Message from the Headmaster

The school was a hive of activity during Values Week with an abundance of challenges to engage the intellect of our pupils. We embraced modern foreign languages challenges, maths competitions, creative arts design, general knowledge competitions, quizzes, escape rooms, music composition, cookery, animation, author visits, salsa and jewellery design. We also had pupil lectures in areas such as engineering, code-breaking, artificial intelligence and psychology. We were delighted to welcome the Reliability Engineer and Head of STEM for McLaren who led a memorable activity session for pupils on Friday.

We wish Year 7 a successful residential trip to Calshot Activity Centre in Southampton this weekend; the weather looks kind and I am sure the pupils will benefit greatly from the trip. Continuing with the busy weekend of fixtures and activities, on Sunday, we have a full cast and crew rehearsal of We Will Rock You in preparation for the performances next week. Pupils from our Chaplaincy Team joined the Good Shepherd celebration at Arundel Cathedral.

Values Week: Intellect
Our school’s value this year is ‘Intellect’. A diverse set of activities has taken place throughout the school to celebrate this value. The Art Club students have created cardboard relief sculptures of a range of intellectuals nominated by departments heads to remind our boys that intellect transfers through many forms, not always academic and not always in the places we might expect. They have been placed in prominent positions in the subject areas around the school, and are already prompting much discussion.

Values Week: Artificial Intelligence Seminar for Years 8 and 9

As part of Values Week, we welcomed Professor Paul Curzon, Professor of Computer Science at the Queen Mary University of London, who delivered a seminar entitled (Artificial Intelligence: but where is the intelligence?). The seminar included physical activities such as “Is it a human or a computer” conversation, “Noughts and Crosses against Algorithm”, and “How to teach AI to play chess using sweets”.
Our Year 8 and 9 students attended the event and enjoyed participating in the physical computing activities, asking questions, and discussing ethical issues that were raised during the seminar.

Values Week: Maths Challenges

In Maths, our Values Week activities started early. On Thursday last week, the Year 7 top sets from Cranmore and St. Teresa's joined forces in an exciting and competitive team Maths Challenge. This week, all pupils from Years 4 to 9 took part in the House Team Maths Challenge. There were some excellent efforts. The winning house will be announced to pupils next week.
Values Week: Mini-Lecture Series
Members of staff presented a series of minilectures on the theme of Intellect for Values Week on a wide variety of topics, including codebreaking; cryptic crosswords; Oasis versus Blur; how waves are made and how to surf them; sport psychology; motorcycle engineering developments; and chess puzzles.

Year 7 Salsa Class

As a fun ending to their study of Spanish this year, Year 7 pupils had a salsa dancing class on Monday this week. It was great fun!

This Week’s House Cup Winners
Congratulations to Tylor House for gaining the highest number of merits this week!

Sport Update
Wins against Trinity, Kings College Wimbledon, and Downsend
It has been a superb week of cricket with some impressive wins across our Senior School. There were some competitive games against Trinity, with our U13As obtaining the win. James C in Year 8 took four wickets with a fantastic bowling display. On Monday evening, our U14A team beat Kings College Wimbledon and on Tuesday, they beat Downsend. There were some impressive batting performances, including Adam H getting 68 not out against Kings College Wimbledon and Jayden F scoring 89 against Downsend. Carter R scored 51 playing for the U14B team.
Our golfers continue to impress in the many fixtures that have now taken place. 8 golfers from Year 8 travelled to Cranleigh on Monday for their latest match. It was a foursomes format with players taking alternate shots. The standard was very high, and Cranmore ended up winning the fixture, 4 - 0. Our U12, U13 and U14 tennis teams have played St John's and RGS Guildford over the last week. Across the four matches, Cranmore managed to win three.
U14s versus Downsend

in the Country - Swimming ESSA
After qualifying at the Regionals at the Guildford Spectrum a few months back, our U11s Swimming Relay team competed at the ESSA Nationals last weekend in Sheffield. The team got through their heats in both the Medley and Freestyle Relays. In the Finals, Cranmore came 6th in the Medley and an amazing 3rd in the Freestyle.
Summer Sports Camps at Cranmore - please see links below and flyers:
Activate Camps -
Football Camp -
rd Mr Hodgson, Director of Sport