14 MARCH 2022 Message from the Headmaster
We were delighted with the news that our musicians performed exceptionally well at the Godalming Performing Arts Festival last week. The Orchestra and Wind Band both won their class with Distinction. Our Jubilee Choir had the opportunity to take part in a musical workshop at the Yehudi Menuhin music school and the Chamber Strings treated us to a memorable performance during assembly. Part of Science Week included a visit from Professor Steven Black who gave us a fascinating insight into the world of vascular surgery. The pupils were intrigued to learn about his sixteen years of training and development to be at the forefront of surgery in the country. He explained the importance of using maths and engineering to innovate in medical procedures and highlighted the importance of lifestyle choices in keeping us fit and healthy. Pupils throughout the school were immersed in science activities from the Year 7 pupils visiting St Teresa’s for a Wonderstruck workshop to the Year 2 pupils creating biology posters for their classrooms. It is great to see our school being able to go on excursions again and this week our Year 2 pupils enjoyed a trip to the Roald Dahl museum, Year 3 visited the Winchester Science Centre and Year 7 pupils spent a day out at Kidzania. Mr Everitt