10th june, 2014

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10th June, 2014 Reflection Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. Come, Holy Spirit, inspire us and strengthen us in your love, that our work will be blessed with wisdom, creativity and compassion. Father of Light, From whom every good gift comes, send your Spirit into our lives with the power of a mighty wind, and by the flame of your wisdom open the horizons of our minds.

Pentecost Reflection

VCE General Achievement Test (GAT)

At times we can all feel anxious about the future. As we see news reports of wars and crimes we can worry that our world is going from bad to worse. We can fear for our children’s children. Such anxieties, while understandable, neglect one very important fact. That God’s Spirit is alive and active among us creating and re-creating our universe. As Sunday’s responsorial psalm exclaims: ‘How many are your works, O Lord! The earth is full of your riches’.

All VCE Year 12 students and any VCE Year 11 student undertaking a Unit 3/4 subject are required to sit the GAT this Wednesday, June 11 from 10.00am to 1.15pm. Students must wear full school uniform and need to be at school at least 30 minutes before the start. Students will gather in T Block for roll marking.

This psalm invites us to reflect on God’s powerful involvement in our world. Without God’s Spirit there would be no life at all. Yet all around us we see rich and vibrant life - in plants, animals and humans - all testimony to God’s creative, life-giving presence. God’s Spirit not only creates. It also renews. The Spirit of God can bring new life into situations where once there was only death and destruction. On the feast of Pentecost we are invited to see the many signs of God’s Spirit among us and give thanks. The greatest sign and expression of God’s Spirit is love. When we experience love, and witness love, and give love, we know that God is among us. Filled with God’s Spirit we can play our role in creating a better world. The expressions of evil that we encounter should not dishearten us but spur us on to pray with confidence, “Lord, send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth”. Fr. Michael Goonan SSP

Exams Our Year 11, 10 and 9 students have begun Semester 1 exams in a positive and serious manner. Students need to continue to prepare for their upcoming exams at home. Revision guides have been given to assist students. Year 10 & 11 students have access to supervised Exam study rooms if at school between exam sessions. Year 9 students will continue to attend normal classes except when sitting Core exams. Semester 2 Elective Changes –Year 10 Year 10 students will have access to Semester 2 changes over the next 2 weeks. All Year 10 students have been given a copy of their Semester 2 electives as currently listed. They will have one more week of their Semester One electives before attending Work Experience during which time exam feedback and review will take place. Year 9 students will be given their current Semester 2 electives this week. Year 9 students may enquire about possible changes during the last 2 weeks of this term. If parents have any questions about the process, please contact me at the College. Semester 2 Electives for both Year 9 and 10 classes will begin at the start of Term 3. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)


Year 9 Indigenous Presentation

On Sunday the 1st of June, our dance competition troupe, DCT, competed in the State Semifinal that they had previously qualified for. The entire troupe had an amazing time and was grateful for the chance to perform once again, in the hope of making it to the Nationals, which is held annually in Queensland. The troupe proudly represented the College and the dancing itself also improved from the last comp. Overall the competition was a success for the troupe. Miss Feben, had only praise for these young girls. "The girls performed amazingly at the State Finals. I was very proud of them, especially as we made major changes to the routine only a week before the competition. I was also very impressed with how professional and mature all the girls were on the day."

On Friday the 30th of May 2014, Year 9 students were able to participate in an Aboriginal presentation by two Indigenous people from ‘Let’s Bridge the Gap’. Throughout the performance we were able to learn more about the Indigenous culture. By watching this presentation we were taught things like song and dance, different tribal rituals, tools used for hunting and punishments for not respecting the elders. During the performance people from the Year 9 cohort participated by joining them on stage to dance both the kangaroo dance for boys and emu dance for girls. We were able to learn how traditional Indigenous Australians lived before colonisation and how their lifestyle changed once British settlement begun. We also learnt how the Aboriginals have had to adjust to our lifestyle.

Tempest Ardley

By Charli Walker and Jemma Armer 9A

Italian Exchange Students The College has 7 Italian students from our sister school Convitto Nazionale P.Diacone in Cividale arriving 11th July at 1.05am and departing 11th August at 9.25pm. The College is seeking interest from families to host these students. Preference will go to families of students studying Italian. Other families are welcome to submit their interest by emailling Jessica Conte at the College: jconte@crcmelton.com.au Student News On the 3rd of June, Brianna Gibson of 7M (who has a heart condition) was presented with a defibrillator by Mr Sheehan. Over the past term fundraising efforts have been held for this purchase. Brianna's homeroom 7M held an Easter Raffle with all monies going towards the defibrillator. Staff raffles were also held with donated goods as prizes. The Melton branch of the Knights of the Southern Cross made a substantial donation and the target was reached for it's purchase. We would like to acknowledge Steve Riley from Emergency 1st Aid Bacchus Marsh for his ongoing support and contribution in obtaining the defibrillator. Brianna and her family are very grateful for the efforts made by all at CRC.


Calendar 2014


Term 2

Term 2




12th 13th 17th 18th 19th

Year 7 & 8 Timed Assessments Year 9 - 11 Exams Year 7 Premier League Round 6 VCAA GAT Year 7 & 8 Timed Assessments Year 9 - 11 Exams Year 12 Studio Arts Excursion Year 7 & 8 Timed Assessments Year 9 - 11 Exams VCAA Semester 1 end Senior Girls Soccer Round 1 Year 7 Premier League Semi Final Year 11 Legal Studies Excursion Senior Netball Round 5 Italian Poetry Competition

Wednesday 11th G. Thiele J. Portelli

1.00pm - 2.00pm M. Mullan

Wednesday 18th N. Woods

K. Vella

6.30pm - 7.30pm E. Moss

Wednesday 25th A. Hindell J. Davine

1.00pm - 2.00pm N. McLeod

L. Vella

Canteen 2014 Term 2 June Wednesday 11th Karen Normoyle Friday 13th Tess Galea Monday 16th

Katherine Hayward Maryanne Farrugia Tuesday 17th Diane Cadman Wednesday 18th Suzanne Smith Friday 20th Robyn Dodd Tuesday 24th Fiona Craig Wednesday 25th Michelle Keenan Heather Harrison Friday 27th Rosa Mirabelli Term 3 July Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Friday 18th

Maryanne Farrugia Karen Normoyle Heather Harrison Tess Galea

Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 30th April, 2014 until 18th June, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

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