2 MAY 2022 Message from the Headmaster At the beginning of the week, we were delighted to welcome officers from the Metropolitan Police to Cranmore for dog handling demonstrations. The pupils learned fascinating facts about how the police dogs were selected, cared for and trained. The demonstrations included the highly skilled dogs detecting hidden objects, tracking scents and protecting the public in hostile situations. Later, Senior School pupils had the opportunity to ask questions during a career talk in the auditorium. In sport, Year 3 looked incredibly smart in their cricket whites for their first fixture of the cricket season against Rokeby. Congratulations to the U11 cricket team who won their fixture against Parkside to progress through to the next round of the Surrey Cup. Well done to our golfers who enjoyed their first competition of the term at Cranleigh and the tennis team were also victorious on the courts against Downsend. Towards the end of the week, we heard the wonderful news that all of our relay swim teams and nine individual swimmers have qualified for the Swimming IAPS Finals on 11th June at the London Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park. Next Friday, we are looking forward to welcoming over 170 prospective families to Cranmore for the Open Morning. I appreciate that the car park may be busier than usual, but we will have additional marshals to ensure that everyone can get to school safely. Have a lovely weekend. Mr Everitt