This Week’s Headlines

Tomorrow is the Feast of St Thérèse of Lisieux, the saint our school is named after.
We celebrated her Feast today whilst we were all in school with a lovely Mass for the whole School community.

Boarding this week did a bit of stargazing; following a very interesting topic from Mr Garlic on how they could see Jupiter in the night sky giving them the clearest view of Jupiter until 2139!

A rather special event giving us the clearest view of Jupiter in our lives!

On Monday during Period three the Year 13’s had their Predicted Grade Assembly when we spoke about what UCAS predicted grades mean and the process that they are given.
During the Senior Prefect Meeting on Tuesday Lunchtime, Kirsten and Jess (Academic Prefects) discussed the 're-vamp' of Enrichment Society with Mr Field. There are lots of exciting ideas and they are working with Mr Field at the moment on this project.
Year 12 students were invited to apply to gain experience in a role of responsibility last week. This week the successful applicants received their roles. These opportunities included becoming a member of the Events Committee, Effingham School Trust council co chair, co editor of the Student Magazine and being a Year 7 buddy. Congratulations to all the girls who have been awarded a responsibility. Their roles will begin from next week and we are all excited to work with them.
Yesterday, six of our Mental Health Ambassadors attended a very informative conference held by the wonderful mental health charity “Stem 4”. St. Teresa's invited Mental Health Ambassadors from 12 other schools to join us in learning about the difference between stress and anxiety and ways to manage it, the many apps created by Stem 4 to help teenagers struggling with their mental health, how and who to speak to in times of need and lots more. We also heard from two inspiring guest speakers and competed to make a poster on promoting positive mental health in the school environment. We had a great time!
Julia T (Year 12 Mental Health Ambassador)During Sixth Form Sport on Wednesday, we split into three groups. Everyone had the choice between playing football, handball and going in the gym. I really enjoyed playing handball along with the Year 12s and 13s in my team to work together. Everyone had a good run around and enjoyed the competitive atmosphere!
It was the Feast Day Mass of St Therese on Friday Morning. Some of the Sixth Form students walked alongside the Year 3 students to place a part of a collage at the front of the Hall, in order to commemorate St Therese of Lisieux.
The Sixth Form were delighted to welcome their Coffee Van to the Sixth Form Lawn for their Friday treat, giving the opportunity for the Sixth Form to enjoy delicious drinks and snacks!

In honour of the European Day of Languages, students inYear 7 were given the opportunity to participate in a Flamenco workshop, taught by our very own Señora Granada Herbello! Students were introduced to the basic steps and channelled their inner Flamenca!

Visiting dance teacher, Carlos Paz, worked with students in Y9, Y10 and Y11 to master the beginnings of Salsa!
The Great European Bake Off
Beating out competitors from a variety of year groups, Olivia’s Tarte Tatin aux Pommes took first prize this year!

Event Details
London Zoo trip Year
A Level Biology students Thursday, all day

The Performing Arts Department this week
All of our St Teresa’s pupils have been working exceptionally well in their Drama lessons : Year 7 have been working on performance skills,Year 8 have been looking at Narration and Monologues,Year 9 have just completed their first practical assessment performing nonlinear narrative pieces,Year 10 are enjoying exploring Psychological Realism and the GCSE and A level groups are working on their Devised pieces. Our GCSE Dance pupils are working hard on their choreography and there is a real buzz in the Dance studio after last week’s announcement about A level Dance and the opportunity to audition for a Dance Scholarship, as part of the Sixth Form Drama Scholarship.

Clubs and Activities
These are all proving very popular, and the members of the Dance Competition Club were announced on Wednesday.We wish them the very best of luck in their first competition in November.Anyone is welcome to come to any of the Performing Arts Clubs. Please see the Extra Curricular Activities timetable for further details.
‘Romeo and Juliet’ – school production
Rehearsals are going well and the cast are very excited about it being a promenade performance. Cast members are rehearsing in venues all around the school and seeing how these spaces can become a room in the Capulet’s mansion or a street in Verona.An email has been sent to the cast, and parents of the cast, with all the details about rehearsals and production dates. If your daughter has signed up for backstage, make up, costume etc then they will be contacted shortly.
YEAR 10-13


If you are interested, then please contact Hannah at

Performing Arts Instagram account
Keep up to date with all the exciting things we are doing and follow us on Instagram @stteresasperformingarts.

If you have any items of clothing that you think would be an excellent addition to our Costume Cupboard and would like to donate, then do please contact Miss Hansen;
Spotlight on......
All of the hard work the pupils are putting into their Drama and Dance lessons this week, they have been creating some wonderful work.
If any students have been involved with any productions or events over the summer holiday then do, please let us know as we would like to celebrate all your students’ involvement in the Performing Arts, in and out of school
Year 8 Chemistry Club
Venue Lab 32
Time Wednesday 1:45 2:15
Come and experience the fun, excitement and magic of Chemistry in lab 32. We will be starting this Wednesday with the screaming jelly baby experiment. There will also be the opportunity to experience some fascinating wet bench experiments which you can do at home.
Exciting club open to all year 10s to year 13s

If you are interested in all medical (including dentistry and veterinary science) related issues and like to discuss ethics, assess case studies, be up to date with current affairs in the field and listen to speakers then let Dr Evans know so you can join the team.
We meet on alternate Tuesday lunch times, 1.45 2.15pm, room 29

Visit our website equestrian

Or find us on Facebook “St Teresa’sBooking System st teresas
We hope that you are all staying warm and dry! The ponies have been growing their winter coats and are getting very fluffy!
As the weather is so variable at the moment, please make sure that you come with a jumper (no hoodies!) and/or a coat to wear when it’s chilly out. As we are on top of a hill, we get a bit of a cold wind when riding in the arena!
A reminder that if you wish to cancel a lesson, we do require 48hrs notice or more in order to offer credit. Any later and we are unable to fill the slot with a rider for a catch up lesson or off the waitlist.
Autumn Term Riding Dates
Lessons run from: Tuesday 20th September to Saturday 15th October
Half Term Monday 17th October to Sunday 30th October
Lessons run from: Monday 31st October to Saturday 10th December
Adhoc / Catch up lessons w/c 12th December
The ponies had something different happen this week as a bitting specialist came and fitted five of the ponies for new bits! Bits are a part of the bridle that goes in their mouth, and it’s very important to make sure that they fit and are comfortable for the horses.
The first week of termly lessons have been a success and were a lot of fun for everyone!
The horse of the week is… Roxy!
~ Libby C
The October dates are ready to book, we are running Pony Mornings, Pony Afternoons but also adhoc lessons.
So please check out bookings site to book your spaces now!
We wish the riders and teams who are heading out to compete this weekend the best of luck!!
Do check out the equestrian competitions page on the website to view the team and individual results from previous competitions.

This Week
It was a joy for us today to celebrate the feast of our Patron Saint, Thérèse of Lisieux. The highlight of the day was our celebration of Mass with the whole community joining together. Huge thanks goes to all those who contributed the servers, readers, musicians, the staff. It was a wonderful team effort!

Particular thanks go to Fr Stephen for coming to celebrate Mass with us. It was also a joy to be able to welcome members of the Governing Body, Parents and parishioners to celebrate with us.
During his sermon Fr Stephen reflected on the many references to ‘child’ within our liturgy. He noted that Thérèse name in the convent was Sr Thérèse of the Child Jesus. And our Gospel referenced that occasion when Jesus reminds us that in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven we much become like a child. What does this mean? He drew on the idea that we have two ways of describing being a child. On the one hand we can be childish, while on the other we can be childlike. Clearly the first is not what Jesus meant! To be childish is to make ourselves the centre of our own universe, to assume that everything revolves around us, to put our needs and wants at the top of our list of priorities. To be child-like is very much the opposite. It is to recognise how we need to trust and have faith in a loving God to provide all that we need, to recognise that our life is not about us but rather about how we serve others, to put ourselves in the gracious hands of God. Indeed, if we are to be adult, if we are to be fully human, we must first learn to be child like and to place ourselves before the loving gaze of our heavenly father. This was what Thérèse did so very successfully, allowing herself to be a minister of God’s love to every person she met. Let us, as we celebrate her feast day learn from her example and her most profound child like faith. St Teresa, pray for us!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Main Chicken tikka masala with rice & poppadoms
Pepperoni pizza slice with chef’s salad
Chef’s carvery Roast Turkey breast with Yorkshire pudding
Puff pastry filled with locally sourced pork sausage meat
Breaded cod fillet / cod fishfingers
Eat healthy choice Beef meatballs in a fresh tomato sauce & wholewheat fusilli pasta
Chargrilled chicken Caesar salad
Thai coconut infused pork wholemeal rice
Chicken fajitas with peppers & red onions served with grated cheese & sour cream & chives & chef’s salad
Vegetarian Vegetable & chick pea curry & rice
Cheese & tomato pizza slice
Fresh tomato coated pasta
Roasted butternut squash & pea risotto
Poached salmon with nut free pesto pasta & olive salad
Sides Rice / pasta Broccoli
Baked wedges Carrots
Roast potatoes Mixed vegetables
Roasted new potatoes Sweetcorn
No meat meat balls in a tomato sauce
Additional Jacket potato & beans
Jacket potato & beans
Jacket potato & beans
Chips Peas
Dessert Fruit pie & custard Chocolate brownie
Victoria sandwich slice
Jacket potato & beans Jacket potato & beans
Rice pudding with a selection of sauces
Chocolate milkshake