Cranmore Chronicle 17 September 2021

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13 SEPTEMBER 2021 Message from the Headmaster As expected, it has been an exceptionally busy and productive week at Cranmore and for the most part, the weather allowed for a very active week outdoors on the playing fields. Our first fixtures of the academic year commenced last Friday. The atmosphere was tense and the side lines full of Cranmore and visiting supporters for what would be numerous resounding victories for our Year 3 pupils. Many more successes followed throughout the week but a special mention to our oldest students in Year 7 and 8 for a clean sweep of victories on Wednesday afternoon. The reintroduction of clubs this week proved popular with pupils; I know they enjoyed the many opportunities available to them. Thank you to the parents and Governors who joined us on Thursday for our first school Mass of the academic year. I appreciate the hard work in preparing such a welcoming service. Thank you to our readers, musicians, altar servers, Mr Heaver and to Fr Steven for celebrating our Cranmore Mass.

Mr Everitt

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