Alumni Meet Presentation

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13 JUNE 2015

Signature of successGraphic Era Deemed University, Dehradun




“Graphic Era University has established itself as a reputed centre for learning in the field of science, engineering technology, business and hotel management. Over a relatively short period of 15 years, this University has made a name for itself as a leading provider of education in fields as diverse as engineering, life sciences, business, finance and hotel management. I am pleased to see that the institute has grown to a strength of around 7000 students and 350 faculty members, a laudable achievement for such a young university.� - Convocation Address By Padma Vibhushan Dr K. Kasturirangan Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru University


Experienced and Dedicated Faculty Members


Faculty Members with degrees from IITs.


Faculty members with Ph.D.


Faculty members with Degrees from Foreign Universities.

Faculty members who are not just from Top institutes, but Toppers from the Top Institutes (IITD, Purdue Univ. USA, NUS, etc.) Who are working actively with researchers worldwide (AT&T Labs, NUS, Purdue University, UC Davis, Univ. of Hawaii Cancer Center, IITs, etc. Who are serving as reviewers for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, IEEE Transaction on Circuit and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions of Fuzzy Systems, IEEE/ASME Transaction of Mechatronics, ISA transactions of Elsevier, IET-GTD, Journal of Electronic Imaging, etc. Faculty with International exposure- Doctoral degrees from National University of Singapore, Purdue University-USA, Hokkaido University-Japan, University of Illinois Chicago – USA, Université Libre de Bruxelles,Belgium, University of Wales, U.K.

International Faculties

Faculties with International Exposure in Research and Teaching Dr. V.K. Tewari National University, Singapore

Vice Chancellor Ph.D-Univerte’ Libre De Bruxelles, Belgium M.E,B.E - IIT Roorkee

Purdue University, USA Dr. Ankush Mittal Hokkaido University, Japan University of Illinois, Chicago, USA

Director (Research) & Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering Ph.D. (The National University of Singapore), M. S. (IIT-Delhi), B.Tech. (IIT-Delhi)

Utah State University, USA Dr. Lok Man S. Palni Western International University, USA CEA-LETI Germany

Professor & Dean Department of Biotechnology Ph.D: University of Wales, U.K. FNASc, FAAS, FNA, FISPM M.Sc. from University of Gorakhpur B.Sc. from University of Gorakhpur

International Faculties Dr. Puneet Goyal

Dr. Pratibha Naithani

Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Professor Department of Allied Science

Ph.D. (Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA)

M.Sc. (IIT- Roorkee)

M. Tech. (IIT-Delhi, India)

B.Sc. (KLDAV College, Roorkee)

Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA),

B. Tech (IIT-Delhi, India)

Dr. Nitin Khanna

Dr. Ashish Thapliyal

Professor Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Professor Department of Biotechnology

Ph.D. (Purdue University, USA)

Ph.D. (HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar

B. Tech (IIT-Delhi, India)


Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sharma

Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Raj Shivrain

Associate Professor Department of Allied Science

Associate Professor and HOD PDP Department of Management Studies

Ph.D. (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Masters in Strategy and International Relations

M.Sc. (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and

from Carlisle, USA, 2000

Technology, Pantnagar)

Graduation in Military Science, Madras University

Post Doctoral (Utah State University, USA)

International Faculties Mr. Jayanta Chakraborti

Mr. Chandramauli Dhaundiyal

Associate Professor Department of Management Studies

Associate Professor School of Allied Sciences

M.B.A. (IMI Europe)

PhD Pursuing

M.A. (Economics)

MBA (University of sunderland, United Kingdom)

B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)

BA Hospitality Administration (Ecole Hoteliere D Lausanna Switzerland)

Mr Piyush Pandey Associate Professor Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering M Tech, Griffith University, Australia B Tech (ECE), Amravati University, India

Dr Syed Mohsin Waheed Associate Professor Department of Biotechnology Post Doctoral Fellow at: - Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic USA - Case Western Reserve University, USA Ph.D. (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

Their rich international exposure benefits in enhancing the teaching and R&D capabilities of Graphic Era University (GEU). Having faculty of international repute is yet another factor which differentiates GEU from most universities in the region of Uttarakhand and its neighbouring states.



110+ Books/Chapters Authored

1220+ Research Papers Published

GEU received industrial consultancy fund of Rs. 399 Lakhs from various industries for technical advice/ solutions etc. B. Tech. students of GEU have published around 75+ research papers in Springer, Elsevier & IEEE Xplore.

Leading Government agencies like DST, DRDO, ISRO, BARC, UCOST, USBD, DBT etc have approved 23 research projects for GEU with an outlay of Rs. 503 lakhs.

LEGENDARY PLACEMENTS More than 1407 students of 2015 batch already placed Pay Package upto Rs 22 lacs per annum



Roop Durgapal is an Indian television actress of Balika Vadhu fame. She earned Bachelor of Technology degree from Graphic Era.

Aishwarya Goel of Graphic Era Hill University took part in FEMINA MISS INDIA 2015 and was among the top 20 finalists.


43 Students above 99 percentile & 214 students above 90 percentile in GATE 2013 - 2015.

Atul Joshi -(B.Tech- EC) got All India Rank 1 in ISRO and All India rank 34 in IES in this Year.

Upto 22 lakh per annum pay

Tushar Gupta awarded scholarship of over Rs. 40 lacs by the University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

Research Fellowship upto worth Rs. 12 Lakh

Upto 40 lakh Scholarship for Higher Education Abroad

Kalyani Kumar awarded scholarship Ishank Sahadeva (B.Tech-ME) placed with Olam International Pvt. Ltd. at of around Rs 35 lacs by the Aalto Gabon, South Africa with package University, Finland. 22 lacs pa.


Students from California State University ,San Bernardino, California USA , Graduate School of Engineering, University of Nantes ,etc came to Graphic Era Deemed University for their summer/winter internship. AIESEC GLOBAL INTERNSHIP BY GEU STUDENTS Some of our students who went for global internship STUDENT COUNTRY TEJASHWINI EGYPT MOHAK GARG CHINA SONIA BHATIA RUSSIA AMAN MURSHID MALAYSIA ANSHUMAN SAXENA BULGARIA HIMANSHU CHAUHAN UKRAINE

Some International Collaborations of GEU:

International Tie-ups California State University ,San Bernardino, California USA

UFA State Petroleum Technological University Bashkortostan, Russia

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i ve r s i t y , S a n B e r n a r d i n o , a l s o k n ow n a s C a l S t a t e

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University is a State Educational

San Bernardino or CSUSB, is a public university and one of the

Institution o f H i g h e r P r o f e s s i o n a l E d u ca t i o n . I t h a s b e e n o f f e r i n g

twenty-three general campuses of the California State University system.

educational ser vices since 1948

U n i v e r s i t y o f Wo r ce s t e r , U K

R e p u b l i c o f I ra q

Th e U n i v e r s i t y o f Wo r c e s t e r i s a B r i t i s h u n i v e r s i t y , b a s e d i n


Worcester, Worcestershire, England. With a histor y dating back to 1946.

Education Department

Sheffield Hallem, University

Ufa State Aviation Technical University(USATU), The Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia



Yo r k s h i r e , with are




England. than


Th e



university students,



a is

university largest












U fa S t a t e A v i a t i o n Te c h n i ca l U n i v e r s i t y ( U S AT U ) , Th e R e p u b l i c o f


B a s h ko r t o s t a n , R u s s i a , i s a f e d e ra l s t a t e e d u ca t i o n a l i n s t i t u t i o n o f

co u r s e s .

h i g h e r p r o f e s s i o n a l e d u ca t i o n . U S AT U i s a n o n - p r o f i t o r g a n i z a t i o n .


over 572



Institute of Commercial Management,(ICM) UK

Birmingham City University, UK

ICM is the leading global professional body for Commercial

W i t h a r o u n d 2 2 , 0 0 0 s t u d e n t s f r o m 8 0 co u n t r i e s , B i r m i n g h a m

a n d B u s i n e s s D eve l o p m e n t M a n a g e r s . I t i s a l s o a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y

C i t y U n i v e r s i t y i s a l a r g e , d i v e r s e a n d i n c r e a s i n g l y p o p u l a r p l a ce

recognized examining and awarding body for business and

t o s t u d y . Th e U n i v e r s i t y h a s a n e nv i a b l e r e p u t a t i o n f o r p r o v i d i n g

management students.

q u a l i t y , s t u d e n t - f o c u s e d e d u ca t i o n .

IES World Wide,UK International Educational Services (UK)(IES) is a UK based independent

Iraqi Cultural Attaché, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

education placement organization that provides very best service to find

A MoU was signed between Graphic Era University and Ministry of Higher

the right institution for the goals, experience and qualifications.

Education and Scientific Research, Republic of Iraq on 7th May 2014.

Polytech Nantes

Universite de Haute-Alsace, France

P o l y te c h N an te s , t h e G rad u ate Sc hool of E ng ine e ring of t he U nive rsi-

Th e U n i v e r s i t y o f H a u t e - A l s a ce ( U H A ) e s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 9 7 5 , i s a n

t y o f N a n t e s , i s a cc r e d i t e d by t h e Co m m i s s i o n d e s T i t r e s d ’ I n g é n i e u r

institution of higher education and research enrolling 6,850

( C T I ) , t h e F r e n c h i n s t i t u t i o n w h i c h aw a r d s e n g i n e e r i n g d e g r e e s .

s t u d e n t s , 1 6 . 3 p e r ce n t o f w h o m a r e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t u d e n t s f r o m 9 0 co u n t r i e s .

Global Internship Education in World Culture

Look Great in an Interview

Studying abroad allows the students to immerse themselves in an environment filled with new customs and an entirely different culture that is completely unique to their host country.

Employers often look for students who challenge themselves and learn from their experiences. It helps the student to i n t e g ra t e t h e i r c r o s s - c u l t u ra l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l skills on the resume and cover letter too.

Language Acquisition

Discover a New Career Path

It helps to acquire knowledge of foreign language and helps in personal growth.

The experiences they take advantage of having been abroad can influence the rest of your life in regards to career goals.

Benefits of Studying Abroad Professional Growth

Experience of a lifetime

It allows the students to experience the international study culture under the framework of a different educational system abroad

The learning is for the life time and we promote universal access of the education among the students with knowledge, confidence and requisite skills, act as a positive reinforcement in the era of globalisation.

Global Internship GEU Students at Foreign University Research Internship at University of Nantes ,France Mr. Saurabh Dwivedi , Dept. of Computer Sc. and Engg.,

Mr. Abhijeet Rajora , Dept. of Mechanical Engg., carried

carried out research work related to “High level feature labeling for Image Databases” under the mentorship of Prof. Filippo Mazza in the IVC team of IRCCYN Laboratory ( N a n t e s ’ R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e o f C o m m u n i ca t i o n a n d C y b e r n e t i c s ) , University of Nantes, France

out research work related to “Numerical simulation of two miscible fluids in a micro channel” under the mentorship of Prof. Ould El Moctar at Thermocinetique Laboratory, University of Nantes, France

Research Internship at Nanyang Business School, Singapore Nanyang Business School, Singapore is rated as Singapore’s # 1 MBA, Global MBA Rankings, by The Financial Times 2013. Eminent professors of NBS delivered lectures to the students providing them the Global Perspectives in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Finance, Branding and Leadership. All the students were awarded with NBS certificates. In addition students also visited NEwater Plant. Currently, NEWater plant at Changi meets up to 30% of the nation’s current water needs.

International Immersion Programme at Malaysia

MBA Students of 2012-14 batch visited Malaysia for International Immersion Programme during 4th to 9th May, 2013 accompanied by faculty members. During the immersion program, students visited various industries including Panasonic, Royal Salengor, MATRADE (Malaysia Business Information Centre) and Beryl’s Chocolate factory in Kuala Lumpur.

Global Internship GEU Students at Foreign University Internship at the IRCCyN Research Lab, University of Nantes, France (Jan-Feb 2014)

Foreign Students at Graphic Era university Students from University of Nantes

FakhFakh Ghazi Ms. Prachi Sharma Ms. Prachi Sharma, B. Tech. (CSE), worked in the area related to “RozoFS Dashboard displaying Mojette projection distribution over storage clusters in Cloud environment”

Pursuing 4th year of University studies at Graduate School of Engineering of the University of Nantes in the Electrotechnical Department (Electronics and Digital Technologies). He completed his training under Mr. Prem Singh Rawat, Assistant Professor, ECE Department.

Baudon Matthieu Ms. Drishti Sethi Ms. Drishti Sethi, B. Tech. (CSE), worked in the area related to “Blood vessel segmentation in bone micro-CT images using feature detectors”

Pursuing 4th year of University studies at Graduate School of Engineering of the University of Nantes in the Electrotechnical Department (Electronics and Digital Technologies). He completed

Students from CSUB, California Mr. Sahil Grover Mr. Sahil Grover, B. Tech. (IT), worked in the area related to “Contribution to the crowdsurcing platform for multimedia evaluation subjective experiments”

Students from CSUB, California, came to Graphic Era University for their Summer Internship in the field of management. Manpreet Kaur and Ernesto De La Torre, were the undergraduate students who came into the University for pursuing their summer training into various aspects of management. They were exposed to both theoretical and practical dimensions of management by lectures and industrial visits.

Global Internship AIESEC Internships in the Academic Year 2014-15

Global Internship by GEU Students

Global Internship AIESEC Global Village Organized at Graphic Era University Srishti Jain

Abhishek Arora

My AIESEC experience gave me an opportunity to work with different International students in a challenging professional environment, that helped me develop in the field of leadership, communication, diversity and many more.

AIESEC internship provided the best of experience of my life, I got a chance to explore myself in the fields of personal development and leadership. It was a meaningful experience, being in a very different environment I was able to challenge myself.

Project: Shape the Future

Project: Be in the Pink

Country : Turkey

Country : Philippines

Duration: 16th June’11 to 16th July’11

Duration: 13th January’14 to 1st March’14

Abhishek Kaushal

Shardul Shandilya

AIESEC provided me the exposure to an International Environment, I develop the leader in me. I impacted the society I was working for. I enhanced in those fields in which I couldn’t have gained any exposure if I wouldn’t have opted for an international internship.

AIESEC for me is a life changing opportunity and only because of it. I was able to challenge myself . I was able to experience those hidden qualities that were there in me but because of AIESEC I got a chance to realize them all together.

Project: Dare to Dream

Project: International Kingdergarden

Country: China

Country: Russia

Duration: 5th July’13 to 2nd September’13

Duration: 5th January’14 to 24th February’14

Krishna Gupta

Sonali Thakur

AIESEC-I don’t know what others percept about it but as I have realised it’s about: travelling, confidence, gaining experience and knowledge, upgrading my skills in different fields and aspects and to improve my leadership qualities. Project: IT Literacy

AIESEC provided me a chance to acknowledge an international culture in a way that it developed my professional outlook of the world. It was an amazing experience not only in the field of personal development but as a great vision towards the development of the society

Country : Russia

Project: IT Literacy

Duration: 5th January’14 to 15th January’14

Country : Russia Duration: 5th January’14 to 15th January’14

Academic Programs

Graphic Era University, Dehradun ..........................................................................

B.Tech, BBA, MBA, BCA, MCA, B.Com (H), BHM M.Tech, Ph.D.

Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun .................................................................................. B.Tech, M.Tech, BCA, MCA, MBA, B.Com(H),

B.Sc.(IT), B.Sc. (A&VE), B.Arch., B.A. (M&MC), B.A. (Honors.) in English, Mathematics, Physics.

Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal .............................................................................. B.Tech, M.Tech, BCA, MCA, BBA, MBA


B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in Cloud Based Applications (in association with IBM) Mobile Applications (in association with IBM) Bioinformatics B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering with specialization in Human Computer Interface Systems Electronic System Design & Manufacturing B.Tech Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Energy Engineering Automation Enginnering

Academic Programs

PG - SPECIALIZATION PROGRAMS AT GEU M.Tech Structural Engineering with specialization in Disaster Management M.Tech Biotechnology with specialization in Agriculture Biotechnology Biosensors Nano - Biotechnology M.Tech CAD/CAM & Robotics with specialization in Computer Aided Design Automation Computer Integrated Manufacturing Robotics M.Tech Computer N/W Engineering with sp. in Security & Cyber Forensics M.Tech Health Care Informatics

Academic Programs

NEW ACADEMIC PROGRAMS AT GEHU School Of Commerce B.Com (Honors) School Of Law BA LLB (Honors) BBA LLB (Honors) School Of Architecture & Planning B.Arch School Of Allied Sciences B.Sc. Physics (Honors) B.Sc. Mathematics (Honors) B.Sc. Statistics (Honors) School Of Humanities & Social Sciences B.A. English

Academic Programs

ECOKART by GEU Students


INDUSTRIAL COLLABORATION GEU has an active academic collaboration with most of the industry giants. These collaborative programs aim to develop the professional and technical skills of students & faculties by taking various interactive sessions.

EMC Square Academic Alliance


Academic Alliance

Infosys Campus Connect for Training of Trainers. Listed under advanced category status by Infosys.


Mission 10X Faculty Training & Development program


Academic partnership for Training & Development


Centre of Excellence for Training, Research & Certification Program


Head Start Foundation Program


Academic Accreditation for Curriculum Development, Training & Placements

Ram Goel Nuclear Scientist BARC

Yogesh Adhikari Officer INDIAN ARMY

Vipin Gupta M.Tech IISc Bangalore

Ramashish Yadav IES Officer INDIAN RAILWAYS

Ravindra Gaur Scientist DRDO

Shreya Rawat Officer INDIAN ARMY

Vikshit Sachdeva Officer INDIAN ARMY

Leena Tomar MBA IIM Indore

Manu Bansal MBA IIM Bangalore

Gaurav Bhandari Aeronautical Engineer HAL

Himadri Bhatt Officer INDIAN AIR FORCE

Nirmal Danu M.Tech IIT Bombay

Their dreams transformed into reality, becaue they believed in us.






Had a wonderful experience here since morning. Kind of research you are driving is really amazing. Seeing the progress of this University,I can say that if I were a student and had the choice, I would pick up Computer Science at Graphic Era rather than Aerospace in IIT. Really amazing Professors here! Very passionate, Very committed and very dedicated to bring the students to a level which at par with the International level. Mr. Rajiv Arora Director-DPE Microsoft-India

The total number of career streams and the options we have in this university, it’s probably one of the differentiators from other educational institutions. There is a commitment in this university to bring in infrastructure and to put in investments to grow research. GEU is a great university. The Management here is very professional, very committed, extremely humble and down to earth. Mr. Rajiv Sachdeva Vice-President-Technical IBM

The recruitment numbers have continuously gone up year on year, indicating that the performance of students in the recruitment process has been continuously improving,the students were found to be articulate and are able to express themselves well. The training performance has been over all good & has been steadily going up year on year.

Mr. Sudhir Mishra E Schooling Hiring-Lead Infosys Limited









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