10th february, 2015

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10th February, 2015 Reflection Teach Me to Listen Teach me to listen, O God, to those nearest me, my family, my friends, my co-workers. Help me to be aware that no matter what words I hear, the message is, ‘Accept the person I am. Listen to me.’ Teach me to listen, my caring God, to those far from me – the whisper of the hopeless, the plea of the forgotten, the cry of the anguished. Teach me to listen, O God my Mother, to myself. Help me to be less afraid to trust the voice inside – in the deepest part of me. Teach me to listen, Holy Spirit, for your voice – in busyness and in boredom, in certainty and doubt, in noise and in silence. Teach me, Lord, to listen. Amen. (Fr John Veltri, S.J)

MindMatters Project—Mental Health Late last year the College was invited to take part in a panel discussion about the redesigned BeyondBlue’s mental health framework MindMatters. The panel came together last week for two days of discussions. I attended the first day of the discussions and shared the panel with Dr Michael Carr Gregg "Managing Director, Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, Dr Katherine Dix Senior Research Officer, Principals Australia Institute, Kristen Douglas National Manager of headspace School Support, Professor Ian Hickie, Executive Director of Brain & Mind Research Institute, Professor of Psychiatry, Tracy Zilm Executive Consultant, Principals Australia Institute and Jono Nicholas – CEO, ReachOut.com. Television host Julia Zemiro chaired the panel. We discussed throughout the day how MindMatters can be used in schools and the importance of having mental health programs in place. Mental health is not about illness but about being in good place mentally. It involves the ability to bounce back, deal with challenges that we all face in our day-to-day lives and be resilient. The framework is about young people; their health and wellbeing. It helps schools to support young people to achieve their goals, build relationships and cope with challenges. It aims to promote mental health, prevent problems and enable early intervention. The core components of the program centre on creating a positive school community, developing resilience skills in our students, providing support to parents and families and supporting students experiencing mental health difficulties.

MindMatters provides useful resources and links on their website http://www.mindmatters.edu.au for young people, families, teachers and schools. Listed below are sites also available on the College intranet when you log onto your PAM account. http://www.beyondblue.org.au/ http://www.headspace.org.au/ http://au.reachout.com/ http://oyh.org.au/ More information will come out throughout the year about the many programs and support we provide here at CRC. In the meantime have a look at some of the sites. PE Uniform Students have been informed that the wearing of PE uniform to school is only permitted when they have PE, Drama or Dance classes or are representing the College at SACCSS and Premier League. After having further discussions with the Sports Coordinator Ms Emma Brown and the Principal Mr Sheehan students who are trying out or training for sporting teams will be permitted to wear their PE uniform to school. Lack of change room facilities makes it difficult, as students have to change in the toilets, this is not ideal. Some students in the past have taken advantage of the situation of wearing their PE uniform yet not trying out, turning up for training or claiming an injury. If students abuse this privilege they will receive points for wearing the incorrect uniform. We ask for you cooperation in checking with your son or daughter if they are intending to wear their PE uniform to school. Parents and Friends Our first meeting for 2015 is on Wednesday February 25th starting at 7.30pm. All welcome, especially parents new to the school.



With summer finally arriving with the warmer weather it is important for all members of our community to be sunsmart. On the warmer days students are encouraged to drink plenty of water and find appropriate shade to get out of the heat of the sun. Additional shaded areas are currently under construction between R and J Block and adjacent to the soccer field to provide more comfortable areas for students from the heat. We have also earmarked other areas around the school for further shade structures. Sunscreen is also readily available to students at the main office and from Year Level Coordinators. With the swimming sports on Thursday week it is most important students come well prepared to avoid being sunburnt. Sunscreen will be available on the day and students will be reminded throughout the day to be sun smart.

With the introduction of CareMonkey this year, students will not receive a paper copy of their medical details to return to the College. This information is now part of the students profile in CareMonkey.

Rob Blackley Deputy Principal – Student Welfare Buses We continue to monitor students travelling on Bacchus Marsh Coaches. Drivers are adjusting their pick-up and drop off spots to ensure maximum safety and bus capacity for students. All students travelling on the 3 Bacchus Marsh Coaches that leave the College at approximately 3.40pm have now been issued with a coloured card by the bus driver to ensure they have a seat. Please let the Bus company and the College know if you have concerns.

Uniform Shop Volunteers are needed for the Uniform Shop on Wednesdays 1.00pm - 2.00pm and 6.30pm - 7.30pm. Please complete the volunteer slip on page 5 and return it as soon as possible. Winter Uniform Fitting Day To ensure you have a winter uniform for the beginning of Term 2 you MUST order by 18th February. This includes long sleeve shirts, trousers and ties for boys and blouses, kilts and ties for the girls. Wednesday 18th Winter Fitting 12.00pm - 2.00pm 6.00 - 8.00pm 2015 Year 9 Gadal Camp REMINDER NOTICE The Year 9 Gadal camp will take place in week 3 of this term. It will be held at YMCA, Lake Dewer, Myrniong. This camp involves an overnight stay and two days of activities. The camps will start on Monday the 16th of February and finish on Wednesday 18th of February. Your child will attend the camp on the following dates with their Rite Journey group:

Information Evenings Monday Feb 16th to Tuesday Feb 17th: This week we have our Year 9 & 10 Information presentations on Tuesday evening (7pm) and Year 11 & 12 (VCE and VCAL) Information presentations on Thursday. I look forward to meeting parents / guardians over both these evenings. Copies of all our presentations will be uploaded to our Website as soon as possible.


Tuesday Feb 17th to Wednesday Feb 18th: GIRLS Please note: Monday Feb 16th will be a normal school day for GIRLS and Wednesday Feb 18th will be a normal school day for BOYS. On Tuesday 17th there will be no Year 9 students at the College.

Year 9 – 12 Subject Changes All Year 9 – 12 subject changes will be finalised by the end of this week. Changes for Semester Two electives will be available closer to the start of Term 3.

All parental consent forms need to be finalised on CareMonkey and monies in a clearly marked envelope returned by Thursday 12th February. Please be aware that:

John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)


Community Service Program 2015

The Performing Arts Showcase

As in past years, a broad Community Service is expected of our senior students, Years 11&12. Students are encouraged to seek out opportunities to provide service to the local and wider community by being engaged in selfless Christian acts of service. Over these two senior years students will be expected to commit to acts of service for 20 hours. The activities will be recorded in a Community Service Logbook, with appropriate evidence of it being undertaken. Students who meet this expectation are awarded a Certificate of Community Service, which can be used in their resume. Students are encouraged to seek out opportunities for service in their immediate community. Our Parish Priests are aware of our program and may contact students from time to time via the parish newsletter, or through our College newsletter. Examples of service activities could include: gardening for elderly parishioners, performing at an elderly person’s home, giving blood (age restrictions), tutoring, organising fundraising, assisting at the College after school or on student-free days, cooking/baking for a morning tea for visiting groups, assisting at a local kindergarten’s fundraising barbecue or a working bee or even spending an evening on a ‘soup van’. (Year 12s received their logbooks last year, the Year 11s will receive theirs shortly.)

The Performing Arts Showcase is to be staged at 7pm on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March, in the long awaited and much anticipated Performing Arts Centre. Doors will open at 6.15pm for the College’s first major performance works for 2015, with pre-show drinks and hors d’oeuvres prepared and served in the theatre foyer by the Year 10 Hospitality class. The Performing Arts Showcase will be comprised of a variety of different performance works including:  10 ways to survive the Zombie Apocalypse, which will explore the survival mechanisms required to survive a major zombie attack.  The production of Coping will explore a large scale world disaster as a metaphor for the tragedies that we will encounter throughout our lives.  The Roaring 20s will wow audiences with dance works that have been inspired by movies such as The Great Gatsby, Cabaret and Chicago. The costumes will be dazzling, matching choreography that will be both uplifting and inspiring. Tickets are $10 each and are available from Samantha Frazzetto in the College office, phone 9743 6522. Catholic Regional College, Melton Performing Arts Staff

Shaun Coates RE/Faith Development Coordinator Notice to Year 11 and 12 Parents/Guardians


On Thursday the 12th of February, a Parent Information night will be held at the College for parents of students undertaking Year 11 and 12 VCE/VCAL. The information night will provide parents with information relating to the policies and regulations, which determine the successful completion of VCE / VCAL. Important events for the year and pathways information will also be outlined.

CRC Melton Performing Arts Showcase ticket order form

The timetable for the evening is as follows: Year 11 and 12 VCAL: 7:00pm in J155 Year 11 VCE: 7:00pm in Library Year 12 VCE: 7:00pm in J150

Contact Number: _____________________________

The information evening has been a valuable experience in the past and we are hoping to see all parents on this evening. Students are not required to attend. Letters containing information about the night were handed out to students last week. Please RSVP via email or phone. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the relevant coordinator for your child’s year level. Alistair Bloom & Dean Henneman Year 11 & 12 Coordinators

Name: _______________________________________ Student’s name: _______________________________ Homeroom: ____________

Number of tickets (tickets $10 each) Thursday 19th March, 2015 Friday 20th March, 2015 Total cost: $ ___________________ Money must be enclosed in order to receive tickets.

Swimming Carnival The 2015 Catholic Regional College Melton Swimming Carnival is to be held at Melton Waves Leisure Centre on Thursday 19th February. The following information provides a summary of the day and the requirements for attendance. Please note that it is a calendared event and therefore full attendance is expected. We have endeavoured to include a range of alternative activities to cater for students who are not confident in their swimming ability and hope that this will enable all students to focus on the development of a positive and encouraging school community.

Immediate family are welcome to attend the carnival and must sign in at the gate. Due to the increased student enrolment numbers, space will be limited so please be aware that shaded areas will be provided to students as a priority. Parent assistance has been welcomed in the past and will be allocated on an as needed basis on the day. Your support for the event is greatly appreciated. If you have any further questions please contact me at the College. Emma Brown Sport Coordinator ebrown@crcmelton.com.au

Time: 8.30am Roll call at Melton Waves. 3.00pm dismissal from Melton Waves. Transport: Normal Melton bus services will operate. Bacchus Marsh students can stay aboard buses until the milk bar stop opposite the pool. CRC Staff will supervise this stop. Three alternate routes will be provided to cover most of the normal stops. Country routes can still be accessed from Melton Secondary College if needed. Contact Bacchus Marsh Coaches for further details. Uniform: Students are to wear full PE uniform with the option of a house coloured top. The top must cover the shoulders and midriff and also have no provocative printing. Items to Bring: Sunscreen (will also be available in different locations on the day), hat, drink bottle. Food: A sausage sizzle will be conducted to raise money for College charities. None of the internal café facilities will be accessible to students and therefore any other food items should be brought along. Awards & Recognition: Students will compete for records in all traditional 50m races. All events will accrue points for their house. Individual medals will be awarded by house captains to one male and one female student from each year level, deemed to have demonstrated the most house spirit. Criteria:    

Participation in events Participation outside of the pool Sportsmanship and encouragement teammates and other competitors. Support for the College ethos and values


Air Force Cadet Scheme The local unit of the Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) in Sunshine now has vacancies for young men and women aged between 13-18 who are interested in a career in aviation or the military. The unit meets every Wednesday night during school terms at the army depot on 101 Duke St, Sunshine. There will be an information evening at the premises for interested teenagers and their families to attend on Wednesday 25th February at 7pm sharp. Find us on Facebook for further details - 405sqn AAFC recruiting. Please direct any inquiries to Cadet Warrant Officer Olivia Frankiewicz on Mobile: 0447 044 734 or email: admino.405sqn@aafc.org.au

Canteen Reply Slip Please fill in the volunteer slip below and return it as soon as possible.


Phone Number:__________________

Child’s Name: ___________________________Homeroom:___________________ Frequency: Weekly




Day Available: Monday





...................................................................................... Uniform Reply Slip

Assistance would be appreciated in our Uniform Shop. If you can help out please fill in and return the form below.

Parent Name:__________________________

Phone Number:__________________

Child’s Name: ___________________________


Wednesday lunchtime

1.00pm - 2.00pm

Wednesday evening

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Available between 4 -6 pm for summer and winter fitting days ............................................................................................


Calendar 2015 2015 Term 1 Term 1 February February 10th GADAL Information Evening 7.00pm Year 10 & VINCIT Information Evening 7.00pm 11th Year 12 Chemistry Excursion 12th Year 12 2014 Awards ceremony VCE/VCAL Information Evening 7.00pm 13th Senior Cricket Round 1 16th VCAL Excursion GADAL Calling camp - Boys 17th GADAL Calling camp - All students 18th Ash Wednesday GADAL Calling camp - Girls 19th College Swim Carnival VCE Dance Excursion 20th Year 11 & 12 Studio Arts Excursion 23rd SACCSS Golf Year 7 & 8 camps 24th Year 7 & 8 camps 25th Year 7 & 8 camps P & F Meeting - 7.30pm 26th Year 7 & 8 camps Senior Cricket Round 2 27th Year 7 & 8 camps

Homework Club Homework Club will start next week Wednesday, 11th February from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the Library and finish 18th March

Wednesday 11th 6.30pm - 7.30pm Wednesday 18th Winter Fitting 12.00pm - 2.00pm Judy Johnson

Debbie Taylor

Karen Vella

6.00 - 8.00pm Andrea Salmon

Fiona Conway

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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