Imagine a world where no child with Special Needs is left behind.
India’s largest innovation and research driven holistic care provider for children with special needs.
at the
United Nations (Vienna, Headquaters)
WHAT WE ASPIRE The vision of Mom’s Belief is to improve the lives of those affected by neurodevelopmental disorders and to empower parents with resources, training and ongoing mentoring. We believe every child deserves a better life.
1400 +
Centers By 2020
WHO WE ARE Mom's Belief is India's Largest holistic care provider for Children with Special Needs and soon to be World's largest. This phenomenol growth is a reflection of unwavering belief of parents in us.
About us
Years of Clinical & Research expertise
Eminent Organisations Partnered
By 2021 Mom's Belief is going to be World's largest Holistic care provider for Children with Special Needs
WHERE WE ARE Mom’s Belief Ideology is based on three established facts:
Mom’s Belief is innovation and research driven holistic care provider for children with Special Needs and operates through Home- Based program as well
Every child is special, with unique combinations of abilities and needs that affect learning.
Early intervention can improve learning, social and communication skills, as well as underlying brain
as extensive list of
therapy centers & partner
Involvement of parents in their child with Special
schools across the globe.
Needs is indispensable.
300+ Team of Professionals
2200+ Lives Touched Till Date
We are growing stronger everyday with more than 10 centers added every month (June' 19) from across 5 cities in India.
India’s best Pediatric Neurologists, Pediatric psychologists, Occupational Therapists and other child experts are Mom's Belief panelists and navigators.
“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach” –W.E.B DuBois
The Mom's Belief Clinical Team
650+ Years of Clinical & Research expertise
Our clinical experts are associated and have
Our experts are renowned in the
Our experts have conducted
shared the expertise with the likes of, Sir
areas of research, training,
multiple training sessions, workshops
Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi Council for Child
assessment,curriculum planning
and conferences across the globe,
Welfare, (NIPCCD) National Institute of Public
and policy-making, specialized
covering topics such as learning
Cooperation & Child Development, American
remedial education, and various
styles, emotional intelligence,
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
new methods and upcoming
classroom management, discipline,
, Donald Cohen Fellowship (ESCAP, Italy),
therapies for children with special
learning disabilities, and ADHD,
Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association,
among others.
650+ years of cumulative experience of professionals at Mom’s Belief, which is what makes us the best. We are as good as our panel of clinical experts.
Technological advancements:
We believe that mothers see beauty and strength in their child that others overlook.
We are constantly driven by
And with that ability to see beauty and strength, a mother can turn her child's potential into reality. We believe that when you empower a child's greatest supporter with knowledge and tools, there is
technology and research to find
no limit to what a child can achieve.
creative and innovative solutions to
Mom's belief has a team of professionals from the field of child psychology and psychiatry, neuropediatrics, therapy
language, education.
occupational Our
integration decades
therapy, of
multiple neurological disorders. We are working towards introducing
associated with Stanford University and top Indian medical institutions such as AIIMS, Sir Ganga Ram
technologies like Sensory caves
and VIMHANS hospitals.
to India.
Proprietary Assessment module
Assessments are the key to unlocking the child’s profile of strengths and areas to be worked on. They provide the child with an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, skill, and understanding.
Home-Based Program
Mom’s belief exclusive assessment model has been tested and tried over a large span of time by our clinical experts and proven to yield precise results.
Because we aim to make an ecosystem where:
Centralized assessment and monitoring by the panel of Mom’s Belief experts.
“Every child with special needs has their parents as co-therapists”
The assessments take into account not just clinical judgement but gives priority to parents perspectives.
1071 Million people across the globe are having Special Needs, with a very poor therapist-child ratio. We aspire to change this equation and endow every child with personal full-time therapist. Mom’s Belief Home-Based Program empowers parents of special children with right guidance and tools. And we believe that involvement on parents in their Special Child’s learning is indispensable.
Home Based program empowers parents with:
A structured assessment tool developed by field experts
Assessment is driven by the skills of a psychologist involved
in neuro sciences for children with special needs.
and by the software designed for converting data into
Validity of tool is established by highly qualified professionals
quantitative terms. A report is auto-generated with detailed
Accurate assessments
Teaching tools & resources
Weekly training
Monthly progress
and pilot conducted at the Mom's belief Centre of Excellence
descriptive statistics of child’s skills and a comprehensive
from experts
Education Plan
delivered at home
by experts
and Research
neurodevelopmental profile of the child.
" Powering up True Inclusivity at Partner Schools "
Mom’s Belief Integrated Centers
Mom’s Belief Inclusive School program
Mom’s Belief Inclusive School Program employs groundbreaking technology and clinical expertise to support students with additional needs in regular classrooms.
Infrastructure development:
Individualised Assessment:
Progress Monitoring:
A fully equipped therapy set-up and routine up-gradation at partner schools.
Centralised assessment, comprehensive neurodevelopmental profiling & Individualised education plan for students.
Individual progress monitoring and reporting for every child.
Training & Development:
On-site Support:
Regular educational and training workshops for teachers as well as parents.
Visit by Mom’s Belief clinical experts panel for support and to ensure quality education.
What sets apart the MB integrated centers from the regular therapy centers is the integration of global standards with extensive expertise, ground breaking technology, exceptional
Eminent Organisations Partnered We are growing stronger everyday with more than 10 centers added last month (June' 19) from across 5 cities in India.
therapy set-ups and unmatched operational excellence." MB Integrated centers have: Global standard Infrastructure.
On-site Support from the panel of Clinical experts.
Exceptional parent support system.
Real-time & technically advanced operations.
Therapists & staff up to date with latest trends and techniques.
Ask The Specialist
Day of Belief
consultation for autism, adhd & other developmental disorders Mom’s Belief celebrates 21st February every year as the “Day of Belief” – a day when we put our collective voices together to say: - We believe that children with special needs have great poten-
At Mom’s Belief, we believe that the biggest concern for parents of children with Special Needs is the absence of right guidance and support. So, we, at Mom’s Belief, gathered a panel of global specialists in the field of special needs, to answer the frequently asked questions and other queries related to special needs and developmental disorders.
tial. - We believe that parents can be empowered and enabled to act as a co-therapist for their child. - We believe that educators and healthcare professionals can be equipped to support special needs children and come together to form an ecosystem of support for their families.
We Believe. Do You?
18/1, T Block, Near DLF City Club, DLF Phase III, Sector 24 Gurgaon 122001
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