Prep Chronicle 14 March 2025

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10 MARCH 2025

Message from the Head of Prep

As we move through Lent, we take time to reflect on those less fortunate than ourselves. As part of this, children in the Upper Prep observed a Lenten Fast today. Rather than enjoying the usual bountiful offering, we contented ourselves with a much more modest meal of soup and sandwiches. This small sacrifice reminds us to be thankful for all that we have and the money saved is being donated to charity.

We are not only blessed to have a talented catering team, but we also have a fantastic Music Department and they played host to Glenesk School on Thursday as children in the Lower Prep came together for a musical celebration. Other musical highlights, which are just around the corner, include the Upper Prep House Music Competition and our annual Spring Soiree.

Well done to those children nearing the end of the Library Reading Challenge and good luck to everyone who has entered, or is planning on entering, the British Science Week poster competition. This year’s theme is Change & Adapt

The Upper Prep School Council met this week and they were once again full of bright ideas. Suggestions included new clubs, new menu choices and fundraising events. Next week, our Lower Prep School Council will have the opportunity to share their ideas, over juice and pastries.

Good luck to all those involved with this evening’s CPA Quiz and this weekend’s hockey, rugby and swimming fixtures.
Mr Heaver

Book Week: Dressing Up and Themed Lunch

The sun shone brightly on Friday, making the dazzling display of World Book Day costumes shine even brighter! Pupils were creative in their choice of costumes and enjoyed talking about their favourite book characters. The book-themed lunch added to the excitement and was delicious, even the green eggs and ham!

Book Week: Usborne Book Fair

On Friday, pupils from Reception to Year 5 visited the book fair and created lists of their favourite books. It was wonderful to see such enthusiasm for books and reading. We have been able to order a large number of books for our school libraries as a result of these sales, so thank you to everyone who bought a book.

British Science Week—Change and Adapt

On the theme of Change and Adapt, the theme for this year’s British Science Week, our pupils have been extracting DNA from kiwis. The fact that we can do this, and know about DNA, reflects just how much has changed in terms of our understanding of biology and living things.

Dr Verny White

Year 1 Class Assembly

Year 1 celebrated music from around the world! The children showcased vibrant dances from Africa, India, Spain, and the USA, performing each with joy and enthusiasm. They spoke their lines perfectly and made this assembly a truly memorable experience!

In Nursery this week, the children used mixed media to create their spring blossom pictures. There has been some wonderful imaginary role play in our Garden Centre. The children have also been working hard with their name writing and enjoyed their small number group work, focusing on matching the correct number of items to the number represented on their given card.

Book Week in Year 2

In Year 2 we loved 'hot-seating' and asking each other questions about our book character. Next, we formed groups and made up stories with our book characters and performed our stories to the class.

Mrs Carpenter and Mrs Stefano
This Week’s House Cup Winners
Congratulations to Bowen House in the Lower Prep and Radford House in the Upper Prep for gaining the highest

U11s ISA Hocket Tournament Win!

Congratulation to our U11 hockey team who won the plate at the ISA tournament in Burgess Hill. The team was undefeated in the pool but went through to the plate on goal difference. Cranmore won the next three games, including one match on penalty shuffles, and was crowned champion!

Prep hockey fixtures have also taken place against Cranleigh, Rokeby, Feltonfleet, and Kings College. The U8s to U11s were in action at the Surrey 7s this week. All teams performed well, especially our U11s who scored 22 tries and only conceded 2. The U10s and U11s also participated at the Donhead 7s. Best of luck to our U11 swimmers who are competing at the ESSA Schools Relay tomorrow at the Guildford Spectrum. I would like to wish the very best of luck to our U11s football team playing in the National IAPS Finals on Sunday at Millfield school.

Easter Sports Camp - April 7th to April 11th - Lions Sports Academy

Lions Sports Academy are running a camp this Easter at Cranmore. Please see flyer and use the link below for more information:

Mr Hodgson, Director of Sport

U11 Rugby

On Saturday 8th March the U11A rugby side took part in the Surrey U11 rugby tournament at KCS. The boys were exceptional all morning, scoring 24 tries and, incredibly, only conceding 2 tries! A huge defensive effort by all. Well done to all involved, and thank you to the parents who turn out and support without fail.

Mr Barson

A Message from our Chaplaincy Team

This Week

A Reading from the Gospel of Matthew

Jesus said to his disciples, 'Be careful not to parade your good deeds before men to attract their notice; by doing this you will lose all reward from your Father in Heaven. So when you give alms, do not have it trumpeted before you; this is what the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win men's admiration. I tell you solemnly, they have had their reward. But when you give alms, your left hand must not know what your right is doing; your almsgiving must be secret, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.


The season of Lent seems to go beyond our natural inclinations: to give things up, to go without. Yet Lent, this six week time of preparation, is a time of renewal; it is a time to take stock of our lives, to think about giving up anything that is perhaps drawing us away from God and to take up things that can draw us closer to the one who created us. In our modern way of life , much can distract us from the divine who resides in us and who speaks to us. This Lent, take time to listen to the voice that reminds us that we are loved; we are made in His sacred image and we have a purpose.



In this holy season of Lent, may we turn back to you with all our hearts, in prayer, in fasting, and in giving alms to the poor; that our sins be forgiven and our hearts mended.


"Pray, hope and don't worry. Anxiety doesn't help at all. Our Merciful Lord will listen to your prayer."

St Padre Pio


Cardio Tennis - Thursdays @ 9:30-10:30am

Please join coach Ivor’s cardio tennis sessions for adults on Thursdays 9:30-10:30am at ESTA, St Teresa’s!

Cardio tennis is a fun, sociable group fitness class with a tennis twist and is open to all abilities - come and give it a try!

Please contact Kirsti at ESTA to sign up

Easter Tennis Camps at ESTA

ESTA is excited to be running 4 days of tennis camp over the Easter holidays from Monday 14th to Thursday 17th April at St Teresa’s.

The timings are:

Y2-4 @ 9-12pm

Y5&6 @ 1-4pm

Y7-11 @ 1-4pm

Camp days are priced at £40 with a 10% discount applied for the full week.

Private coaching is also available from 4pm each day.

We look forward to seeing your children on court over the Easter break!

Please contact Kirsti at ESTA to sign up

Mon 14th - Thurs 17th April

The course is suitable for players from Grade 1 up to Grade 6 and is open to children from Year 4 to Year 9.

The programme will include:

String Orchestra

Swing/Jazz Band

Full Orchestra Rehearsals

Sectional Rehearsals

General Musicianship

Recreational Time

Further details can be obtained from: Mrs Caroline Yalden, Director of Music (

Soup Soup of the day

Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day

Main Mild Beef Chilli Con Carne served in a taco & dips


Mixed Bean & Quorn Chilli

Piri Piri Chicken with Pitta Bread, Baby Gem and Homemade Sauces

Honey Roasted Gammon with Stuffing & Gravy

Cheesy Vegetable Enchilada

Feta & Spinach Filo Pie

Sweet & Sour Turkey Noodles

Sides Spicy rice Steamed Sweetcorn


Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked Bread Salad bar

Potato Wedges Macho Peas Rainbow Slaw

Garlic & Thyme Roasted Potatoes Green Beans

Sticky Teriyaki Quorn & Aubergine

Freshly Battered Fish or Breaded Fish Fillet with Ketchup and Tartare Sauce

Dessert Citrus Drizzle Cake

Pasta with Tomato & Basil Sauce

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Steamed Rice Broccoli

Pasta with Tomato & Basil Sauce

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Macaroni Cheese with a Crispy Onion Topping

Chunky Chips Garden Peas

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

White Chocolate & Cherry Shortbread

Apple Filo Pie with Custard

Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher

Chocolate Brownie Fresh Fruit Friday

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