with Merit Rory T. Grade 3 Speaking Verse and Prose with Merit

Mrs Hanson, Head of Drama
I am thrilled to welcome Mr Tim Caister, our specialist French horn teacher, to the Cranmore Music Department. Mr Caister, formally Director of Music at St Teresa’s, now retired, brings the total number of specialist music teachers in this department to sixteen.

This week, as well as the curriculum sport taking place, after school training, Swim Squads, Ski Squad and Scholarship and Performance have commenced. Our football fixtures have been played against Downsend, Feltonfleet, Surbiton Prep and Milbourne Lodge. On Saturday, Cranmore are featuring in the U13s Parkside Tournament and the ESSKIA skiing qualifiers.

Scholarship and Performance
Sports Roundup
Almighty God, You are the author and sustainer of all human life; grant that your servant, Elizabeth our Queen, to whom you granted a long and happy reign as Monarch of these lands may be forgiven her sins and rewarded with that eternal life promised to all those born again in the water of baptism and power of your Spirit. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit God, forever and ever. Amen.
Thought for the week:
A Message from our Chaplaincy Team
For the happy repose of HM The Queen

Queen Elizabeth II You give leave to your servant to go in peace, according to your promise.

Let us Pray: Our Father Hail Mary 1 minute of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How do you remember those you have lost?
Luke 2:29
The Archbishop of Cardiff and Bishop of Menevia, Mark O’Toole, has issued a statement from Rome, where he had been addressing priests and catechists in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall. He has asked all Catholics to pray for the Queen, “that she may hear those words from her King and Lord, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant enter into the rest of your Master’”.
After School Ski Simulator Club

Jacket potato & beansbaked
Vegetable & bean burritos cherryinpenneWholemealpastaaroastedtomato sauce
Spaghetti bolognese
Roast potaGreencheese&Cauliflowertoesbroccolibeans
Soup Soup of the day
Jacket potato & beans
Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher
Mashed poRoastedBroccolitato carrots BakedPeasChips beans
Chick pea & vegetable ragout wholemealwith rice
Additional Salad bar Salad bar Jacket potato & beans Salad bar
Iced spongevanillatopped Fruity Friday
Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day
Vegetarian gneseminceQuornbolo-
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jacket potato & beans
Sides anMediterrane-RoastedPastavegetables
Dessert Apple pie & custard Sticky saucebutterscotchpuddingtoffeeand
Main Bank Mondayholiday
Jacket potato & beans
Chef’s carvery Honey gammonroast Chicken piesweetcorn&
Battered cod fillet or jumbo fish fingers