Hello everyone and welcome to the last half term of the year!
I cannot believe how quickly the year has gone...
The buzz in the Sixth Form has been strong after the long exam week last week. Congratulations to everyone for finishing their exams; just one last push until summer! It is so lovely to have had the sun the last few days, despite the heat, and to see everyone relaxing outside on the grass.
Speaking of the buzz, we had a very busy common room on Tuesday when we hosted the Year 10 ‘Day in the Life of a Sixth Former’ event. Our wonderful Upper School Prefect, Erika D, wrote about the day:
“On Tuesday this week the Year 10s spent a day in the life of a Sixth Former. The Year 10s tried out some taster A Level lessons, such as Business and Psychology, and they made full use of the common room and Sixth Form facilities. The Year 12s and Year 13s were very excited to welcome them, and we all enjoyed a BBQ on the grass for lunch. I hope the Year 10s enjoyed their day with us and look forward to becoming a Sixth Form pupil themselves.”
Our fantastic Values Prefect, Q and her committee Anna, Carlie and Amelie, along with the Head Girl Team, are gearing up for Values Week next week. There will be plenty of activities on offer, such as Finding Neo, daily scrabble competition, a pilgrimage to Guildford Cathedral and, of course, the famous ‘Breakeoke’ with Dr McShane every break-time. The Sixth Form are looking forward to wearing their 2023 Values Week t-shirts, designed by Lily K in Year 13.
Our Head Girl, Jadwiga KL, and our Deputy Head Girl, Ariella W, were interviewed this afternoon by the Prep School Head Girl Team for the June episode of the Intellect Dissect Podcast. They had lots of fun and we are really excited to send it to you soon.
I hope that everyone has a fabulous week and I look forward to writing to you next week.
To celebrate our Value of theYear we are, in the best traditions, about to embark on VALUES WEEK starting next Monday.
What better way to celebrate this year’s value of INTELLECT than with the greatest contest in what is quite possibly the greatest game on Earth. SCRABBLE
This isn’t just any old game of SCRABBLE. This is the ultimate, souped up, hyped up, super exciting week-long FESTIVAL OF SCRABBLE.
The Eco council will be participating in an Eco trip to Brighton and the English department are hosting a Literary Evening on Thursday 22 June.
Parents are also invited to join us for FINDING NEO, a Cluedo inspired mystery event! Book your place by clicking on the flyer!
We will also have a READATHON of War and Peace running throughout the week in support of "The New Dawn African Girl Charity.”You can make donations by clicking the image below!
This past weekend the girls celebrated the end of their exams with a BBQ dinner and later some doughnuts and drinks outside. On Saturday we headed out on a much-anticipated trip to London to see Mamma Mia the Musical in the West End! We started the trip with some shopping around Covent Garden in the lovely warm weather before heading to the show. All the girls loved the musical and to finish the night we went for a yummy dinner at Wagamama's. On Sunday afternoon we took the girls down to the pool for a swim to cool down.
Next weekend we are going to Brighton and we look forward to National Boarding week. Each day we have a fun activity to complete. #iloveboarding.
On Friday the 9th of June, Year 9 went to visit CEMA (the Centre for Experimental Military Archaeology), to learn more about life during WWI and WWII. We started by listening to two fascinating talks about life on the Homefront, including interesting facts about rationing and the evacuation of children from London, and the uniform of a British soldier – or a ‘Tommy’.
After lunch, we then went to visit the trenches that had been dug in the surrounding forest. One of the trenches was built during WW1, and the other had been constructed to teach people about life in the trenches and trench warfare. Walking through, we discovered more about the harsh conditions soldiers lived in. We even had the opportunity to get our ‘injured soldiers’ (namely Olivia and Anais) to safety where they could be treated. Everyone said that this was their favourite part of the trip!
When I first arrived at Cranmore we went to sit down in our groups and did a few practice questions. The questions were like fun riddles that made us concentrate on specific parts of the questions, it was fun. We introduced ourselves and then split the different questions between us and started working on them. At the end we all waited for the results, and we were then all given brownies. It was a great way to practice teamwork and meet new people, it was a very good experience.
- Isabella MThis made me feel like a team. It tested my abilities and team working
On Tuesday 13 June some Year 9s went to a Cinema Spanish Day Workshop organised by the British Film Institute and taking place at the IMAX in London. We came into a cinema room with 450 other students. We
Eco Council spent an afternoon creating beautiful fresh flower arrangements ready for the Silent disco!
If you have not yet heard our latest Podcast please listen to the episode here
Our third episode gives an insight about what it is like to be a DEI Ambassador at our school. The DEI Ambassadors share information about some of the exciting projects that they are undertaking, including the collaboration between the Performing Arts, PSHE and DEI departments to explore the themes within Hairspray the musical. Miss Burgess, our DEI Officer, speaks about the disability fashion design project that her team are working on, as well as their work with local charity Cherry Trees. We hope that you enjoy listening to this episode and gaining an insight into the work of the DEI team at St Teresa's.
Due to the recent hot weather, please can your child apply sunscreen before school and if required, make sure they have taken their hay fever medication.
Thank you from the Medical Team
Monday 19 June 15:15-16:15
We invite you to a parent seminar by David Leech on mental health and wellbeing. David Leech will be giving corresponding talks to Years 7 and 10 on the same day. In this talk, we will explore mental health and wellbeing, and what parents can do to help their daughters have happy, healthy relationships with others. David will cover how to identify specific warning signs, key terminology, new data and wellbeing strategies.
If you would like to attend, please do complete this Microsoft form: https://forms.office.com/e/k4VDmgiUAZ
The Art Department would like to invite all Art Scholars to attend our annual Arts Festival Day on Friday 30 June. St Teresa’s will be hosting two visiting artists, who will be delivering both painting and textile workshops throughout the day.
The workshops will start at 8:55 and will conclude at 16:15, allowing all pupils to have the opportunity to participate in both the painting and textile workshops. All works produced during the festival will be exhibited at the forthcoming Art Private View, which will be held on Tuesday 4 July from 18:00-20:00 in Mairlot Hall.
As part of Values Week the English Department are hosting a Literary Evening to celebrate all the wonderful creative writing your daughters have accomplished throughout the year.
The event takes place on Thursday 22 June. On the day your daughter will stay after school for a final rehearsal and supper will be provided. We hope you can join us from 18:00 for a 18:30 start in the Drama Studios, underneath Mairlot Hall. The evening should end at about 19:30.
Please RSVP using the link below.
Our annual Values Week pilgrimage walk along the stunningly beautiful North Downs Way from St Teresa’s to Guildford Cathedral will take place on Thursday 22 June. We will meet at school at 6:45am for a 7:00am departure and will return by coach in time for the buses.
As you are aware, each academic year we focus on one of our values, and this year it has been the Year of Intellect.
In support of this year’s Value, each Year 7 pupil has completed a Floreat Project and we are delighted to invite you to view the fruits of their labours at our Floreat Festival on Monday 19 June. This will take place for parents in the Sports Hall between 16:15 and 17:00 and will form a vital part of our Values Week celebrations.
The global round of the World Scholar’s Cup is being held in London, at the Bloomsbury Theatre at the University College of London from the 26 to 30 July 2023. If you would like your daughter to participate in the London global round, please could you complete the consent form emailed out previously.
This year’s Summer Camp will run from Sunday 9 July until Saturday 15 July. Places are limited and will be awarded on progress throughout the year in CCF. Please contact m.stephens@st-teresas.com if you would like your daughter to take part.
Year 9 Medicals will be running from 15 - 19 June. Please check the timetable emailed out to find out when your daughter’s time slot is.
We have been invited to attend a Workshop with Joe’s Buddy Line on Thursday 13 July 2023 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. This is the second workshop in the series and we will be looking at Coping Not Overwhelmed, this will support parents to help their children/our students to help manage their workloads and pressures of exams, tests, everyday life. All parents are welcome, we look forward to seeing you.
Places must be booked
To book a place please email: Amanda.Collyer@thehoward.thpt.org.uk
Places must be booked by Wednesday 28 June 2023.
6th Form + Staff Choir (PC) M2
Grade 6 Theory (CY) M3
Grades 1-5 Theory (PC and CY) M2 and M3 Concert Band (NH) MH
String Ensemble (GW) M2
Yr 7 Ukulele (CY) M3
1.15-2.00pm Schola Cantorum (CY) MH
Rock Guitar (DS) M3
After School
Jazz Group (SW) M2
Symphony Orchestra (CY) MH
Sinfonia (PC) M2
Senior Choir (CY) Chapel
CY = Mrs C Yalden PC = Miss P Cantwell
GW = Mrs G Wallace *
SW = Mr S Walker * NH = Mrs N Haysted * DS = Mr D Smith *
* = Visiting Music Teacher
Running Tuesdays 13:30 onwards for Year 10.
When: Tuesday lunchtime at 1.45pm
Where: Room 28
All welcome: if you would like to attend even if you have not been before, please do come along.
MedSoc is a society open to anyone interested in all things medical.
Please email Dr Evans for further information.
Venue - Lab 32
Time - Wednesday 13:40-14:10
Come and experience the fun, excitement and magic of Chemistry in lab 32!
Please follow us on FOST instagram account:
Calling all stall holders or friends of potential stall holders who would like a stall at our annual Christmas Fair on 1st December 2023
please contact FOSTeffingham@gmail.com
Shop (shed behind ESTA pavilion clubhouse)
Open Mondays and Fridays from 8:30-9am and Saturdays by appointment (usually first Saturday of each month) in term time only.
Email FOSTuniform@gmail.com for more info.
!! Parents needed to volunteer for class representative roles for upcoming school year. Please let the existing class reps know if you’re willing to take your turn to help out !!
We reflected this week on one of the great heroes of the Old Testament, King David. We looked in particular at two episodes from his early life that teach us a little about how God operates.
It was timely, so soon after the sacred moment of King Charles coronation, to remember that David too was chosen as king by anointing. The prophet Samuel visited the house of Jesse in Bethlehem. However, God made it clear that it was neither Jesse’s eldest son, nor any of the others before him who was to be king. Finally, and somewhat reluctantly, Jesse called forward his youngest son, the shepherd boy David. Immediately it was clear to Samuel that David was the one God had chosen.
David did not conform to any preconceived idea of what a king should be, yet God used his unlikely choice to become his representative. God will choose us in a similar way. We might not be gentle, young, psalm chanting shepherds, but whatever unique gifts and talents we may have, God chooses us in the same way he chose David.
Perhaps the most memorable account from the life of David is the slaying of the great Philistine Goliath. Having been chosen, David almost immediately faces this great challenge, when, armed only with his slingshot and a handful of pebbles he brings about the fall of the great adversary of Israel, drawing not on his strength or his armour, but instead, relying totally on the firm belief that God has a plan, that He will defeat evil and wickedness and - most importantly - he is going to use us to do it!
The truth is that we too will face those moments of confrontation with the Goliaths in our lives. It may seem that the odds are impossibly stacked against us. Yet, it is those moments when we are called to draw upon our faith and trust in a God who will always transform even the most dire of circumstances. As David sang, ‘The LORD is my light and salvations with the LORD by my side, whom shall I fear!’
E-mail equestrian@st-teresas.com
Booking System
Or find us on Facebook “St Teresa’s Equestrian”
We hope that you have had a good week.
Please make sure that your child puts on sun cream for riding and a top that covers the shoulders. It has been very warm in the afternoons and evenings recently, and it feels even hotter when riding in the arena!
If there are any school trips or events that your daughter will be doing instead of riding, then please let the office know by phone or by email; if you wish to cancel a lesson, we do require 48hrs notice or more in order to offer Any later and we are unable to fill the slot with a rider for a catch up lesson or off the waitlist.
It was a busy and warm weekend for lots of our students and their ponies who headed out competing.
On Saturday Izzy L was jumping in the British Show jumping, British Novice 2nd rounds and produced a triple clear for 6th place and a qualification to the National Finals in August. Meanwhile Inde W was enjoying taking part in the Shetland Pony Grand National over the weekend at the South of England show.
On Sunday we had lots of riders taking part in the NSEA show jumping and Combined Training show at Felbridge with some brilliant results.
In the Grassroots competition, Florence B jumped two super rounds in the 50cm & 60cm for a beautiful double clear in the 60cm and 10th place.
In the 70cm Emily R was taking part in her first competition for STE and jumped a brilliant double clear for 6th place!
In the 75cm, Rosie C competed as an individual for a great clear and 12th place in a big class.
In the 85cm we had a team of Chloe B, Lilly S and Rosie C who finished 7th. Chloe B was 6th individually and Lilly S was 9th.
In the 95cm Chloe B rode a super round for individual 3rd and qualification for the NSEA Champs at Addington in September whilst Lilly S had 4 faults but still finished in the top half. Lilly S was also competing in the Combined Training and had a brilliant day, with a 1st and a 3rd in the 80-85cm class with two 70%+ scores and clear jumping rounds. She also had a 3rd in the 90-95cm class with another +70% dressage score and an unlucky 4 penalties in the jumping.
Unfortunately, the show then had to be abandoned before the 1m class as we had a huge storm and the whole showground disappeared under water which was such a shame.
Elsewhere Antonia S was out eventing for her Pony Club. She did a 29 dressage and jumped double clear to finish on it for 3rd in the 80cm.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Main Chicken tikka masala with rice & poppadums
Pepperoni pizza slice with chef’s salad
Chef’s carvery –Roast Turkey breast with Yorkshire pudding
Pasta carbonara
Traditional battered fish / jumbo fishfingers
Eat healthy choice
Beef meatballs in a fresh tomato sauce & wholewheat fusilli pasta
Chargrilled chicken Caesar salad
Soy & honey
glazed pork loin steak with rice noodles & Asian greens
Chicken fajitas with peppers & red onions served with grated cheese & sour cream & chives & chef’s salad
Poached salmon with nut free pesto pasta & olive salad
Vegetable & chick pea curry & rice
Cheese & tomato pizza slice
Stuffed peppers filled with roasted vegetables in a tomato sauce
topped with halloumi
Roasted butternut squash & pea risotto
No meat meat balls in a tomato sauce
Rice / pasta Broccoli
Baked wedges Carrots
Roast potatoes Mixed vegetables
Roasted new potatoes Sweetcorn Chips Peas
Additional Jacket potato & beans
Jacket potato & beans Jacket potato & beans
Jacket potato & beans Jacket potato & beans
Dessert Apple pie & custard
Choc chip & coconut flapjack slice
Rice pudding with a selection of sauce
Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher
Chocolate milkshakes
Victoria sandwich slice