11th june, 2013

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11th June, 2013 Reflection Teresa of Avila reminds us that we are called to be Christ for others: Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours, yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately on this world. Just as Christ is an example for us, we are called to be Christ for others. As Christians we are called to help others realise a closer relationship with God and to recognise God at work in their lives.

Exams & Reports I spoke last week about the importance of our Mid-Year exam program. I would like to congratulate our Year 9 to Year 11 students on the serious attitude with which they have approached this time. The behaviour of the students in the exam centres has been exemplary and many staff have commented on the solid preparation most of our students have completed in the lead up to the exams. One disappointing aspect of the exams has been the small number of students who have been absent for many or all exams without medical reasons. These students will be disadvantaged going into next semester not only by not having the experience of sitting the exam but also not having the valuable feedback on their learning that the exam review sessions provide. We have attempted to arrange alternative times for students to sit exams, where possible, but in some cases this cannot be done. Families need to be aware that students who have missed exams without medical or other appropriate reasons will be given a grade of 0% on that section of their report.

I ask parents, particularly of Year 9 – Year 11 students, to be aware of the College’s exam periods both mid and end of year. Mid-Year exams are listed on our College Calendar at the start of year and normally take place on the weeks either side of the Queen’s Birthday holiday. This coincides with the VCE end of Semester and ensures that there is adequate time for exam corrections and report writing to be completed. Year 9 – 11 end of year exams normally take place in the last 3 weeks of November and are again listed on the College Calendar at the beginning of the year. Finally, a reminder that this Friday is our College Report Writing day and no classes will operate. VCE students will begin Unit 2 studies next week, whilst Year 7 – 10 students will continue with their electives or rotations for the remainder of the term. More details on Term 3 subjects will be sent home over the next weeks. John Christie Acting Principal

Library Developments

Chill Skills

New Learning Spaces

A 7 week session program for supporting students to build skills in managing anxiety

In keeping with evolving teaching and learning practices, over the Term break the Library will undergo a refurbishment. This will involve adding new furniture, a reorganisation of learning space, the establishment of a Print Room, and the introduction of new Windows tablets.

To facilitate the management and security of these tablets, students will be required to present their student ID card (issued in the first week of June) to access the tablets. Unfortunately, without the ID card students will be unable to access the tablets, so it is imperative that students have their ID cards with them at all times.

In the Print room, students will have access to Print Stations which will allow them to log on and print from computers in that room, including the use of their USB devices. Students wishing to photocopy will swipe their ID card at the photocopier to access the various features of the photocopier.

We believe these changes will improve the learning opportunities for students, provide a more suitable learning environment, and encourage the adoption of varied and innovative teaching and learning experiences.

Clickview 

Clickview is the digital video program provided for the College. Clickview has recently been made available online which provides us with the opportunity to allow student access to the Clickview Library. The Clickview Library currently comprises over 1300 commercial video titles, and an ever-growing collection of titles being added on a daily basis by teachers. There are a number of ways in which students will be able to access the Clickview Library both at the College and at home. Over the next few editions of this Newsletter we will provide instructions to allow student access to the video collection. This includes a method which does not require constant internet access for those students for whom this is a problem.

With the rapid growth of the College and progression to VCE it has become evident that an increasing number of our students are struggling with home/school/work/ relationship pressures which can lead to anxiety, depression and disconnection. According to data from ‘Headspace’ anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problems experienced by young people aged 12-25 years. In an effort to address this issue the College is working on a program created by Headspace known as Chill Skills which will be targeting Year 10 students but may also include students from Year 11 and Year 12. The program will be offered Thursday afternoons from 3.30-4.30pm commencing on the 18th July. The aim of the program is to reduce symptoms of anxiety by increasing resilience, coping abilities and help seeking skills. As with any mental health issue, getting help is one of the most important ways to minimise the impact of the problem in a young person’s life over the long term. Common symptoms of anxiety are: - persistent worrying and excessive fears - avoiding challenging situations - being unable to relax - excessive shyness Follow on effects can include: - poor concentration - poor self esteem - sleep problems - social isolation - eating problems - avoidant behaviour If your child is in Years 10-12 and you feel that this program may be of benefit please send me an email. nthurn@crcmelton.catholic.edu.au Nerida Thurn Student Wellbeing Counsellor St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church The official opening of the new St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Bulmans Road, West Melton will be held on Saturday 3rd August at 6.00pm Mass. All welcome.

Year 9 Dance Performances

Carlton & United Brewery Excursion Summary

On the 5th of June, 19 Year 9 Dance students performed to an audience of 100 students for one of their assessment tasks.

On Friday the 31st May, Year 12 Business Management students, studying Operations Management attended an excursion to Carlton and United Breweries in Abbotsford.

The students were put into groups and had to choreograph their own dance routines with specific dance elements and criteria. The students spent most of Term 2 choreographing these dances and spent many lunchtimes perfecting their routines.

We went on a walking tour of their 24 acre property located on prime land beside the Yarra River. It was a very interesting excursion as we saw first hand the process of making beer. Many would believe it is an easy process, as we only see the finished product, however it is a complex and thought through production that combines the use of technology, such as robotics, and quality control measures. We also saw how Carlton and United Breweries manage each stage of production.

The students did exceptionally well and entertained the audience members. Congratulations girls performing so well. Ashlee Hughes Dance teacher





It was a beneficial experience for the Year 12 students as we could see theory learnt in class being put into practice. Overall it was a worthwhile excursion that will hopefully assist us for our end of year exam. Thank you to Mrs. Dunne and Mrs. Harrington for this opportunity. Lauren Caldow Year 12 Business Management student

Work Experience Thank You We are very lucky to have such great support for our work experience program. Some companies have been with us for over ten years and as a thank you we want to make parents aware of some of the companies over the next weeks. Melton Automotive Chris Ing 10 Holland Drive Melton 9743 5147

Peter Pan Congratulations to Connor McMillan from 9 M for the winning design for this year’s production poster. The College production of Peter Pan will be performed on Thursday 25th July, Friday 26th July & Saturday 27th July at 7.30pm and conclude at approximately 9.30pm. Peter Pan will be performed at The Crate Theatre, Catholic Regional College, Sydenham. Entry is via the Pecks Road car park. Tickets for Peter Pan are $15.00 each and are available from the College office. Clare O’Sullivan on behalf of the Production Team Performance Coordinator

CRC Melton Production ‘Peter Pan’ ticket order form Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Student’s name: ______________________________________ Homeroom: ______________ Contact Number: ______________________________________________________________ Number of tickets (each ticket is $15) Thursday 25th July, 2013 Friday 26th July, 2013 Saturday 27th July, 2013 Total cost: $ ___________________Money must be enclosed in order to receive tickets.


Calendar 2013 2013 Term 2 Term 2 June June 12th Year 9, 10 & 11 Examinations VCE GAT 13th Year 9, 10 & 11 Examinations 14th Report Writing Day - No classes End of VCE Semester 1 18th Year 10 Italian Immersion Day 19th Year 9 Outdoor Education camp 20th Year 9 Outdoor Education camp Senior Futsal 21st Year 9 Outdoor Education camp Year 11 Excursion ACU 24th Year 10 City Experience 25th Year 10 City Experience Year 12 Biology Experience 26th Year 10 City Experience Year 9 A, D & O Sovereign Hill Excursion Year 9 B, C & M Retreat Senior AFL/Netball Grand Final 27th Year 10 City Experience SACCSS Senior Soccer Round 1 Year 11/12 Studio Arts Excursion Year 9 A, D & O Retreat Year 9 B, C & M Sovereign Hill Excursion Year 12 Biology Excursion Year 12 Drama Short Solos 28th Year 10 City Experience Term 2 ends

Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 9th May until Wednesday 19th June

Mass Times St. Dominic’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Wednesday 12th 1.00pm - 2.00pm C. Crotty

S. Theuma

Wednesday 19th 6.30pm - 7.30pm C. Bettess

S. Kovacic

C. Schembri

Wednesday 26th 1.00pm - 2.00pm J. Johnson

L. Vella

Canteen 2013 Term 2 June Wednesday 12th

Suzanne Smith

Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Wednesday 19th Friday 21st

Debbi Taylor Libby Harrison Maria Zaharogiannis Ana Levett

Monday 24th Tuesday 25th Friday 28th

Julie Harkin Heather Breich Cynthia Amor

Term 3 July Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th

Debbi Taylor Johanna Blain Karen Normoyle Suzanne Smith Lisa Trethowan

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