Craze Issue Five: The Spring Issue

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CRA Z volume 3 | issue 5 | february 10, 2012

table of contents spring issue 02-03





all about tea


yoga mythsbuster


local music scene


march madness


whs lookbook


new flavor hubs

20 apps from an outsider 22-23 buying green 24-25

scarf style

26 valentine’s day quiz 27 sponsors/contributors 02

photo by tyler schank

a note from the editor-in-chief... It’s one month into 2012, and like a lot of people, I am slacking in keeping up with my New Year’s resolutions. I am still unorganized, still prone to procrastination, and the motivation I had to go to the gym in the first two weeks of January... I’d rather not talk about it. However, all is not lost! Welcome to your guide back on track: The Spring Issue of Craze. This issue is centered around you, and making the most of this new year. We could all afford to take a break now and then, whether it’s trying a yoga class (pg. 08) or playing a new game on our iPhone/Pod/Pads (pg. 20). Why not take some fashion risks (pgs. 14-17) or switch coffee for tea once a week (pg. 06)? There are so many ways to spruce up you life this year, and if the talk of “Doomsday” is right, wouldn’t a happy ending be best? And speaking of endings, this is the last Craze for awhile. It’s sad but exciting as well, because in a few months our creative staff will publish Xanadu: our super cool music and arts magazine. If you are even the slightest bit creatively inclined, you should seriously submit your art/writing/music/photography to us. We want as many people as possible involved- even teachers! So, without further ado, Happy New Year, Happy Spring, and Happy reading!

Craze Vol 3 | Issue 5 | February 2012 Omaha Westside High School 8701 Pacific Street Omaha, NE 68114



The line between winter and spring is a thin and snow covered one. It’s coming cannot be predicted by a groundhog’s shadow or the melting of ice. Let’s face it; The groundhog always sees his shadow and Nebraska’s weather is tempermental. When looking at the chilly beauty of this winter scene it is easy to forget the green that will begin to bud in a couple of months. We too are capable of changing ourselves and the world around us with a little effort. Welcome to the Spring Issue of Craze, published in the winter, with all the hope of spring. photo by tyler schank


get brewing

turning over a new leaf story and design by cassie mccormick, photos by tyler schank Tea-drinking grannies at fancy tea parties are a thing of the past, and a new age of tea has begun. Discovered over 5,000 years ago in China, tea was known for its herbal benefits and refreshing taste. Today, tea is known to have even more benefits and comes in many more flavors than it first did in ancient China. Tim Smith, owner of The Tea Smith, loves to share his 06

passion for tea. Like many people, Smith’s first sip of tea was from a bland and boring tea bag. It wasn’t until shopping for a Valentine’s Day gift for his wife that Smith discovered a fresh new take on tea. “At that time, to me, tea was nothing more than brown water and a bag,” Smith said. “I happened to cross a loose leaf tea store and thought that loose-leaf

tea and a tea pot would make a great gift. So I brought that home for my wife and when she loved it she made me try it and the taste was much better than what I was used to from bagged teas. So I started looking for loose-leaf teas to purchase and then started studying the industry and that’s when I saw there was a growing trend in specialty tea in the United States.”

get brewing The Tea Smith opened its doors in 1994 and has been serving up tea, and all the benefits that go with it, since. “Tea has got a lot of helpful properties,” Smith said. “First of all, it is high in antioxidants, which can help fight off cancer. There have been studies that indicate that tea is good for cardiovascular health and dental health as well. The tea itself also has an amino acid called theanine that helps the brain to focus.” While tea is good for the body, organic and fair trade teas are also good for communities. A tea can be certified as organic if it has been grown in an area that has remained pesticide and chemical free for at least seven years. “Fair trade is a movement that helps the producers of teas and other products of that nature to get a reasonable price for their efforts,” Smith said. “So if a tea is labeled

as fair trade that means the producers have agreed to give a percentage of the profits back to the workers, often times in the form of money and sometimes in the form of improved infrastructure such as new schools or better water conditions. The importers and the distributors then pay a small premium per pound that funds all of this.” The Tea Smith carries over 125 different kinds of teas, including organic and fair trade teas. With so many options, first time tea drinkers are bound to find something they like. Some popular classics include green tea and earl grey tea or, for a fun twist, try a bubble tea. Originally from Taiwan, bubble teas combine tea, fruit and small tapioca pearls called bobas. A drink like this is sure to put a smile on your face, so try some tea for yourself and see why it’s not just for your grandma anymore.

The Tea Smith is located at 1118 Howard Street (pictured) and at 345 N 78th Street. For hours and directions check out


get fit

the ‘harmful’ yoga

controversy story and design by jill hoppe, photos by jill hoppe and courtesy of sandy aquilla


Yoga has been recognized as a new way to stay fit, get flexible, and use it as a form of mental stimulation and awareness. However, what many may not know is that over the years, yoga related injuries have become more frequent. Stretching and bending muscles and nerves incorrectly over a long period of time can cause serious damage. According to famous yogi Glenn Black, an ordinary person can usually turn their head sideways to about 45 degrees. An intermediate student may be able to twist it up to 90 degrees. This can cause wounded vertebral arteries and lead to other health issues. “This is a conversation that has been ongoing in the yoga community,” owner of the Omaha & Bodywork Center, Susi Amendola said. “Many teachers and students have been having this conversation for decades and it is not new.”

get fit Amendola has been doing yoga since she was in high school, and opened up the Omaha Yoga & Bodywork Center in 1983. “One of the main things that never gets talked about is that yoga does not mean ‘a series of movements.’ Yoga, even in this article seems to be used synonymously with physical movements.” Amendola said, when asked about the recently published New York Times article, “How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body.” “With the introduction of yoga into the mainstream there is a lot of education that really hasn’t been done prior to those showing up in general yoga classes,” Amendola said. David Scott Lynn, a yoga instructor from Boston visiting the OM Center in Omaha also shared his opinion concerning the yoga controversy. He believes the article is somewhat accurate, but there are some statements that seem to be convoluted or

contradicting. “One of the more accurate facts of the article is that yoga has been known to cause injuries to practicers, and especially teachers,” Lynn said. It is commonly recognized in the yoga world that even the more experienced people can get hurt. Lynn is also one of these instances. He had a hamstring pulled, which took almost a year and half to recover from. But the risk of possible injuries doesn’t keep him from doing what he enjoys.

Compared to other sports, Yoga is an extremely benign form of physical activity. As with all sports, you must learn correctly or you may be in danger of injuring yourself the longer you practice. There is no questioning that it can be damaging to your body if you force something you can’t handle. Lynn offers a couple things to keep in mind for yoga. “The number one thing to remember is that in yoga it’s ‘no pain, more gain,’” Lynn said. “You also want to find a teacher that doesn’t have a reputation of being pushy. A good teacher is one who understands yoga is supposed to be a relaxing experience and you need to listen to your body. If it hurts, don’t push it.” Yoga newcomers should have no reason to worry. Yoga is a very low intensity physical activity as well as for many people, a spiritual relaxation. It’s not something that’s meant to be pushed or rushed, so relax, have fun, and remember to breathe.


get tuned

your very local music scene

story and design by eva phillips, photos by tyler schank and lilly phillips

Being the home of bands like Bright Eyes, 311 and The Faint, Omaha has built itself a reputation for having a diverse and lively music scene. Local music is something we are known for not only in Omaha, but also here at Westside. So get to know your very local muscians, because who knows, maybe someday you’ll be asking for their autographs. Identifies bands that will be playing at Battle of the Bands during Winter Formal.




seniors ryan call, charlie encell, patrick stutzman


Ryan: Pat and I played in an older band together. The band broke up, and we knew that Charlie was a beast at guitar. We just kind of met up and started hanging out every weekend.


Charlie: Our friend lives on 87th and Decatur, and thats where we started jamming. Ryan: The “e” is at the end because the drummer misspelled our


name on our first flyer; it just stuck.

hitting the chord as hard as I could, and I looked back at Pat who dropped a drum stick and was standing up, hitting the snare drum as hard as he could.

what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

Pat: Jack White and John Bonham. Ryan: The Black Keys. Charlie: The Grateful Dead and Phish.

Charlie: Insomniac by Green Day. Pat: Led Zeppelin IV.

dream collaboration:

Charlie: Our last Sandbox show, there was one point at the end where I was on my knees

Pat: The moment I heard the drum intro to “When The Levee Breaks” by Led Zeppelin, I knew


Ryan: Bluesy Rock straight out of the seventies.


best show:

first album:


last listen:

Pat: Art of Almost by Wilco. Charlie: Leaky Breaks by Manchester Orchestra. Ryan: Stomp by Stone Foxes.

Pat: Jack White on guitar Ryan: Jimi Hendrix, he’s a great frontman. Charlie: Jack White on drums.



junior david korff, sophomore connor paskach, junior russ riley origin:

David: Russ and I played in a band last year and recorded with Connor’s older brother. Being the younger brother, Connor was just at the house and he hopped on bass and we really liked how it sounded. We meshed really well.


Originally a lot of our songs were about pushing a message. The idea was that the topics are bitter, but it’s sweet that we can bring that message to people through music.


David: It’s kind of like reggae rock style, but we’d like to think it’s more unique. Russ: Whenever I

say reggae, I think of Bob Marley, but it’s almost like surf tune.

best concert:

Russ: 311, I’ve seen them three times. Every show we go to I think we take

away something different. Connor: I’d say Blink 182 and Sublime with Rome. David: Blink 182, I was so satisfied after that concert. We go to shows together a lot. It’s a cool relationship

you have with people you play music with.

favorite video:

Russ: Mystery Guitar Man. David: Beat Challenged Ep 2. Connor: The Rock Show-Blink 182.

camille messerly

sophomore camille messerly origin:

I was always writing stuff in my notebook. Then in 7th grade, my cousin who is such a big influence on me, paid for my first month of guitar lessons. Last year, I started playing shows at coffee shops and got a little bit bigger.


Somewhat alternative. If I had to compare myself I’d say its a little Norah Jones-y style.


Every time I play a song, I play it differently. When I start writing a song, I’ll have a few set lyrics that

are going to stay there but then when I play it in front of people at shows its always something new.

first song:

I sang on this little barbie sound kit with 8 track recorders in it and a small microphone. I was probably four or five.

best concert:

Cake concert where I crowd surfed for the first time ever.


I would love to play with all the people that inspired me growing up, Paul Simon, Norah Jones, and Adele. A free show where everyone can hear it!


get informed story, design, and graphics by samie steed

march madness

Don’t get mad, get glad! March Madness can be frustrating to those who are not informed, so use this as your guide to everything basketball. Many people only know their teachers and friends will be busy watching more basketball than normal. There is so much more to March Madness then meets the eye and it can all be really fun. It’s important to not only know the basics, but to also know certain teams and their key players, so you can keep up this season. Also websites are listed if you want to learn more or keep of with the games. Soon March will roll around and the madness will start.

the basics 68 basketball teams will be chosen to play in a single elimination tournment. The selection committe choses 37 of the teams, the other 30 are chosen based on winning their conference tournment. Brackets are made predicting the outcome of each game. Games take place in different locations throughout the country until the championship game on April 2.

websites basketball-men/d1 http://sportsillustrated. 12

Every year the National Collegiate Athletic Association holds a basketball tournament for Division 1 schools, which are the strongest and most competitive schools. This year, 68 schools will be chosen to play in the single-elimination tournament. It will begin on March 13 and end with the championship game on April 2 in New Orleans. 30 teams will have automatic bids to be in the tournament if they win their conference tournament. This means 37 teams will rely on the selection committee to give them a spot in the tournament. The selection committee has ten members including athletic directors and conference commissioners, and will choose 37 teams and release their names on Selection Sunday, on March 11. However, the process of choosing the teams starts way before Selection Sunday. The process of selecting teams actually starts when the season starts. This is because the teams are chosen based on how they play throughout the season. It’s not just about which teams have the best records, it’s about how tough their schedule were and how many points they scored too. These teams are ranked throughout the season so you can see how each team is doing. After Selection Sunday comes the fun of the actual tournament itself, when the bracket is made. The tournament is single elimination, so once a team loses they are out of the tournament. This year you can see the tournament in action as there will be games in Omaha. The Century Link Center will be hosting games from the second and third round for the first time since 2008. More than 17,000 tickets were up for grabs in October, although there will be few tickets still for sale. Whether you to go to a game or just watch on TV, this year’s tournament is sure to be exciting.

get informed

teams to know Creighton, currently ranked 13, is a team you should know. They are not a well known basketball team nationally, but this year they could be a Cinderella team. Though Creighton has been to the tournament a few times they are by no means an elite team, however their reputation my change. Head Coach McDermott and his son, sophomore Doug McDermott, have lead the team to a successful season. Nationally, Nebraska isn’t even ranked, and is currently in last place in the Big Ten. The Team really shouldn’t even be in the Big Ten, but the school made the transition because of the football team. There is little hope for our state-university team, with a record of 11-11. Maybe they’ll get better next year? Murray State is a small unknown school but are ranked in the top 20. They have done unexpectedly well and will make a fun team to cheer for. Like Creighton, they will be a fan favored “Cinderella” team. So far they have been undefeated. Hopefully they will get to test out their skills against tougher teams in the tournment. Kentucky is currently ranked number one in the country and has always had a great basketball team. You should know the consistently top ranked teams, which include UCLA, Syracuse, Duke, North Carolina and Kansas. All of these teams are known for having top notch basketball teams who usually make it to the tournament.

important dates

fun facts UCLA holds the record from the most championship titles with 11. “Cinderella” teams are those from small schools who unexpectedly win a game in the tournment. The odds of picking a perfect bracket are nearly 9 quintillion to 1. In 2009 American business lost about $1.2 billion in worker productivity during the tournament.

Southwest Regional - March 22 &24

Selection Sunday - March 11

Midwest Regional - March 23 &25

First Round - March 13-14

Southeast Regional - March 23 &25

Second-Third Round - March 15-18

National Semifinalists - March 31

East Regional - March 22 &24

Championship Game - April 2


get inspired

fashion warriors design and photos by tyler schank Alternative, hipster, indie, creative... whatever you call it, these people rock it. From thrift-finds and beanies to faded Converse, many Westside students are striving to achieve that “new age” fashion while expressing their own individuality. Here are just a few of the many Westsider’s who own a unique style and aren’t afraid to show it. Get inspired.


maddie goodman, 12

marc cubrich, 12

get inspired

maddie pflug, 11

robin hibbard, 12

sarah snyder, 10


get inspired

ally stark, 10


ariel kohll, 11

dalton taylor, 11

get inspired

jessamine turpen, 12

jack ricceri, 11

molly, elle, maggie kroeger, 12, 9, 10


get hungry

tasty ‘til the last bite

story and design by megan north photos by tyler schank

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past year, you know about Red Mango, the popular frozen yogurt joint. There are similar places everywhere, and another has finally found a home in Aksarben Village. Many have said Orange Leaf is even better than the always popular Red Mango, and it may prove to be serious competition.

the birthday cake

This dish certainly leaves your taste buds celebrating.

general consensus

This fro-yo actually tastes like ice cream, while retaining the health benefits of yogurt.

orange leaf


1110 S 71st St Omaha, NE

the better fro-yo

dixie quicks

the quirky brunch hub

On a quaint street a few minutes from downtown Omaha resides one of the quirkiest restaurants in the region. With a decor including doors on the ceiling, plastic dinosaurs in cracks of the exposed brick walls, and a built in art gallery, Dixie Quicks is one-of-akind. The popular restaurant that used to be located on Leavenworth spent the end of 2011 setting up shop in Council Bluffs. It’s worth the longer drive for the familiar face of the owner calling you ‘doll’ or ‘love,’ or snatching up your cell phone as he takes your order. The staff is friendly, and each one of them has a unique personality that you’ll grow accustomed to the more you visit… and once you order the red beans and rice omelet or the Chiliquillas off the ever-changing chalkboard menu, you’re certain to come back for more.

the omelet fun fact There is enough variety to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.


Everything from the straws to the takeout boxes can be composted.


157 West Broadway Council Bluffs, IA

get hungry If you’re an avid reader, you might have been upset when Borders closed. Your face might fall when you drive past the abandoned building, or maybe you’ve been curious about what will take its place. We don’t know either, but we can tell you that a new business has taken up residence in the parking lot. Bomb Digs opened on Jan. 11 and serves a wide range of food on a menu that changes every night. If you’re craving anything from Tex-Mex to Italian, head over for a delicious spin on the classics.

the flautas

The presentation is gorgeous, and the taste is even better.

facebook friends

bomb digs

Search Bomb Digs Food Truck on Facebook to find out where it will be.


The address is always changing.

tex-mex on wheels

Crystal Jade isn’t the kind of place you only visit once. The food alone is delicious enough to make you come back for more, but it’s the friendly faces of the staff that draw you in. If you’re vegetarian, vegan, or watching your gluten, they have plenty of options and remember which menu to bring you. On designated ‘Vegan Night’ and ‘Gluten Free Night,’ you can even get a free bowl of soup.

crystal jade

asian fusion with a twist the peanut tofu

The sauce has the perfect amount of flavor.

vegetarians You can ask for the vegan menu any day of the week.


7255 Cedar Street Omaha, NE


get amused

there’s an app for that! story and design by alycia olson

I don’t usually play popular apps on my iPod, which contains all 4GB of music. However, to get into the ‘New Year, New You’ mood, I’m releasing my inner teenager and becoming more knowledgable about the times. While still confused on the concept and purpose, I researched the most popular and… engaging apps and surveyed players for ratings. Get amused this year with these entertaining applications. Instead of doing something productive, check out these pointless apps.

Angry Birds:

Walking in the halls, I hear about this game the most. However, I don’t understand it. The game involves flinging suicidal birds into buildings to kill green pigs that stole your eggs. Sounds a little psychotic to me.

Fruit Ninja:

To all the wannabe ninjas out there, here is the perfect, brainless game for you. Spend your time slashing at fruit.

Pocket Frogs:

Do you want to be a mommy or daddy? With this game, teenagers really can be a parents... to virtual frogs. Frogs in your pocket allows you to hop from one lily pad to the next, eating insects and breeding frogs. Unlike the real world, you can even sell your babies!

Temple Run:

Here’s a game to boost procrastination. From what I understand, your character upset a pack of psycho monkeys and now you’re impersonating Indiana Jones while running for your life. While trying to avoid death by monkeys, you also collect colorful diamonds. Go ahead and test your reflexes.

Words With Friends:

The most socially interactive and semi-academic game I’ve found so far is Words with Friends. No different from the board game, Words with Friends allows you to play Scrabble with friends on your smart device.


Get creative with Westside’s literary art and music magazine


submit to and purchase a xanadu today! Firstclass Leanna Klimisch or Megan Ulrich for more information.

get informed story and design by jordan meradith

gaining a green


It is a common misconception that products that are eco-friendly are often significantly more expensive, and they don’t work as well. That is actually not the case. There are many green products out there that work just as well and are around the same price. The trick is knowing where to find them. Not only are these items better for the environment, they are down right cool.

water powered clock


inhabitant backpack

This aestheticly awesome alarm clock is very unique. It does not require batteries or an outlet; it runs off water. It is made from non-PVC plastic, which doesn’t contain or release toxic chemicals found in most plastics. The time can be set in 12 or 24-hour time settings, and it features a daily and hourly alarms.

This backpack is made from 100% recycled plastic and 600 D polyester. It features a laptop section, three large compartments and a waterproof bottom. 5% of sales are donated to the WILD foundation to help endangered animals. If you donate your old backpack to be recycled they will give you this backpack at a discounted price.

price: $30.15

price: $59.99

available at: water-powered-clock

available at:

get informed cyprus mineral eyeshadow This eyeshadow is made of 100% percent natural ingredients. It was produced in Canada under very strict animal cruelty and labor laws, so no animal products were used in the testing or making of this product. The company aims to reduce its carbon footprint in the shipping of this product.

price: $10.00

available at:

usb battery

bold ground

These batteries are rechargable up to 500 times! Unlike ordinary batteries, these can plug into any USB port for refueling. These batteries have a longer life than others and will therefore spend less time in landfills releasing toxic metals such as cadimum, mercury and lead.

This coffee is produced by a carbon neutral company, which means that any carbon emitted is reduced, then captured to reduce emissions released in the atmosphere. This coffee is made from organic and natural products. The makers of this coffee are a part of a Fair Trade agreement, meaning that a fair portion of the profits are guaranteed to go to the workers and their communities.

price: $20.09

price: $9.54

available at: usb-rechargable-aa-batteries

available at: bold-ground


get fashionable

scar f style

story, design and photos by kate laing

Scarves are perhaps the most versatile accessory piece... the varying lengths, wide color palettes, distinctive patterns and soft texture make each one individual and unique. Scarves have the ability to completely transform an outfit into a more interesting ensemble, and they can be worn in any season. There are plenty of blogs sharing advice on ways to wear scarves creatively, but here is a collection of my favorite scarf styles.


5 22





Put the ends of the scarf together so it is folded in half.


Take one of the loose ends of the scarf and pull through the loop you created when you folded the scarf.


Twist the loop to form another.


Feed the other loose end of the scarf through the new loop.


Fluff the part of the scarf that is closest to your neck.

get fashionable










Place a standard loop around your neck.


Loop one of the loose ends through the top.


Adjust the scarf to your liking.


Fold the scarf in half and twist.


Reach through loop and grab the loose end.


Pull the loose end through and adjust.


Tie a knot with the ends of the scarf to make a circle.


Cross the two sides to form an X.


Pull the furthest loop over your head and add volume.

3 23

get quizzed

roses are red, violets are blue...

story and design by laurel oetken

February 14, also known as Valentines Day, is a day that many look forward to as a chance to spark a new romance, patch up a past fling, or tell a crush how they really feel about them. or those who don’t have a sweetie to spend the day with, Valentine’s Day can be the most dreaded day of the year. Find out whether you should spend your Valentine’s Day with your special someone or with your crew. But remember, the result of Valentine’s Day this year is up to you. 1. Have you ever talked to the person? a No... does facebook stalking count? b Yeah, all of the time! c I’m not sure, maybe they did a long time ago. I stopped keeping track.

2. Would you consider the two of you friends? a We go together like winter and a sweater. b Does sitting next to each other in a large group count?

c We have our mutual friends... at least I think that’s what you would consider them.

3. What have you done to catch your cutie’s eye? a The Bend and Snap... works every time. b I’ve caught their gaze and held it for about 10

seconds then quickly looked away, they totally noticed.

c I avoid making any type of contact with them. It’s too much work.

4. How do you lovebirds talk outside of school?

what usually happens?

a I get a “Hey” then they walk away. b It varies by who they are with. all stop and talk to me, it generally c They works out pretty well for me when I see them.

6. How do you really feel about the person? a It’s true love... we are pretty much the Romeo and Juliet of Westside b I really like the person. Emphasis on the “really.” c What is your definition of the word “like?”

7. What is your idea of a of a perfect date? a A date? I haven’t even asked him what his

favorite food is yet... b We’ve already had the perfect date. No one can top it. c I think it would be just going to dinner and a movie, is that the correct answer?

8. If you had to choose anyone to be your Valentine, would you choose the person you have been thinking about while taking this quiz?

a We don’t... does re-tweeting their posts some-

a Yes! For sure!

b We text all of the time!

b Nope... not so sure if I would like that.

c We actually talk in person and we hang out a lot.

c If I answer yes does that mean they will be

times count?


5. When you walk past him/her and their friends,

my Valentine?

contributors adviser: nathan moseley editor-in-chief: lilly phillips writing editor: kate laing visuals editor: tyler schank managing editor: jordan meradith photographers: tyler schank, kate laing, jill hoppe music and graphics editor: eva phillips designers for this issue: kate laing, eva phillips, lilly phillips, jordan meradith, tyler schank, jill hoppe, alycia olson, megan north, laurel oetken, samie steed writers for this issue: jill hoppe, kate laing, cassie mccormick, megan north, laurel oetken, eva phillips, samie steed, alycia olson, jordan meradith, lilly phillips

mostly a’s Your idea of a possible relationship might not be the same thing for the other person. To reassure the possiblites that you two could have, try talking to the person before you ask them to be your Valentine, because chances are they might have someone else in mind.

mostly b’s Reality is, you’re totally starstruck on this person but they probably have no iea that you exist. Make sure that you don’t come off as too much of a stalker because some people find it as a total turn-off or just really weird. Start with casual conversations and then gradually move into maybe asking the person for their number or to hang out. Take things slow and your Valentine’s Day is good to go.

mostly c’s You’re ready for Valentines Day. You and your cutie definitely have a good thing going. Try going somewhere fun (see restaurant reviews on page 16) and maybe more sparks will fly.


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