11th august, 2015

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11th August, 2015 Reflection Feast of the Assumption (August 15) And Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; Almighty Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have revealed the beauty of your power by exalting the lowly virgin of Nazareth and making her the mother of our Saviour. May the prayers of this woman clothed with the sun bring Jesus to the waiting world and fill the void of incompletion with the presence of her child. Amen

Community ICE Forum

St Bernard’s Primary School 125th Anniversary

As Rob Blackley has acknowledged in his column it was pleasing to see a large gathering of parents, students, staff and the community last Thursday night in the PAC. Among the audience was Cr Myles Bentley, a Councillor for the City of Melton, and former CRC Melton student! Well done again to the organisers of the event Stephanie Zacharias, Senior Sergeant Mark Guthrie and Rob Blackley.

Last Friday I attended Mass and special celebrations for the St Bernard’s school community at Bacchus Marsh. It was a grand occasion with Fr Brian Glasheen being assisted at Mass by Bishop Vincent Long, the Regional Bishop of the West. After Communion, Fr Brian conducted his own ‘Vox Pop’ with the audience by quizzing former students of St Bernard’s about their age and what year they were in Grade 6 at the school. I think the oldest former student present was 82 and in Grade 6 in 1948! There was a great sense of pride in the gathering so well done to Fr Brian, Emilio, staff, students, parents and the ever present Josephite Sisters.

Mark Sheehan Principal Staff Service Day A reminder that our annual Staff Service Day takes place on Friday, August 21. No student classes will run this day as staff members distribute themselves throughout our community assisting schools, churches, social service organisations and families in need of assistance. A group of staff are also supporting Daffodil Day this year.

Parents & Friends The next meeting of the Parents & Friends will be held on Wednesday 26th August at 7.30pm.

ICE Forum

Winter Sleep Out

Last Thursday evening over 200 people attended the ICE forum held here at the College. Year 12 student Stephanie Zacharias introduced the evening with her thoughts and messages, it was her idea that the College needed to be proactive in educating our community about the use and damage ICE is having. Without the support of Senior Sergeant Mark Guthrie the evening would not have been possible. It was through him we were able to assemble a most informative and knowledgeable panel.

I had the opportunity to sleep rough with a group of students across Years 7-12 and staff members Ms Rowe-Watts, Mrs Monica Bloetz, Ms Clare Hume and Mrs Sandra Grass in the Hall last Friday evening to highlight the issue of homelessness in the community. The hardness of the gym floor and coldness of the night didn’t deter the students. We had the opportunity to listen to representatives from McCauley Community Services for Women who spoke of the link between domestic violence and homelessness. The students look like raising over $3,000.00 for the cause; they are to be congratulated for such a fantastic effort.

The audience heard from mother and daughter Mrs Tracey Clarke and Ms Ebony Clarke, Ambulance officer Trish Smith, Sergeant Andrew Tscockallos, Dr Alistair Stark and Psychologist Lauren Carter. Each provided an insight into their experience of dealing with ICE and importantly advice. We also had representatives from Westcare Medical Centre, Djerriwarrh Health Services, Wyndham Private Clinic and City of Melton Youth Services present to provide information. One of the most important messages to come out of the evening was the importance of making good decisions. As schools and parents we can help our children and students to make good decisions by informing them. Dr Stark also reminded the audience that the most destructive and harmful drug, particularly for young people, is alcohol. He asked the question what do we do as adults and parents to model good behaviour and educate young people regarding alcohol use. To provide ongoing support we are working closely with Drug Health Service – Adolescent Community Programs to provide education, drug and alcohol counselling, assessment and referrals within our community. More information to come. A list of services and advice lines regarding ICE and other drug use is attached with this newsletter.

MindMatters Parent Survey MindMatters is a mental health initiative for secondary schools that aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people. It recognises the important role that parents and carers play in the lives of their children and encourages effective working relationships between school staff, parents and carers and students as well as the broader community. Students have recently completed the MindMatters survey providing us with valuable feedback. Below is a link to a parent survey that asks for your views about CRC and its capacity to support student mental health and wellbeing. Completing this anonymous survey is entirely your choice and you can choose not to answer some or all of the items. It will be greatly appreciated if as many parents as possible complete the survey as it will help inform us of the direction we take. http://www.mindmatters.edu.au/surveys/survey-start?id=parentfamily-survey---650-23f309e10b304b06ad09

Rob Blackley Deputy Principal (Students)

2016 Subject Selections

Performing Arts Gala - Around the World

Year 11 and Year 10 students have now submitted their Initial Subject Selections. We will now look at blocking these selections and allocating students to classes where possible. By early Term 4, students will be given an initial 2016 Subject Allocation based on their preferences and reserves.

Tickets for the Friday evening performance of this year’s Performing Arts Gala, to be staged on 4th September, are selling swiftly with only 10 tickets remaining. There are still some tickets available for the performance on Thursday 3rd September. Tickets for the Performing Arts Gala are $10 each and are available from the College office. Please note, that the seating for this year’s performance shall be allocated; as such, patrons are advised to book early to ensure that they are able to secure consecutive seating for all of their guests. When booking your tickets, please advise booking staff of any disabled access requirements.

Year 9 students’ subject selections for their 2016 Year 10 subjects are due Thursday, August 20. A reminder that the Year 10 2016 Subject Handbook is available through the College Website (under Teaching & Learning Tab / Year 10 Tab). Year 8 families are asked to note that they will have their 2016 Year 9 (GADAL) Information Evening on Tuesday, August 25. This year, we are also running a 2016 Subject Information afternoon for our Year 9 – 11 EAL student parents next Tuesday, August 18 from 5 to 6pm. All families will have been contacted and invited and we look forward to seeing many families at this session. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Re-enrolment 2016 During Term 3 a formal re-enrolment process will take place. This process enables the College to comply with a CEO requirement regarding enrolment data which is due in Term 4. The actual enrolment prediction for the 2016 school year will influence the recurrent funding for the College. To ensure you do not jeopardise your child’s re-enrolment we would appreciate all fee payments being brought up to date.

Clare O’Sullivan On behalf of the Gala Team cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au ……………………………………………………………………………………… CRC Melton Performing Arts Gala ticket order form

Name: _______________________________________

Student’s name: ____________________________

Homeroom: ______________

Contact Number: _____________________________

Number of tickets (each ticket is $10) College Phone Number For your information the College has an additional phone number : 8099 6000.

Thursday 3rd September, 2015 _________

Free Asthma Education session

Friday 4th September, 2015 ____________

Did you know the school currently manages over 90 students with symptoms of asthma? You are invited to attend a FREE asthma education session at CRC Melton facilitated by the Asthma Foundation of Victoria. Topics covered will be: · What is asthma? · How to recognise asthma symptoms · Asthma medications and how to take them · What to do in an asthma emergency · Asthma Action Plans Please contact the school by Monday, August 17 to register your interest in attending.

Total cost: $ __________________

(Money must be enclosed in order to receive tickets.)





Term 3

Term 3



12th Year 10 Geography Camp Year 9 Humanities Excursion Year 8 Book week talk VINCIT 2016 Interviews 18th Year 9 Premier League Round 5 19th Senior Boys & Girls Soccer Round 3 20th SACCSS Chess 21st Staff Service Day - No classes 25th Year 9 Premier League Round 6 Year 9 2016 Information Evening 26th Year 8 Reflection Days Parents & Friends Meeting 27th Year 8 Reflection Days Senior Soccer Grand Final VINCIT & VCAL Excursion 28th VCE Dance Outcome 31st Languages Week SACCSS Athletics Division 2

Wednesday 12th

September 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Languages Week Languages Week Year 9 MASP Excursion Year 7 Language Week Languages Week Performing Arts Gala Languages Week Performing Arts Gala Food Van visit

1.00pm - 2.00pm

T. Davine Wednesday 19th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

S. Jakeman Summer Fittings Wednesday 26th 12.00pm - 2.00pm D. Taylor

J. Johnson

L. Vella

A. Salmon

N. Woods

M. Mullan

R. Mc Donald

L. Eagle

M. Salvatore

5.00pm - 8.00pm F. Conway Thursday 27th 12.00pm - 2.00pm Karen Vella 5.00pm - 8.00pm G. Thiele September Wednesday 2nd

1.00pm - 2.00pm

T Davine Wednesday 9th L. Eagle

6.30pm - 7.30pm S. Jakeman

Wednesday 16th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

K. Vella

Homework Club Homework Club will be held in the Library each Wednesday between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

THE FACTS ABOUT ICE What is it? Ice, also known as ‘crystal meth’, is a crystalline form of the drug methamphetamine. Other names include meth, shabu, tina and glass. Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug that comes in three main forms: 1.






The difference between ice, base and speed is that ice is the most pure form, followed by base, then speed. Even though the crystalline appearance of ice makes it look pure, ice can still be ‘cut’ with other chemicals. The high purity of ice can mean that the side-effects are worse than for speed and base, such as more agitation, worse comedowns, and higher likelihood of addiction.

Fast Facts 

Smoking ice is more addictive than most other forms of drug use.

Among meth/amphetamine users, the use of ice (also known as crystal) more than doubled, from 22% to 50% between 2010-2013.

Ice can cause paranoia and hallucinations. This is called methamphetamine psychosis.

Ice is notoriously associated with violence. It increases the ‘fight or flight’ reaction which can make people respond more aggressively to situations where they feel threatened.

What are the effects? Drugs can appear initially to have positive effects – on your mood, energy and confidence. However, they can also have negative impacts on your mental and physical health, your relationships, and your life in general. When ice is used, the receptors in the brain are flooded with monoamines, producing an adrenaline like effect, which makes the heart beat faster and pupils dilate. It can take 1-2 days for the drug to completely leave the body. As more is taken, these receptors can be destroyed – and prolonged ice use can lead to a point when the user no longer feels normal without using ice. Users often experience a comedown phase or crash, when the drug starts to wear off. These feelings can last a few days and symptoms can include: 

Feeling down or depressed.




Increased need for sleep.

Decreased appetite.

What are the signs and symptoms? 

Dilated (enlarged) pupils.


Restlessness and agitation.

Aggressiveness, paranoia and psychosis.

Anxiety and panic attacks.

Increased heart rate (tachycardia) and faster breathing.

Jaw clenching and teeth grinding.

Dry mouth.

Sweaty/clammy skin.

Psychotic episodes can include tactile hallucinations where the person feels like they have bugs under their skin. Ice puts a lot of stress on the body. Ice stops people feeling hungry or thirsty and it stops them from being able to sleep.

What are the risks? Methamphetamine use increases your risk of: 

Dehydration, malnutrition, exhaustion.


Heart problems.

Kidney problems, including kidney failure.

Lung problems.

Dental issues such as increased sensitivity, cracked teeth, cavities and gum disease.

If injected, methamphetamine use is associated with vein problems, abscesses and bacterial infections.

Unprotected sex, which may result in a sexually transmitted infection or an unintended pregnancy.

Other problems can include: 

Social issues, such as family and relationship trouble; losing friends, jobs, doing badly at school or study and homelessness.

Financial issues if the user becomes dependent.

The risk of getting into trouble with the law for dealing or committing other illegal acts to support their drug use.

USEFUL NUMBERS Australian Drug Foundation http://www.druginfo.adf.org.au/attachments/363_Ice_fact_sheet080814.pdf ACSO Mental Health and Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services 1300 022 760 (1300 0ACSO0) Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm 1800 Ice Advice http://ice.vic.gov.au/1800-ice-advice-line-launched/ 1800 423 238 Youth Drugs and Alcohol Advice http://yodaa.org.au Crime Stoppers

Tel: 1800 333 000

DAS West Youth Outreach Team & Family Support Service for young people with substance use issues. 8345 6682 Djerriwarrh Health Services - Melton Community Health Ph: 8746 1100 http://djhs.com.au/specialist-allied-community-health/alcohol-and-other-drug-services-moorabool.html Drug Info Tel: 1300 858 584 www.druginfor.adf.org.au Stepping Out http://www.stepping-up.org.au/alcohol-treatment.htm 24/7 counselling, information and treatment referral. Tel: 1800 888 236 Lifeline 13 11 14 24hr -7days a week Crisis Support, suicide prevention Westcare Medical Centre Address: 211 Barries Rd, Melton West VIC 3337 Phone:(03) 9747 5800 Wyndham Clinic Private Hospital In-patient 28 Day Drug and Alcohol Detox and Rehabilitation Treatment Service 03 9731 6646 http://wyndhamclinic.com.au/drug-alcohol-treatment-programs Youth Referral and Independent Persons Program Tel: 9340 3777 http://www.yacvic.org.au/about-us YSAS (Youth Support Services) Youth health agency 1 800 458 685 www.ysas.org.au

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