Issue 10
Autumn Term
8th February 2021 26th November 2021
Message from Mrs Conrad This weekend sees the inauguration of Advent, the season when we prepare for Christmas and remember how the Christ Child came to bring light to the darkness of our world. This week, has certainly had its fair share of dark moment - girls, staff and parents testing positive for Covid (some feeling very unwell), difficult decisions having to be made as a result of the pandemic, members of the school community upset as they can no longer visit relatives abroad and, to top things off, the Prep School boiler packing up - heating and ventilation are not a good combination! However, out of this darkness came some very moving moments of light, kindness and positivity which reminded me of Martin Luther King’s beautiful quote, “Only in darkness can you see the stars”. All the staff covered for their colleagues taking on extra work and additional duties, parents volunteered to help with activities and answer phones in the office, Gary kept staff spirits up with regular chocolate treats, the girls were very kind and compassionate to friends online and looked after those who were the only ones in school from their class and FOST have been so generous with their time, working many hours to make the virtual fair a great success and rearrange Christmas activities for the girls. All of this makes me very grateful to work in such a special place where there is such a strong sense of community. Thank you!
Key Diary Dates: Thursday 2nd December
2EB Class Assembly, Henderson Hall POSTPONED
Thursday 2nd December
Chapel Concert, Chapel (you will be invited to attend if your daughter is performing in the concert) 4.30pm
Friday 3rd December
Mufti Day for Oasis (see details on the FOST page)
Sunday 5th December
FOST Christmas Fair—moved to a virtual experience
Monday 6th December
Advent Evensong, Chapel (all are welcome)
Thursday 9th December
Years 2 to 4 Christmas Service, Mairlot Hall
Thursday 9th December
Years 5 & 6 Christmas Service, Mairlot Hall
Friday 10th December
Year 5 Trip to the Winchester Science Centre
All Day
Tuesday 14th December
Year 3 Party With Cranmore Year 3, Henderson Hall
Wednesday 15th December
Santa Dash (details to follow soon)
Wednesday 15th December
Open Book Afternoon POSTPONED (new date to follow)
Thursday 16th December
Prep School Christmas Lunch
Friday 17th December
Pantomime; Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs, Henderson Hall afternoon Wear A Christmas Jumper (optional) Term Ends
All Day